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Teaching and Learning Innovation

York University Online Badging System

Description Digital badges are increasingly being recognized as a mechanism to signify accomplishments such as completion of a project, mastery of a skill, or marks of experience, and offer an opportunity to enhance York’s educational experience. A digital badging infrastructure will be piloted in Lassonde to encourage experiential participation, while enhancing ways of recording student […]

First Year Transition Course Supported by Experiential Learning and eLearning: A 3 pronged approach to enhancing the First Year Experience

Description This transition course takes an integrated approach to promoting first-year student success by developing their fundamental skills, academic skills, personal/intrapersonal skills, and team-work/interpersonal skills. The course will contribute to the development of York’s three identified priority areas: First Year Experience, Experiential Learning and eLearning. Project Lead(s) Rosanna Furgiuele Faculty Glendon College Funding Priority Student […]

Early Alert: Individualized Pathways to Success in First Year Biology

Description This project will identify best practices science intervention to better know and make connections with students and reform the curriculum. Refining follow up, data analysis and intervention, and taking advantage of existing campus resources, the project will develop an intervention that is individualized and builds both metacognition and resilience. Project Lead(s) Paula Wilson Faculty […]

Creation of resources and support structures for faculty members to optimize students’ First Year Experience (FYE) in the classroom

Description Over two years, the project will create a First Year Experience toolkit, providing instructors with resources and supports to enhance their engagement and teaching effectiveness with first year students. It will also proactively and strategically develop collaborative structures that support the full integration of academic skill development into the curriculum, validating the importance of […]

YU Start

Description The YU START New Student Transition Program is a collaborative program designed to support new students during the period of transition to university (pre-matriculation -- from the time of accepting an offer of admission to the first academic experience). In addition to the centralized coordination of communications to incoming students, YU START includes three […]

York University Incoming Student Transition Initiatives

Description Responding to the need for a framework to coordinate and support activities for a diverse range of incoming students, and based on the principle that student transition begins with the student’s acceptance of an offer of admission, the proposal involves development of New Student Portlets within the Current Student Portal to coordinate activities as […]

Voices in Contact: Cultural Outreach In and Beyond York

Description Funding supports expansion of the Spanish and Portuguese student-run literary magazine, Entre Voces (Voices in Contact) to include an outreach initiative for high school students in the local community through collaboration with high school Spanish and Portuguese classes. York students will lead creative writing workshops in Grade 12 classes, leading to the production of […]


Description This project is designed to support LA&PS undecided majors (who have been identified as an at-risk group) in academic and personal development through several modules offered at critical transition points during their university careers: pre- and post-orientation, program-based advising, academic skills development, preparation for transition to the workforce, and post-graduation. Project Lead(s) Marilyn Lambert-Drache […]

Teaching and Learning through the Performing Arts: Fostering a Unique Cultural Student Experience

Description Building on the reputation and experience of Vanier College Productions, this project will provide enhanced extra-curricular educational opportunities and build community leadership for students interested in musical theatre and comedy. The initiative includes establishment of a show choir, artist(s)-in-residence, work/study positions, and workshops and seminars. Project Lead(s) Stanley Tweyman, Vanier College Funding Priority Student […]

Swim to Survive Engagement and Tracking Study

Description The project involves a drowning prevention strategy that brings youth from York’s surrounding community to the campus to participate in a series of instructional sessions and discussions to help them survive in water. The effectiveness is measured through assessments of knowledge and physical skills before, during and after the program, supporting implementation of an […]