Steve Dranitisaris is the senior executive officer in the office of York’s Vice-President Finance and Administration. His remarkable track record with the University spans 30 years and includes co-founding the alumni sports program, editing Alumni News, initiating the alumni annual fund program, and founding York’s Sport Hall of Fame.
During his career, Dranitisaris has held the positions of executive officer of the School of Kinesiology and Health Science, associate and acting director of Private Funding, assistant and acting director of Alumni Affairs, student liaison officer at Stong College and convocation officer. He has also been involved in many University committees, task forces, building projects, and student scholarships. For the past 10 years, he has served on the York University Alumni Association and been alumni representative to the University Senate.
Dranitisaris received the 1993 President’s CPM Award and the University’s 1996 Health & Safety Award. In 1994, the Master’s Committee Room in Stong College was named in his honour.