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Holiday message from President Lenton

The holiday season is an opportunity to spend time with loved ones, reflect on the past year, and look forward to the opportunities ahead.

In my role as President of York, I have the privilege of witnessing firsthand the impact our university has on Toronto, on Canada, and on the world. The past year has seen members of the York community achieve headline-making research breakthroughs and be recognized with prestigious awards. We have opened innovative new buildings and launched new programs on our campuses. I am always heartened by the many accomplishments made by our remarkable students, faculty, and staff.

Likewise, York alumni are making an impact beyond the university in many ways and in many fields. One need only look at the winners of this year’s Bryden Awards to see just how impressive and varied these contributions can be, with honorees distinguishing themselves in scientific innovation, youth empowerment, humanitarian leadership, and philanthropy.

Our alumni family has now grown to include more than 300,000 individuals around the globe. In 2019, York will mark its 60th anniversary, and I hope you will use this milestone to deepen your ties to this extraordinary global community. Wherever you are, you always have a home here at York.

I wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season, and my very best for health and happiness in the new year.