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Teaching and Learning Innovation

Supporting learners, enhancing success through communities of learning

Description A “community of learners” initiative intended to enhance access and support students academically, socially and culturally in navigating the university, this pilot project provides graduate students in Education, through a course, with theoretical and practical tools to work with groups of undergraduate students from across disciplines to promote positive learning experiences and outcomes. Project […]

Supporting Academic Literacy Instruction within Courses

Description The purpose of this project is to support the planning of a Summer Institute for York instructors on the teaching of academic literacies. Our long-term goal is to enhance the curriculum in support of students' development of academic reading, writing, and information literacy skills. Special emphasis will be placed on first-year courses, including general […]

Supplemental Instruction Training

Description The purpose of this project is to train faculty and staff members in Supplemental Instruction (SI) techniques so that they can then train student peer leaders in their units throughout the university. Project Lead(s) John Amanatides, Bethune College Funding Priority Student Experience Connect with the Office of the AVP Teaching & Learning

Stong Academic Springboard: Supplemental Instruction for Students’ Success

Description Building on a pilot project in Kinesiology, supplemental instruction is being offered in "high challenge" courses in Kinesiology and Psychology. High challenge courses are those that are historically difficult as measured by at least a 30% rate of low grades, failures and course withdrawals. The project involves trained peer learning facilitators who offer voluntary […]

Science-First – A learning community for first-year students

Description The project contributes to students’ transition to university by establishing an FSE-wide learning community, commencing with a pilot project in Biology. The project brings together groups of students to participate in activities intended to build study skills, promote lateral thinking, encourage development of scientific thought, develop writing and presentation skills, and build relationships and […]

Residence Theme Floor Living-Learning Communities Peer Academic Support

Description The Colleges are developing theme floors/houses in their residences focusing on academic issues/themes directly related to one or more of the academic programs affiliated with the College. Students have an opportunity to interact with other students sharing their academic interests, participate in programming related to the theme, and in some cases take common courses. […]

New Student Enrolment Appointment Online (Advising)

Description This project is intended to convert the mandatory, in-person new student enrollment appointment to a staff/senior student supported, supervised and monitored online environment. A series of online video modules is being developed, supported by chat, voice exchange and corresponding learning exercises/assessment, to facilitate new student course enrollment, fostering students’ transition and enabling reallocation of […]

Math Bridging and Supplemental Instruction at Bethune

Description The project includes two components to help students succeed in mathematics courses: the expansion of a mathematics “bridging” program offering incoming students who score low on a math placement quiz the opportunity to participate in a four-day review session in August; and provision of supplemental instruction through peer-assisted study sessions in difficult first year […]

Lions Achievement Initiative

Description The project involves a peer mentoring and orientation program that helps guide incoming student-athletes through their entire first year at York University. The programs purpose is to support freshmen’s transition and promote engagement and academic success; they then bring the skills learned to youth in the Jane-Finch community through schools and community organizations. Project […]

Jumpstart – Successful Transition to University

Description This pilot project involves a summer program, led by experts in various fields, to help students make a successful academic and personal transition to university by providing tools and skills to adjust to academic demands of university, develop techniques for effective study, and adapt to a new environment. A peer mentor component introduces students […]