Welcome to the 2018 BeeCon - Southern Ontario's Bee Researchers Symposium.
Friday Nov. 23rd at Health Nursing & Environmental Studies Building, HNES, Room 140, York University
BeeCon is an annual free symposium, organized by YorkU's BEEc research group, for local and international melittologists (Bee Biologists!) to present and discuss their work on a wide range of bee-related topics, including bee behaviour, genetics and genomics, and conservation.
We are thrilled to announce that our keynote speaker will be Dr. Margarita Lopez-Uribe, Assistant Professor in the Department of Entomology at Penn State, USA.
The 2018 BeeCon is organized by Sheila Colla and a team of BEEc volunteers.
BeeCon has been organized by YorkU researchers since 2011. Click here to read about BeeCon2017, BeeCon2016, BeeCon2015, and BeeCon2014