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York U staff member wins research administration award

Mickel A. Allen, a research and administrative support assistant in the Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, has received the Unsung Hero Award from the Canadian Association of Research Administrators.

2023 Employment Equity Report now available

The latest iteration of the annual report details the analysis of equity-identified groups at York University from the period of Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2023.

Déclaration à l’occasion du Jour de l’émancipation

Le 1er août est le jour où on célèbre l’entrée en vigueur de la « Slavery Abolition Act » de 1833 (Loi sur l’abolition de l’esclavage), partout dans l’Empire britannique. Dans le passé, des membres des communautés noires et autochtones ont été réduits en esclavage sur le territoire qui est aujourd’hui le Canada, ce qui a profondément marqué […]

Report on Black Inclusion Action Plan shows momentum

The York community is invited to read the third Annual Report on Black Inclusion, which features a look at what progress has been made on 86 calls to action aimed at shifting institutional culture towards the inclusion and affirmation of Black lives and experiences. 

Advancing YU empowers Black, women students

Through the Advancing YU program, Black and/or women undergraduate students have the opportunity to be paired with alumni mentors to explore their personal and professional potential.