Privacy Policy
If we have your contact information, we will keep it safe. Anyone who has received unwanted mail and e-mails knows the value of privacy. Be assured: York is serious about protecting your privacy.
Personal information in connection with this form is collected under the authority of The York University Act, 1965 and will be used for promoting, publicizing or explaining York and its activities and for administrative, educational, research and advancement purposes. If you have questions about the collection, use or disclosure of personal information by York, please e-mail or call 416-650-8220.
Q. Are there rules for using my personal information?
A. Yes. York complies with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. In addition, the perk providers we deal with are required to abide by the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, which provides Canadians with a right of privacy with respect to the collection, use or disclosure of their personal information for commercial activities.
Q. Who gets my information and when?
A. While we want to be able to make perk information available to you, we are very cautious about how your personal information is used and by whom. The perk promotions you receive from us are distributed by direct-mail companies. Your information is provided to the mailing house on a confidential basis, on each separate occasion, for that limited and specific use.
Q: What kind of contact can I expect?
A. We typically contact grads a few times each month, unless you choose otherwise, with Alumni Matters, special offers from our benefits program and important updates from your Faculty or about the campus.We might also contact you if a former classmate wants to reconnect. We won’t release your information. Instead, we send you theirs. If you choose to, you will receive three issues (two printed and one digital) of YorkU magazine each year free of charge.
Q. Why does the Alumni Engagement team want to keep in touch?
A. For a variety of reasons. We hope that by maintaining contact with York, you will interact with us in ways that enrich your life and the lives of current students. Through our services, you can stay in contact with a wide network of alumni, hear about national and international reunions and events, discover ways to get involved and stay informed about a variety of alumni-related topics.
We also want to make our perks available to you. These not only benefit you as a grad, they enable us to support scholarships and awards, and sponsor activities that expand the reach of the University.
Q. How can I unsubscribe or change my communications preferences?
A. To choose what you'd like to receive from York, or unsubscribe completely, mark your preferences on this form.
Q. Who controls the use of my information?
A. You do. We include an opt-out clause in our communications so you can opt out of the collection and use of your personal information at any time. You can also advise us about your preferences for when and how you are to be contacted or receive information. The database can be personalized to provide the combination and type of communications you desire. You can opt out by e-mailing us at, completing this formor calling 1-866-876-2228.
Comment Policy
We welcome your participation commenting on alumni news and videos and we encourage you to interact with us often. We hope to provide a forum for dialogue among the many diverse voices at York, and we encourage comments about the content you find here. Posts containing personal attacks, profanity, nudity, hate speech or illegal material are prohibited.
We reserve the right, at our discretion, to withhold or remove any comments. Please note that we cannot immediately review every comment submitted, but we do our best to make your comments live as fast as possible.
Opinions expressed in the comments are not necessarily those of the Division of Advancement or its employees, and we do not guarantee the accuracy of them.
Finally, comments are to be used only for non-commercial purposes. You may not solicit funds or promote commercial entities.
Questions? Contact us at