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Undergraduate students receive Governor General’s Silver Medals

Three York University graduates – Vo Dinh Huy Nguyen, Parker Grant and Michele Bars – received this year’s Governor General's Silver Medals, recognizing the outstanding scholastic achievements of undergraduate students in Canada. 

Mike Wessinger shares with graduands the secret to success

The co-founder of PointClickCare, the most widely used cloud-based health-care software provider in long-term and post-acute care, accepted his honorary degree by sharing with grads his tips for being a success.

Toolkit helps celebrate latest THE Impact Rankings

A comprehensive toolkit that provides guidance on email signatures and social media posts is available to help the York University community celebrate its latest climb in THE Impact Rankings.

L’Université York se hisse parmi les 35 premiers rangs du palmarès Times Higher Education Impact

Chers collègues, chères collègues, L’Université York a fait un bond impressionnant de cinq places pour figurer parmi les 35 meilleurs établissements au monde pour la promotion des 17 objectifs de développement durable (ODD) des Nations Unies, selon le palmarès Times Higher Education Impact de cette année, publié aujourd’hui. Ces résultats témoignent de la reconnaissance croissante du leadership […]