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Deadline Dates

Oct. 1

American Council for Learned Societies: Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellowships for Recently Tenured Scholars

Bunting (Mary Ingraham) Institute (Radcliffe College, Cambridge, MA): Fellowship Programs

Canada Council: John G. Diefenbaker Award [draft nominations due at ORA; full nominations due Dec. 1]

Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation: Clinic Incentive Grants, Fellowships, Research Grants, Scholarships, Transplant Centre Grants

German-Canadian Studies Foundation Inc. (University of Winnipeg): Research Grants

Guggenheim (John Simon) Memorial Foundation: Fellowship Competition

Health and Human Services (U.S. Department of): Public Health Service Grants (Conferences, Research Career Awards, New Research Grants, Program Project and Center Grants)

Health Canada: National Health Research and Development Program (Research Project Funds)

Hospital for Sick Children Foundation: Duncan L. Gordon Fellowship Program

International Union Against Cancer (UICC): American Cancer Society (ACS) International Cancer Research Fellowships

Laidlaw Foundation: Performing Arts Programme

Medical Research Council (MRC): Various Scientific Exchanges with Argentina, Brazil, Italy, France, China, U.K.; Research Funding Programs (Dyskinesia and Torticollis, Maintenance for Multi-User Equipment Grants, Multi-User Equipment Grants)

Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada: Career Development Awards; Postdoctoral Fellowships; Research Grants

National Multiple Sclerosis Society: Contacts in Health Care Delivery and Policy Research; Program to Support Pilot Research [letter of intent due; full application due Jan. 2]

NATO: Science Program (Cooperative Science and Technology related to "Security-Related Civil Science")

NSERC: Canada Gold Medal for Science and Engineering; Equipment Grants (Major Equipment, Major Installation); Major Facilities Access Grants (full appl. due; "Notification of Intent" is due Aug. 15); NATO Science Fellowships; Research Grants (for Subatomic Physics Project Research Grants requesting $500,000, or more, per year); Research Partnership Program (full application due; letter of intent due June 1)

Ottawa Life Sciences Council: National Merit Award

Research Corporation: Research Opportunity Awards

Royal Society of Canada (in conjunction with the University of Toronto): Konrad Adenauer Research Award [deadline to notify ORA of nomination; full nomination due Dec. 1]

SSHRC: Bora Laskin National Fellowship in Human Rights Research; Community-University Research Alliance (CURA) (detailed proposals due; letters of intent due April 1); Jules and Gabrielle Léger Fellowship; Postdoctoral Fellowships

Steacie (E.W.R.) Memorial Fund: Steacie Prize

United States Institute of Peace: Unsolicited Grants

York University (administered by ORA): Contract Faculty (CUPE 3903) Fund (Conference Travel Grants, Research Grants); York Incentive Grant


Application Up-date

Application forms for the upcoming SSHRC and NSERC competitions are now available on their respective websites (www.sshrc.ca, www.nserc.ca). Hard copies of the appropriate forms are available from ORA. SSHRC and NSERC still require that applicants submit their applications in hard copy. All applications must first be processed through ORA. To ensure there is sufficient time to process applications, they should reach ORA one to two weeks prior to the applicable deadline date.

Deadline for SSHRC Standard Research and Strategic Theme: Oct. 15

Deadline for NSERC Research and Equipment Grant: Nov. 1

Health Canada

NHRDP Research Project Funds

The National Health Research and Development Program (NHRDP) supports research relevant to health policy decision makers at the federal, provincial, and regional levels. All applications must address one of the four NHRDP themes: * Renewal and Restructuring of the Health System; * Determinants of Population Health; * Health Impact of Public Policies; and * Transfer and Uptake of Knowledge. In addition, letters of intent are being invited for policy relevant research in: * Home Care; * Children and Youth; * Aging; * Financing of the Health Care System. Funding can be requested for up to four years.

Deadline: Oct. 1

Research Coporation

Research Opportunity Awards

The Research Corporation supports: * New scientific research of potential importance to a field of science or human endeavor; * Novel approach to long-standing problem; * Research that may create a new took or potential importance to scientific investigation; * Applying expertise and insights from one area to advance another discipline; * Creative solutions to an interdisciplinary problem of recognized importance. Specifically, the Research Opportunity Awards are for tenured faculty who are without major funding. Support can be requested for equipment essential to the research, supplies and chemicals, student and postdoctoral stipends, travel for consultation or to use necessary equipment and facilities, and research leaves to initiate a new project.

Deadline: Oct. 1

American Council for Learned Societies

Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellowships for Recently Tenured Scholars

This fellowship is to support long-term, unusually ambitious projects in the humanities and social sciences. These fellowships are intended to support an academic year of residence at any one of nine national residential research centers. The ACLS will award tenured humanists at institutions in the U.S. and Canada. Fellowships are of nine-months' duration, and are valued $65,000 (US).

Deadline: Oct.1

ORA logo

The Office of Research Administration (ORA) would like to remind faculty members of these research opportunities with upcoming deadlines. Deadlines listed are those of the granting agencies. Applications for external sources of funding (i.e., outside York) must be submitted to ORA before forwarding them to the agencies. To assist in meeting these deadlines, it is recommended that applications be submitted to ORA one to two weeks prior to the deadline dates.

For more information, please contact ORA at -55055 in S414 Ross Building (e-mail: research@yorku.ca).

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