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Arnold Auguste reflects on career spent sharing marginalized voices

At York University’s June 20 convocation ceremony, an honorary degree was presented to Arnold Auguste, president and publisher of the newspaper Share, which has been serving the Greater Toronto Area’s Black and Caribbean communities since 1978.

Le Mois national de l’histoire autochtone célèbre l’histoire et les traditions culturelles

Chère communauté de York, Le mois de juin est l’occasion pour la communauté de York de célébrer la riche histoire, la diversité culturelle et la présence permanente des Premières Nations, des Inuits et des Métis. Pour les membres des communautés autochtones, c’est souvent l’occasion de célébrer avec la famille et la communauté en participant aux […]

York University partnership supports social entrepreneurship

The TMS Schulich Innovation & Entrepreneurial Experience program – a collaboration between York University’s YSpace and Schulich ExecEd, and Toronto Montessori Schools (TMS) – has been empowering high-school students since 2019 to cultivate entrepreneurial skills and a sense of social responsibility.

York alumnus helps Ghana farmers flourish

York alumnus Moustapha Seck has created a company that looks to help small-scale farmers in Ghana improve their businesses and become more profitable.

Costa Rica provides canvas for Eco-Arts Residency

York University’s Las Nubes Campus in Costa Rica is welcoming its first-ever Eco-Arts Residency, where students will immerse themselves in the local community and culture.