Ways to Give
From funding desperately needed scholarships and research to creating world-class facilities and groundbreaking teaching methods, donations to York University help make it one of Canada’s leading universities. Your generosity is helping create a new generation of Canadian leaders who will not only go on to change their community, but continue the tradition of supporting York University and its students in the future.

Planned Giving
When you include York University as a charitable beneficiary in your Will, life insurance policy, or retirement fund account, you invest in York’s future students and preserve wealth for yourself, your loved ones and your immediate and future needs. To begin creating your York legacy, get in touch with us for a confidential discussion to explore your options.
Donation FAQs

We are happy to answer any questions you might have about making a donation to York University. The best way to contact us is by emailing us at give@yorku.ca. We will try to respond within 1 business day.