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Extended Office Hours

ORA is extending its office hours to assist faculty members submitting proposals to SSHRC's and NSERC's upcoming grants competitions. ORA will remain open until 8:00 p.m. on October 13, 14, 28, and 29. Faculty members are reminded that all applications must first be submitted to ORA to obtain the University signature prior to forwarding them to the granting agency. Applicants are encouraged to submit applications to ORA one to two weeks prior to the deadline to allow sufficient time for processing.

SSHRC Standard and Strategic grant applications must be postmarked by October 15. ORA will undertake to forward all applications to SSHRC which are received in ORA by no later than noon on October 14. (Reminder: Those applying for a Research Time Stipend must submit their applications to ORA by no later than October 1.)

NSERC research and equipment grant applications must be received by NSERC by November 2. ORA will undertake to forward all applications to NSERC which are received in ORA by noon on October 29.

Energy, Science and Technology (Ontario Ministry of)

Telecommunications Access Partnerships (TAP)

The Ontario government will be providing $30 million over the next three years through TAP in order to fund projects that will: develop shared regional/community networks that involve broad-based public and private sector partnerships; develop advanced network initiatives that demonstrate the potential for significant improvements in the ways of doing business in various sectors, including the broader public sector; and develop leading-edge network initiatives that support or link major R&D activities. They should also contribute to the development of a province-wide, shared backbone network equal to or better than those in other jurisdictions throughout the world.

Deadline: October 19. (1999 deadlines: February 15, June 14, and October 18)

Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange

Grant Programs

The Ching Kuo Foundation's goal is to promote the study of Chinese culture and society. The Foundation's programs include conference and workshop grants of up to $25,000, grants for institutional enhancement of up to $190,000, research grants of up to $100,000, senior scholar grants of up to $40,000 to supplement a professor's sabbatical pay, and a $15,000 one-year fellowship.

Deadline: October 15

Alzheimer Society of Canada

Research Grants

The Alzheimer Society of Canada is a collaborative effort between the national society and its provincial affiliates to support activities that will enhance information relevant to the biomedical, psychological and social aspects of Alzheimer Disease. Two-year research grants of up to $50,000 are available to stimulate individual Canadian investigators i) in the design and execution of biomedical research and the cause and cure of Alzheimer Disease, and ii) in the exploration of non-biomedical areas, focusing on the social and psychological aspects of Alzheimer Disease, caregiving, family support and long-term care.

Deadline: October 15

Deadline Dates


Canola Council of Canada: Canola Utilization Assistance Program

Donner Canadian Foundation: Grants

October 15

Alzheimer Society of Canada: Research Grants; Training Grants

American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR): W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research (Jerusalem) George A. Barton Fellowship

Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC): Research Cooperation Programme between Canada and Latin America

Astra Pharma Inc. (in conjunction with MRC/PMAC Health Program, Alzheimer Society of Canada, and the Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences): Postdoctoral Fellowship

Canadian Cancer Society: Personnel Support (Maurice Legault Awards, McEachern Awards)

Canadian Diabetes Association: Grants for Applied Research in Diabetes Education, Management and Care

Canadian Seed Growers' Association: Research Grants

Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation For International Scholarly Exchange: Various Grant Programs

Columbia University (New York City) (Society of Fellows in the Humanities): Postdoctoral Fellowships

Donner (William H.) Foundation, Inc.: Research Grants

International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry: Travel Awards

Kidney Foundation of Canada: Biomedical Fellowships; Biomedical Research (Operating) Grants; Biomedical Scholarships; Organ Donation Outcome-Based Special Projects Research Grant

Leaky Foundation: Special Research Grants (pre-application due; formal application due Jan 5)

National Cancer Institute of Canada: Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative (CBCRI); Research Grants to Individuals

National Humanities Center (North Carolina): Fellowships

Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (SICI): Canadian Studies Program Fellowships; CIDA-SICI Project Development Programs (Social Sciences and Humanities Fellowships, Women & Development Awards for Canadians)

SSHRC: Standard Research Grants; Strategic Themes Grants

October 16

Tourette Syndrome Association, Inc.: Research & Training Grants (letter of intent due; full application due December 18)

October 19

Energy, Science and Technology (Ontario Ministry of): Telecommunications Access Partnerships

The Office of Research Administration (ORA) would like to remind faculty members of these research opportunities with upcoming deadlines. Deadlines listed are those of the granting agencies. Applications for external sources of funding (i.e., outside York) must be submitted to ORA before forwarding them to the agencies. To assist in meeting these deadlines, it is recommended that applications be submitted to ORA one to two weeks prior to the deadline dates.

For more information, please contact ORA at -55055 in S414 Ross Building (e-mail: research@yorku.ca).

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