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November 13 2023 BeeCon 2023 A Success!

Our 12th annual conference for bee researches took place on October 12-13 2023, showcasing global bee research. If you were not able to attend, select talks are available on our Youtube channel or our event website.

  • Draft Schedule now Available for BeeCon 2023, Oct 12-13, 2023

    Our 12th annual conference for bee researchers locally and globally, BeeCon2023, returns as a hybrid event October 12-13, 2023. A draft schedule is now available, showcasing 45 presenters from 12 countries who will take about a wide range of topics related to bees. Registration is free! Learn more about the event at the BeeCon2023 website:…

  • Now Hiring a New BEEc Coordinator

    We are sad to announce that our current BEEC Coordinator, Victoria MacPhail, will be leaving us later this month for a new position. We are now hiring to fill this Coordinator position. Visit the job posting at the YU Hire website to learn more about the position and to apply. A summary is below and…

  • Postdoctoral positions in Ecological Genomics at York University – Deadline August 31, 2023

    The Zayed Lab ( at York University’s Dept. of Biology (Toronto, Canada) has positions available for a postdoctoral fellow in Ecological Genomics with demonstrable expertise in genomics and bioinformatics for the following two projects: BeeCSI: Our group is leading a national Genome Canada-funded initiative called BeeCSI ( to develop stressor-specific biomarkers for honey bees. We…

  • BeeCon returns Oct 12-13, 2013: Submit an Abstract and Register today

    BeeCon returns October 12-13, 2023, with virtual presentations on Thursday and in-person ones (also streamed via Zoom) at York University on Friday.  This two-day conference is an opportunity to connect melittologists (bee biologists), industry professionals and other bee researchers on an international scale.  It is hosted by the Centre for Bee Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation at…

  • May 18 Scholars' Hub Presentation: BEEc and the York Bee Collection: Globally Recognized Research at York University 

    12noon Eastern Time, Thursday, May 18, 2023 over Zoom Presented by Dr. Laurence Packer, Distinguished Professor of Biology and Dr. Victoria MacPhail, BEEc Coordinator. In this Scholars’ Hub Presentation, learn about the research undertaken by the Centre for Bee Ecology, Evolution and Conservation (BEEc), a network of faculty, staff, and students based at York University…

  • May 17 Cocktail Reception & Fundraiser for the Maria Stea Memorial Award

    Join us for a Cocktail Fundraiser for the Maria Stea Award – May 17, 2023, at the Angus Glen Golf Club (Mackenzie Hall), 10080 Kennedy Rd, Markham, Ontario. Maria Stea was the Associate Director of Advancement for the Faculty of Science at York University, and a big supporter of BEEC, when she died in 2019…

  • May 16 Garden Party: Outreach and Restoration at the EUC Native Plant Garden

    BEEc and the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change invite everyone (students, staff, faculty, community members) to join them for a Garden Party on Tuesday, May 16 from 2:30-5pm outside HNES on Keele Campus at York University.  In celebration of World Bee Day on the following Saturday, everyone is welcome to drop by our outreach table to…

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