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Medical History and Humanities in Transnational Context: Building a pan-faculty certificate in medical history and humanities

Description The AIF project “Medical History and Humanities in Transnational Context” will develop a new, pan-Faculty undergraduate certificate in Medical History and Humanities. Medical History and Humanities (MHH) is a well-established field of scholarship. A range of allied health professions – including nursing, medicine, physiotherapy and dietetics – view MHH as a vehicle through which […]

Toward an Integrated International, Bilingual and Competency-Based Open Education Curriculum

Description This program is to develop and enhance faculty and students’ capacities to work within the Open Educational Resources model (OER). Students engage in new forms of inverse pedagogies (e.g. hackathons, prototyping workshops and transnational working groups) acquiring a global mindset in civic and social stewardship. By creating OER, students are exposed to inquiry-based learning […]

YU ROC! (York University Research on Campus Network)

Description The YU ROC! (York University Research on Campus) Program will establish and maintain a student-run urban biodiversity monitoring program on campus. The program will connect first-year and upper year students who share a passion for the environment and encourage them to actively pursue that passion by engaging in hands-on environmental research opportunities on both […] Open educational resources for simulation in higher education

Description Simulation is a powerful and innovative form of teaching, learning and assessment. The benefits include situated learning, active learning, the blending of professional and academic cognition and practices, and the creation of more authentic learning tasks.  However, attempts to develop a body of widely shareable and re-purposable educational content amongst simulation designers and users […]

Reimagining (Space) Engineering Education

Description This project aims to prototype a fundamentally different way to imagine space engineering education in a sustainable way, through a prototype 12-week intensive experience for students from across all undergraduate age groups, with TA support, in Summer 2021. The 12-week prototype will trial different, highly-integrated approaches to material taught, teaching time and methods, learning […]

Towards a Balanced Artistic Production Methodology/Pedagogy at AMPD through Critical Making and Sustainable Design 2020-2022

Description The AMPD Makerspace’s central goal is to integrate digital fabrication and related technologies into AMPD curriculum and the activities of staff and students, in order to enhance experiential education opportunities, improve student learning outcomes, and foster intercultural and international work through invited exhibitions and external projects.  After almost a year of operations, we have […]

Bridging Theory and Practice in Risk and Insurance Studies

Description The gap between formal education and the needs of the insurance industry, and financial services more generally, has never been more disconcerting. The recent financial crisis is often quoted as a corollary of this gap, and theoreticians are blamed. But misuse of the theory in applications is just one horseman of the apocalypse. Another […]

Internationalization funded projects

These projects focused upon embedding internationalization within undergraduate or graduate degree programs. Internationalization implies integrating an intercultural dimension into the teaching and learning process so that students can acquire an appreciation and understanding of international perspectives and competencies. There are four funding categories. Category I: Pan-University Projects Category II A: Curricular Innovation Projects Category II […]

Bilingual Open Educational Resources for Civic and Social Stewardship

Description This AIF project is empowering students to become bilingual leaders by designing modules engaging knowledge transfer across cultures and languages for a certificate in civic and social stewardship at Glendon. Using cognitive strategies such as summarizing, questioning, clarifying the remix, reuse and repurposing of Open Educational Resources (OER) students are encouraged to acquire the […]

Borderless BA in Educational Studies: Leveraging eLearning for internationalization through the development of an online degree

Description This project will develop a fully online option for students undertaking our Bachelor of Arts in Educational Studies, by developing a series of fully online courses that meet the major credit requirements of the degree (5 full courses). Our aim is to increase access to our undergraduate programs for international students and those students […]