
About Us




Contact us




Dr. Ali Asgary,


Emergency Management Program,

York University


Emergency Management Program

School of Administrative Studies

Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies

York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada  M3J 1P3

Tel  416 736 2100   Ext.  22879

E-mail: asgary@yorku.ca



Dr. Yang Gao,


Department of Geomatics Engineering,

The University of Calgary


2500 University Drive, N.W.

Calgary, Alberta, T2N 1N4

Tel .  403.220.6174

Fax . 403.284.1980 

Email. gao@geomatics.ucalgary.ca

URL .   www.ucalgary.ca/~ygao



Dr. Jason Levy,

Institute for Global and Community Resilience,

Department of Environmental Studies,

Western Washington University


Department of Environmental Studies

Huxley College of the Environment

Western Washington University

Bellingham, Washington

98225  USA

Phone: (360) 650-6487

Fax:     (360) 650-7702

Email: Jason.Levy@wwu.edu



Dr. Soohong Park,


Department of GeoInformatic Engineering,

Inha University





Dr. Kaoru Takara,


Vice-Director Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI),

Kyoto University


CriSys Limited

8901 Woodbine Avenue Markham Ontario L3R 9Y4

(905) 474-9111 (Voice)

(905) 474-0536 (Fax)

Dale Paus


(905) 474-9111 (Extension 26)

Email: dpaus@crisys.com


Canadian Center for Emergency Preparedness (CCEP)

860 Harrington Court, Suite 211

Burlington, Ontario L7N 3N4


Telephone: 905.331.2552

Toll Free: 866.559.CCEP (2237)

Fax: 905.331.1641


MRF GeoSystems Corporation

MRF Geosystems Corporation

Suite 200, 625 - 14th Street NW

Calgary, AB, Canada - T2N 2A1

By Email: mrfsales@mrf.com

By Phone: (403) 216-5515

By Fax: (403) 216-5518