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Home » Supporting Graduate Student Dyads/Committees to Thrive: The Pan-University Graduate Supervision Support Hub

Supporting Graduate Student Dyads/Committees to Thrive: The Pan-University Graduate Supervision Support Hub


Central to graduate student success and retention is the educative role of the supervisor and supervisory committee. Struck with a central task of inspiring, mining and refining graduate student scholarship, the requisite pedagogies can enable student success while fostering a reciprocity of mutual respect.

Strong supervisory efficacy benefits from a scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL) approach, exploring the best research to take a wrap-around approach of graduate supervisors at York, be they new or seasoned.

With relationship at the center, the purpose of the proposed interdisciplinary pan-university Graduate Supervision Support Hub is to (i) provide graduate supervisors with dedicated supports to enhance their pedagogical skills associated with supporting graduate student research, scholarship and professional development; (ii) provide graduate students with requisite skills associated with being in a supervisory relationship and guided by several scholars; and (iii) to support graduate supervisory relationships through confidential support, direction and solution-focused supports.

Project Lead(s)

Cheryl van Daalen-Smith


Graduate Studies

Funding Priority

student success, internationalization, EDI