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Students participate in research program at Holland Bloorview

Four York University undergraduate students were chosen among 17 people across Canada to participate in a summer research program at Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital to advance work in pediatric disability and developmental differences.

Summer course teaches cultural understanding through movement

York University Professor Patrick Alcedo’s Summer 2024 course, Philippine Folk Dance and Culture, gave students the opportunity to travel to the Southeast Asian nation for three weeks – to learn new dances in their original settings.

Study abroad course in Cuba breaks new ground

Two groups of first-year York University students travelled to Cuba this spring as part of a new Faculty of Health course exploring human rights, Cuban culture and the country’s health-care system.

York U researchers receive CIHR funding to study dementia care

Faculty of Health professors Matthias Hoben, Tamara Daly and Liane Ginsburg have been awarded $750,000 from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Institute of Aging (CIHR-IA) to support their study of adult day programs for individuals living with dementia.