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| VOLUME 29, NUMBER 6 | WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1998 | ISSN 1199-5246 |

Donation funds study of Korean culture, civilization

George Fallis, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, accepts a cheque from Dae Won Park, Consul General of the Republic of Korea. Prof. Bernard Luk, coordinator of East Asian Studies (1997-98) is pictured in the background.

The Consul General of the Republic of Korea, Dae Won Park, visited York University on Friday, Sept. 25 to present a cheque for $22,300 (U.S.)

The money was presented to the Faculty of Arts on behalf of the Korea Foundation, an organization established in 1992 that is aimed at promoting international exchanges and friendship between the people of Korea and the rest of the world.

The cheque represents the first of three donations over a three-year period to help fund a tenure-track position promoting the study of Korean culture and civilization in Canada. Korean Studies professor Theresa Hyun was appointed to this position within the Division of Humanities last year.

An additional grant of $100,000 over a four-year period from the Max Bell Foundation, substantially supports this initiative as well. Founded in 1972, the Max Bell Foundation is named after philanthropist George Maxwell Bell and provides grants nationwide for innovative projects related to several topics, including those related to Canada and the Asia Pacific Region.

"The support of the Korea Foundation and the Max Bell Foundation, enables York to strengthen its partnerships with Korean universities such as Sookmyung Women's University and Yonsei University," said Maria Cioni, director of York International. "This support also enhances York's contact with the local Korean community, and prepares York students to succeed both in exchange programs abroad and in the multicultural community in which they live."

Accepting on behalf of the Faculty of Arts, Dean George Fallis expressed his delight at receiving this generous support for both the position and for the development of York's East Asian Studies Program.

Moon-Han Yoon, consul of culture and information for the Republic of Korea, attended the event along with the consul general. Representing York University along with Fallis were Gary Smith, vice-president (university advancement); Maria Cioni, director of York International; Bernard Luk, coordinator of East Asian Studies, 1997-98; and Gerry Jordan, coordinator of East Asian Studies, 1998-99.

York authors gather to celebrate scholarship, teaching, research

Members of the York University community met for a luncheon on Sept. 18 in the Atkinson cafeteria to celebrate another year of scholarly achievement. Hosted by Brock Fenton, associate vice-president (research and faculties), the luncheon honoured York authors, teaching and research award holders. Awards were granted from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada (NSERC), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) and the Medical Research Council of Canada (MRC). The following is a list of university staff members whose books or journals were published during the 1997-98 academic year. A total of 126 publications are listed. This list may not be exhaustive. It is based on information received by the Office of the Associate Vice-President (Research and Faculties) from individual departments and faculties.


Andrea O'Reilly, ed. -- Women's Studies, Atkinson ed., (with Sharon Abbey).
Redefining Motherhood: Changing Identities and Patterns.
Toronto: Second Story Press, 1998.

Patricia M. Evans, ed., -- School of Social Work, Atkinson, (with G. R. Wekerle).
Women and the Canadian Welfare State: Challenges and Change.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997.

Patricia M. Evans, ed. (with Carol T. Baines and Sheila M. Neysmith).
Women's Caring: Feminist Perspectives on Social Welfare.
Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1998.


Avi J. Cohen -- Economics, Arts, (with Harold Hagemann and John Smithin).
Money, Financial Institutions and Macroeconomics.
Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.

Avi J. Cohen (and Susan Cohen).
Economics: Canada in the Global Environment. Instructor's Manual. 3rd ed.
Don Mills: Addison-Wesley Longman Ltd., 1997.

Avi J. Cohen (and Harvey B. King).
Economics: Canada in the Global Environment. Study Guide. 3rd ed.
Don Mills: Addison Wesley Publishers Limited, 1997.

Eliakim Katz -- Economics, Arts
Old Age Comes at a Bad Time.
Stoddart, 1997.

John Smithin -- Economics, Arts, (with Avi J. Cohen and Harold Hagemann).
Money, Financial Institutions and Macroeconomics.
Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.

Frank Birbalsingh -- English, Arts
From Pillar to Post: The Indo-Caribbean Diaspora.
Toronto: TSAR Press, 1997.

James P. Carley -- ed., English, Arts, (with Felicity Riddy).
Arthurian Literature.
London: The British Library, 1997.

James P. Carley -- ed., (with Colin G.C. Tite).
Books and Collectors: 1200 -- 1700.
London: The British Library, 1997.

Christopher Innes -- English, Arts.
Avant Garde Theatre.

Christopher Innes -- ed.,
Harold Pinter and Contempt.
British Theatre. 1997.

Christopher Innes -- ed.,
Robert Wilson.

Christopher Innes -- ed.,
Sam Shepard and Contempt,
American Theatre. 1997.

John Lennox -- ed., English, Arts, (with Ruth Panofsky).
Selected Letters of Margaret Laurence and Adele Wiseman.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997.

Don Summerhayes -- English, Arts
Toronto: Exile Editions, 1997.

James R. Gibson -- Geography, Arts
The Lifeline of the Oregon Country: The Fraser -- Columbia Brigade System, 1811-47.
Vancouver: UBC Press, 1997.

M. Kellman -- Geography, Arts, (and R. Tackaberry).
Tropical Environments: The Functioning and Management of Tropical Ecosystems.
London: Routledge, 1997.

Christopher Armstrong -- History, Arts
Blue Skies and Boiler Rooms: Buying and Selling Securities in Canada, 1870-1940.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997.

Ramsay Cook -- ed., History, Arts
Dictionary of Canadian Biography
Toronto: The University of Toronto Press, (Vol. XIV, 1911-1920),
1998. Contributors: Craig Heron, Susan Houston, Richard Jarrell, Varpu Lindström, H.V. Nelles, Peter Oliver, Roberto Perin, Gayle Comeau, Adele Perry, and Molly Ungar.

Richard Hoffmann -- History, Arts
Fishers' Craft and Lettered Art: Tracts on Fishing From the End of the Middle Ages.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997.

A.S. Kanya-Forstner -- ed., History, Arts, (with Paul E. Lovejoy).
Pilgrims, Interpreters and Agents: French Reconnaissance Reports on the Sokoto Caliphate and Borno, 1891-1895.
Madison: African Studies Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1997.

Paul E. Lovejoy -- ed., History, Arts, (with A.S. Kanya-Forstner).
Pilgrims, Interpreters and Agents: French Reconnaissance Reports on the Sokoto Caliphate and Borno, 1891-1895.
Madison: African Studies Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1997.

Nicholas Rogers -- History, Arts, (and Douglas Hay).
Eighteenth-Century English Society.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Donna Salopek -- Mathematics & Statistics, Arts
American Put Options, in the Pitman Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Applied Mathematics.
England: Addison Wesley Longman Ltd., 1997.

Abe Shenitzer -- trans., Mathematics & Statistics, Arts
Diophantus and Diophantine Equations.
Washington: The Mathematical Association of America, 1997.

Man Wah Wong -- Mathematics & Statistics, Arts
Weyl Transforms,
in the Universitext Series.
Springer-Verlag, 1998.

Stanley Tweyman -- Philosophy, Arts
Hume on Miracles.
Bristol: Thormmes Press, 1997.

Stanely Tweyman
Hume on Natural Religion.
Bristol: Thormmes Press: Bristol, 1997.

Amitav Acharya -- ed., Political Science, Arts
The Quest for World Order: Perspectives of a Pragmatic Idealist.
Singapore: Times Academic Press, 1997.

David V.J. Bell -- ed., Political Science, Arts, (with Roger Keil, Peter Penz, and Leesa Fawcett).
Political Ecology: Global and Local.
London: Routledge, 1998.

Shannon Bell -- Political Science, Arts, (with Brenda Cossman, Lise Gotell and Becki Ross).
Bad Attitude\s on Trial: Feminism, Pornography and the Butler Decision.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997.

Robert W. Cox -- ed., Political Science, Arts
The New Realism: Perspectives on Multilateralism and World Order.
Macmillan for the United Nations University Press, 1997.

Ann Denholm Crosby -- Political Science, Arts
Dilemmas in Defence Decision-Making: Constructing Canada's Role in Norad, 1958-96.
MacMillan Press, 1998.

Paul M. Evans -- Political Science, Arts, (with Navnita Chadha Behera and Gowher Rizvi).
Beyond Boundaries: A Report on the State of Non-Official Dialogues in Peace, Security and Cooperation in South Asia.
Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies, 1997.

B. Michael Frolic -- Political Science, Arts ed., (with Timothy Brook).
Civil Society in China.
Armonk: M.E. Sharpe, 1997.

Stephen Gill -- ed., Political Science, Arts
Globalization, Democratization and Multilateralism.
MacMillan and United Nations University Press, 1997.

Stephen Gill -- ed., (with James H. Mittelman).
Innovation and Transformation in International Studies.
Cambridge University Press, 1997.

Ian Greene -- Political Science, Arts (and David P. Shugarman).
Honest Politics.
James Lorimer & Co., 1997.

David Leyton-Brown -- ed., Political Science, Arts
The Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs, 1990.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997.

Kenneth McRoberts -- Political Science, Arts
Misconceiving Canada: The Struggle for National Unity.
Oxford University Press, 1997.

Leo Panitch -- ed., Political Science, Arts
Ruthless Criticism of all that Exists: Socialist Register 1997.

Fernwood Publishing Halifax, 1997.

Leo Panitch (and Colin Leys).
The End of Parliamentary Socialism: From New Left to New Labour.
London: Verso, 1997.

David P. Shugarman -- Political Science, Arts, (and Ian Greene).
Honest Politics.
James Lorimer & Co., 1997.

James Alcock -- Psychology, Arts, (and Sadava Carment).
A Textbook of Social Psychology, 4th ed.
Prentice-Hall Canada, 1998.

Les Greenberg -- Psychology, Arts (and A. Bohart).
Empathy Reconsidered.
Washington, D.C.: A.P.A. Press, 1997.

Les Greenberg (and S. Paivio).
Working with Emotions.
New York: Guilford Press, 1997.

L. Harris -- ed., Psychology, Arts, (with M. Jenkin).
Vision and Action.
Cambridge University Press, 1998.

David Rennie -- Psychology, Arts
Person-Centred Counselling: An Experiential Approach.
London: Sage, 1998.

Thomas Teo -- Psychology, Arts, (and Paul Mecheril).
Psychologie und Rassismus.
Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH, 1997.

Christine Wekerle -- Psychology, Arts, (with David A. Wolfe and Katreena Scott).
Alternatives to Violence: Empowering Youth to Develop Healthy Relationships.
SAGE Publications, 1997.

Laurie Wilcox -- Psychology, Arts, (and R.F. Hess).
Scale Selection for 2nd -- Order (Non- Linear) Stereopsis.
Vision Research, 37: 2981-2992, 1997.

Laurie Wilcox (and R.F. Hess).
When Stereopsis Does Not Improve With Increasing Contrast.
Vision Research, 1998.

Gerald Young -- Psychology, Arts
Adult Development, Therapy, and Culture: A Post-Modern Synthesis.
New York: Plenum Press, 1997.

Marc Lesage -- Sociology, Arts
Microcite, enquete sur l'amour, le travail et le sens de la vie dans une petite ville d'amerique.
Éditions Fides, 1997.

Matthew Clark -- Humanities, Arts
Out of Line: Homeric Composition Beyond the Hexameter.
Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers Inc., 1997.

Marlene Kadar -- series ed., Humanities, Arts
And Peace Never Came.
Life Writing Series /3. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1997.

Marlene Kadar -- series ed.,
"I want to join your club": Letters from Rural Children 1900 -- 1920.
Life Writing Series/ 2. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1996.

Marlene Kadar -- series ed.,
Haven't Any News: Ruby's Letters from the 50's.

Bernard Lightman -- ed., Humanities, Arts
Victorian Science in Context.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997.

Jordan Paper -- Humanities, Arts
Through the Earth Darkly: Female Spirituality in Comparative Perspective.
New York: The Continuum Publishing Company, 1997.

Ann B. Shteir -- ed., Humanities, Arts, (with Barbara T. Gates).
Natural Eloquence: Women Reinscribe Science.
Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1997.

Susan Swan -- Humanities, Arts
The Wives of Bath.

Susan Swan
Stupid Boys are Good to Relax With.

Rinaldo Walcott -- Humanities, Arts
Black Like Who? Writing Black Canada.
Toronto: Insomniac Press, 1997.

Paul Axelrod -- Social Science, Arts
The Promise of Schooling: Education in Canada, 1800-1914.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997.

Toyomasa Fusé -- Social Science, Arts
Suicide, Individual and Society.
Canadian Scholars' Press Inc., 1998.

Craig Heron -- ed., Social Science, Arts
The Workers' Revolt in Canada, 1917-1925.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998.

David F. Noble -- Social Science, Arts
The Religion of Technology: The Divinity of Man and the Spirit of Invention.
Alfred A. Knopf: New York, 1997.


Jill Sinclair Bell -- Education
Literacy, Culture and Identity.
New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc., 1997.

Deborah Britzman -- Education
Lost Subjects, Contested Objects: Toward a Psychoanalytic Inquiry of Learning.
Albany: State University of New York Press, 1998.

Gary Bunch -- Education, (and Angela Valeo).
Inclusion: Recent Research.
Toronto: Inclusion Press, 1997.

Curt Dudley-Marling -- Education
Living with Uncertainty: The Messy Reality of Classroom Practice.
Heinemann, 1997.

Alison I. Griffith -- Education, (with Edward P. St. John and Leetta Allen-Haynes).
Families in Schools: A Chorus of Voices in Restructuring.
Portsmouth: Heinemann, 1997.

Alison I. Griffith (and S. Schecter).
Mothering,Education and Schooling: Special Issue.
Corwin Press, 1998.

Celia Haig-Brown -- ed., Education, (with Kathy L. Hodgson-Smith, Robert Regnier and Jo-Ann Archibald).
Making the Spirit Dance Within.
Toronto: James Lorimer & Company, Ltd., 1997.

Margaret Hughes -- Education, (and Dennis Searle).
The Violent E and other Tricky Sounds: Learning to Spell from Kindergarten Through Grade 6.
New York: Stenhouse Publishing, 1997.

Sharon Murphy -- Education, (with Patrick Shannon, Peter Johnston and Jane Hansen).
Fragile Evidence: A Critique of Reading Assessment.
Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1998.

Graham Orpwood -- Education, (and Robert Garden).
Assessing Mathematics and Science Literacy.
Pacific Educational Press, 1998.

Trevor Owen -- Education, (and Ron Owston).
The Learning Highway: Smart Students and the Net.
Toronto: Key Porter Books, 1998.

Ron Owston -- Education, (and Trevor Owen).
The Learning Highway: Smart Students and the Net.
Toronto: Key Porter Books, 1998.

Ron Owston
Making the Link: Teacher Professional Development and the Internet.
Heinemann, 1998.

S. Schecter -- Education, (and Alison Griffith).
Mothering, Education and Schooling: Special Issue.
Corwin Press, 1998.

S. Schecter
On Becoming a Language Educator.
Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997.

Dennis Sumara -- ed., Education, (with Terrance R. Carson).
Action Research as a Living Practice.
New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc., 1997.

Sharon Todd -- Education
Learning Desire: Perspectives on Pedagogy, Culture, and the Unsaid.
New York: Routledge, 1997.


Jennifer Clapp -- Environmental Studies
Adjustment and Agriculture in Africa: Farmers, the State, and the World Bank in Guinea.
London: MacMillan Press, 1997.

Leesa Fawcett -- ed., Environmental Studies, (with Roger Keil, David V.J. Bell and Peter Penz.)
Political Ecology: Global and Local.
London: Routledge, 1998.

Roger Keil -- ed., Environmental Studies, (with David V.J. Bell, Peter Penz and Leesa Fawcett).
Political Ecology: Global and Local.
London: Routledge, 1998.

Barbara Noske -- Environmental Studies
Beyond Boundaries: Humans and Animals.
Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1997.

Peter Penz -- ed., Environmental Studies, (with Jay Drydyk).
Global Justice, Global Democracy.
Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, Vol. 12, 1997.

Peter Penz -- ed., (with Roger Keil, David V.J. Bell and Leesa Fawcett).
Political Ecology: Global and Local.
London: Routledge, 1998.

Ellie Perkins -- Environmental Studies
World Metal Markets: The United States Strategic Stockpile and Global Market Influence.
Westport: Praeger Publishers, 1997.

G. R. Wekerle -- Environmental Studies, (and Patricia M. Evans).
Women and the Canadian Welfare State: Challenges and Change.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997.

Paul Wilkinson -- Environmental Studies
Tourism Policy and Planning: Case Studies from the Commonwealth Caribbean.
Elmsford: Cognizant Communications, 1997.


Joy Cohnstaedt -- ed., Cultural Studies, Fine Arts
Canadian Cultures and Globalization.
Association of Canadian Studies. Canadian Theme Series, Vol. XIX, 1997.

Bruce W. Powe -- Cultural Studies, Fine Arts
A Canada of Light.
Toronto: Somerville House, 1997.

Robert Bowman -- Music, Fine Arts
Soulsville U.S.A.: The Story of Stax Records.
New York: Schirmer Books, 1997.

Judith Rudakoff -- ed., Theatre, Fine Arts
Questionable Activities -- Interviews with Canadian Theatre Artists.
Toronto: Playwrights Union of Canada, Vols. 1 and 2, 1997.

Joyce Zemans -- Visual Arts, Fine Arts
Where is Here?: Canadian Cultural Policy in a Globalized World.
North York: Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies, 1997.


Brock Fenton -- Biology, Science
The Bat (Wings in the Night Sky).
Toronto: Key Porter, 1998.

M. Jenkin -- Computer Science, Science, (and G. Dudek).
Computational Principles of Mobile Robotics.
Cambridge University Press, 1998.

M. Jenkin -- ed., (with L. Harris).
Vision and Action.
Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Eugene Roventa -- Computer Science, Arts, (and Mircea Reghis).
Classical and Fuzzy Concepts in Mathematical Logic and Applications.
Boca Raton: CRC Press, 1998.


Christine Besnard -- French Studies, Glendon, (et Marie-France Silver).
Apprivoiser l'écrit. techniques de l'écrit et stratégies d'auto-perfectionnement.
Toronto: Canadian Scholar's Press, 1997.

Christine Besnard (et C. Elkabas).
Pratique des affaires.
Toronto: Canadian Scholar's Press, 1997.

Marie-France Silver -- French Studies, Glendon, (et Christine Besnard).
Apprivoiser l'écrit. techniques de l'écrit et stratégies d'auto-perfectionnement.
Toronto: Canadian Scholar's Press, 1997.

Claude Tatilon -- French Studies, Glendon
Écrire le paragraphe, suivi de Corrigés.
Toronto: Éditions du Gref, 1997.

David Spring -- Mathematics, Glendon
Convex Integration Theory: Solutions to the h-principle in geometry and topology.
Berlin: Birkhäuser, 1998.


Brenda Cossman -- Osgoode Hall Law School, (with Shannon Bell, Lise Gotell and Becki Ross).
Bad Attitude\s on Trial: Feminism, Pornography and the Butler Decision.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997.

Douglas Hay -- Osgoode Hall Law School, (and Nicholas Rogers).
Eighteenth-Century English Society.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Patrick J. Monahan -- Osgoode Hall Law School, (with Frederick H. Zemans and Aneurin Thomas).
From Crisis to Reform: A New Legal Aid Plan for Ontario.
North York: York University Centre for Public Law and Public Policy, 1997.

Patrick J. Monahan -- ed., (with Frederick H. Zemans and Aneurin Thomas).
A New Legal Aid Plan for Ontario: Background Papers.
North York: York University Centre for Public Law and Public Policy, 1997.

Mary Jane Mossman -- Osgoode Hall Law School, (and William F. Flanagan).
Property Law: Cases and Commentary.
Toronto: Emond-Montgomery Publications Limited, 1998.

Frederick H. Zemans -- Osgoode Hall Law School, (with Patrick J. Monahan and Aneurin Thomas.)
From Crisis to Reform: A New Legal Aid Plan for Ontario.
North York: York University Centre for Public Law and Public Policy, 1997.

Frederick H. Zemans -- ed., (with Patrick J. Monahan and Aneurin Thomas).
A New Legal Aid Plan for Ontario: Background Papers.
North York: York University Centre for Public Law and Public Policy, 1997.


Wesley A. Cragg -- Schulich School of Business, (with Alex Wellington and Allen Greenbaum).
Canadian Issues in Environmental Ethics.
Broadview Press.

Wesley A. Cragg (and Christine Koggel).
Contemporary Moral Issues.
McGraw Hill Ryerson.

Gareth Morgan -- Schulich School of Business,
Images of Organization. 2nd ed.
Newbury Park: Sage Publications, 1997.

Gareth Morgan
Imaginization: New Mindsets for Seeing, Organizing Managing.
San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, 1997.

Rein Peterson -- Schulich School of Business, (with Edward A. Silver and David F. Pyke).
Inventory Management and Production Planning and Scheduling. 3rd ed.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1998.

Gordon Roberts -- Schulich School of Business
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 2nd ed.

Peter Tryfos -- Schulich School of Business
Methods for Business Analysis and Forecasting: Text and Cases.
New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1998.

Tom Wesson -- Schulich School of Business
Canada and The New World Economic Order: Strategic Briefings for Canadian Enterprise.
North York: Captus Press, 1998.

United Way fundraiser organized by Osgoode

The Social Committee at Osgoode Hall Law School is planning its third annual fundraiser for the United Way on Wednesday, October 21 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

This event will include a silent auction, a bake sale, and a tarot reading. A silent auction is one in which a variety of packages are presented for an auction. Faculty, staff and students bid for these items by writing their bid on a sheet of paper beside the item for auction. The highest bidder at the end of the day has purchased the item. Tarot reading will again be done by Debra Ram.

We are asking for items to be donated for the auction. If you have items for the auction (books, tickets, etc.) please contact Deanna Jubas at (416) 736-2100 ext. 33118 or Sam Scrivo at ext. 66571. Last year's bake sale was very successful and we hope it will be again this year. Contact for the bake sale is Felicia Holder at ext. 33467.

In Brief

Information posted on York web site

If you see the flag flying at half-staff and you're wondering why, you can check for news on York's web site. Notices of deaths that occur within the York community will be posted with pertinent details, when they are available. To find information, look in "This Week at York," which you'll find through the "Welcome to York" link on the web page.

* * *

Chemistry professor Huw O. Pritchard retires

Members of the York community are invited to attend a lecture in honour of the retirement of Huw O. Pritchard, professor of chemistry. Pritchard began teaching at York University in 1965. The lecture, titled "On the spontaneous ignition of diesel fuels," will be held on Thursday, Oct. 22 at 1:30 p.m. in Room 317 Petrie Building. A reception will be held in Room 330 CCB following the lecture. If you are planning on attending the lecture and reception, please contact the Department of Chemistry at (416) 736-5246.

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