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Home » Professor Alumni Link (PAL) Experiential Education Program

Professor Alumni Link (PAL) Experiential Education Program

The Professor Alumni Link (PAL) experiential education program can be used to support professors who maintain meaningful ties to their former students.

When professors engage their former students/alumni, the Alumni Engagement Team can offer from among the following:

  • Thank-you gifts for the alumni volunteers
  • Meal reimbursement for professors and alumni
  • Complimentary alumni parking
  • Other – to be considered based on request 

The PAL fund will be distributed on a rolling basis until it is depleted. Professors can access the fund by emailing  Issa Abdi Jamaa.

“The Professor Alumni Link Program is an innovative program that supports bringing alumni into our classrooms, which will directly enhance experiential education.” 

— Dr. Danielle Robinson, Co-Creator of C4 and the York Capstone Network.
Professor speaking with alumni in university hall

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s simple! Faculty members who wish to use this fund can email Issa Abdi Jamaa, Alumni Engagement Officer (, to arrange a meeting. Upon meeting, we will discuss the alumni participants, the purpose and nature of the engagement and the amount of funds requested.  

Please note that by accessing this fund, the engagement between you and the alum will be documented in the university’s alumni database.   

You need to provide:  

  • Full name of engaged alumni and any other identifying information you have (grad year, program, name at graduation if different)  
  • Employer & job title  
  • Email address  
  • Date & location of your alumni engagement activity  
  • Brief explanation of the engagement (e.g., guest speaker in class, panelist, meeting to discuss being a project site for a student group, etc.)  

Depending on the funding requested, we may need:  

  • Preferred gift item(s)   
  • Mailing address (if mailing a gift)  
  • Other information as needed  

The amount of funding will be determined on a case-by-case basis; however, most requests fall in the $25-50 range.   

Please contact Issa Abdi Jamaa, Alumni Engagement Officer ( to help select gift items.

We can provide them with a complimentary code to be used on the Honk Mobile system for the date that the alum will be on campus.


Contact Issa Abdi Jamaa at or