Introduction to Database Management Systems
Fall 2002
York University

Section #: 3421A
Instructor: Homy Dayani-Fard
Lecture Time: Tue 19:00-22:00pm
Location: FC203
Office Hours: Tue 17:00-19:00pm
& by appointment
Office: CSB 2012
Section #: 3421B
Instructor: Jimmy Huang
Lecture Time: Wed 13:00-14:30pm
Fri    13:00-14:30pm
Location: BC215
Office Hours: Fri 3:00-4:30pm
& by appointment
Office: CSB 2022
Section #: 3421C
Instructor: Gordon Turpin
Lecture Time: Tue 13:00-14:30pm
Thu 13:00-14:30pm
Location: SC114
Office Hours: Tue 17:00-18:00pm
& by appointment
Office: CSB 3020

T.A.: Van Ngo
Office Hours: Wed 2:30-3:30pm
Office: CSB 2017
T.A.: Hongming Wu
Office Hours: Tue 18:00-19:00pm
Office: CSB 3017

Welcome to the Introduction to Database Management Systems course, COSC-3421 for Fall term 2002. Materials, instructions, and notices for the course will accumulate here over the semester.

Message Board

November 11, 2002
Some typos and omissions in assignment 3 have been fixed. Please check the latest version for the assignment 3 below. Also, please look at the commonly asked questions link for the questions that you might have for the assignment.

November 7, 2002
Midterm marks for the Section B have been posted in courseInfo. Also, assignment 3 has been posted (see below under Assignment 3).

Course Description

The purpose of this course is to introduce the fundamental concepts of database management, including aspects of data models, database languages, and database design. At the end of this course, a student will be able to understand and apply the fundamental concepts required for the use and design of database management systems.

Course Objectives

Students will become proficient at modeling databases at a conceptual level of design. Students will be able to develop database schemas that enforce data integrity. Students will also become knowledgeable in the creation, altering, and manipulation of tables, and views using relational algebra and SQL. Topics include:

  • Relational Model
  • Relational Algebra
  • Structured Query Language (SQL)
  • Conceptual Design and the ER Model
  • Transaction Management, Concurrency Control, and Recovery

Required Textbook

Database Management Systems.
Third Edition, 2002.
Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke
WCB/McGraw Hill.
ISBN: 0-07-246563-8

Grading Criteria / Course Requirements

Percentage When
Midterm Exam 20% 27 October 2002
Final Exam 45% sometime in December
Assignments 35% 4 assigments, due through the semester


Assignment Sets

Useful On-line Information
  • For the textbook
    • On-line support materials by Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke.
      • General lecture notes related with the book.
      • Answers to the odd-numbered exercises in the book.
      These materials are for the third edition of the book. However, they should be relevant for the first and second editions too.

This page is maintained by Jimmy Huang. Last modified November 19, 2002