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Deadline Dates

May 10

National Institutes of Health (US): Institutional National Research Service Award


Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research (CanFAR): Research Grants over $25,000 (letter of intent due; full application due late August)

May 15

American Historical Association (AHA): Various Book Prizes and Awards

Brain Tumor Foundation of Canada: Grant-in-Aid

Canadian Heritage (Department of): Multiculturalism Program

NATO: Science Program (Research Infrastructure Support, Science for Peace)

Ontario March of Dimes: Jonas Salk Award

Shwachman-Diamond Syndrome Canada: Research Grants (full proposals due; letters of intent due Feb. 28)

Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STHLE) (in conjunction with 3M Canada): 3M Teaching Fellowships

Weizmann Institute of Science: Postdoctoral Fellowships

May 25

National Institutes of Health (US): Academic Research Enhancement Awards

May 27

Hospital for Sick Children Foundation: Paediatric Homecare Research

May 31

Canada Council: Killam Research Fellowships

EJLB Foundation: Chair in Neurosciences and Mental Health

Franklin Institute: Benjamin Franklin Medals; Bower Awards

International Atomic Energy Agency: Research Contract Program

Korea Foundation: Fellowship Programs (Fellowship for Korean Language Training; Fellowship for Korean Studies)

March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation: Basil O'Connor Starter Scholar Research Awards (full application due; abstract due Feb. 15)

Hospital for Sick Children Foundation

Paediatric Homecare Research

This program supports research into the under-studied area of paediatric home care. As changes in medical, pharmaceutical, technological and health care structuring increasingly move the site of care away from institutions and into the homes of children, there is a need for research into home and community-based care in Canada. Proposals must address one or more of the following key areas: development and testing of assessment / management tools for home and community-based care; home and community-based care serve delivery models; and policy analyses of home and community-based care. Proposals may be submitted for up to $65,000 for up to two years.

Deadline: May 27

EJLB Foundation

Chair in Neurosciences and Mental Health

The EJLB Foundation, in conjunction with the Canadian Institutes for Health Research and the Royal Society of Canada, is providing a $1,000,000 endowment grant, to allow Canadian universities, or affiliated research institutes, to attract to Canada world-renowned scientists in neurosciences and mental health. The successful candidate will be called upon to spend more than 75 per cent of her/his time on a research project of international significance in neurosciences and mental health and the Chair is to have minimal administrative responsibilities. Each Canadian university, or affiliated research institute, is invited to present a single candidate for the Chair following a nomination process of its choice. The grant also includes a $300,000 establishment grant and $50,000/year in grant support.

Deadline: May 31. (Note: Since each university is permitted to nominate only one candidate, those considering submitting a nomination should contact ORA by April 8.)

Canada Council

Killam Research Fellowship

These fellowships support researchers in any of the following broad fields: humanities, social sciences, engineering, and studies linking any of the disciplines within these broad fields. The fellowship provides release time to an individual scholar who wishes to pursue independent research. The Canada Council will provide the university partial or full salary replacement, to a maximum of $53,000/year plus fringe benefits for a two-year period.

Deadline: May 31

Korea Foundation

Fellowship Program

The Korea Foundation offers fellowships for Korean language training to foreign scholars who need systematic Korean language education, and the opportunity to enrol in a Korean-language program at a language institute affiliated with a major Korean university. This fellowship is valued at 600,000-800,000 Korean Won, plus tuition, for either six, nine, or 12 months. The foundation also offers fellowships for Korean studies intended to promote Korean studies and support professional researchers in Korean studies by facilitating their research activities in Korea. This fellowship is valued at 1,000,000 to 1,200,000 Korean Won, plus air fare, for three to 12 months.

Deadline: May 31

ORA logo

The Office of Research Administration (ORA) would like to remind faculty members of these research opportunities with upcoming deadlines. Deadlines listed are those of the granting agencies. Applications for external sources of funding (i.e., outside York) must be submitted to ORA before forwarding them to the agencies. To assist in meeting these deadlines, it is recommended that applications be submitted to ORA one to two weeks prior to the deadline dates.

For more information, please contact ORA at -55055 in S414 Ross Building (e-mail: research@yorku.ca).

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