York affirms its commitment to ongoing dialogue and engagement

York affirms its commitment to ongoing dialogue and engagement

York recognizes that the encampments at universities across North America are intended to advocate for attention to the plight of Palestinians in Gaza, support for Palestinian students and scholars, and transparency regarding universities’ investments.

The University administration acknowledges – with heartfelt empathy – the pain and anger experienced by members of the community due to what is happening in Gaza, and recognizes that the decision to disband the encampment today will be difficult for many community members. Although the encampment was untenable because of its infringement on community space, the University wishes to respond to the concerns that motivated it.

Following on the University’s earlier message today, York affirms its openness to engaging with community members – students, faculty, instructors and staff – on the specific issues that have been raised.

York will enhance supports for York University Palestinian students and other students affected by war, including working with student groups around their needs. Recognizing the destruction of Palestinian universities, we have already begun and will expand efforts to support displaced Palestinian researchers through the Scholars at Risk program. We are open to other suggestions for initiatives to support Palestinian students, scholars and scholarship.

York currently discloses its investments and is committed to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investment principles. The University administration proposes adding to this by extending an invitation to our student associations, and any of their student members, to meet with senior administration to discuss York’s investments, the transparency of University holdings, and the University investment strategy, including what further ESG steps could be taken.

The University administration is clear that it will not seek any reprisal against York community members who participated peacefully in the encampment. The University supports and upholds academic freedom and the freedom of expression within the limits of the law, including peaceful protest; however, this support does not extend to unauthorized encampments.

Well-being support is available for students, faculty, instructors and staff.