Women hit especially hard by pandemic both in the job market and at home, says Professor Winny Shen

Women hit especially hard by pandemic both in the job market and at home, says Professor Winny Shen

Women hit especially hard by pandemic both in the job market and at home, says Professor Winny Shen

empty restaurant Many women worked in retail, restaurants and hospitality industries before the pandemic and may not see their jobs return quickly, says Winny Shen, an associate professor of organizational behaviour and industrial relations at the Schulich School of Business. Even for women who can work at home, there’s a catch, Shen told Global News on International Women’s Day – they are still expected to do more than their share of child care. Watch the interview here: https://globalnews.ca/video/7683553/understanding-the-economic-impact-of-covid-19-on-working-women/




