As of 2023, this site is no longer being updated. For up to date information about teaching remotely, review our YorkU Guide to Teaching Remotely and our many other Teaching Commons resources.
This site has been designed to provide teaching support based on the kind of needs you have for your courses, your circumstances, and the needs of your students. To get started, please explore the 7 Elements of a Good Online Course from the Academica forum and review our Virtual and Blended Teaching Essentials Checklist to help you plan the delivery of part of or all of your course content virtually.

Organize your Course
Here are some things you can try

Create and Share Course Content
Here are some things you can try

Engage with Students
Here are some things you can try

Assess and Provide Feedback
Here are some things you can try

Where to Get Support
Here are some things you can try

Make your Course Accessible
Here are some things you can try

Support your Teaching Team
Here are some things you can try

Copyright and Intellectual Property
Here are some things you can try
© 2020 Blended and Online Learning Design (BOLD), Teaching Commons & Learning Technology Services, York University. Unless otherwise stated, all content on the Blended and Online Learning Design - York University site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommerical 4.0 International license. If you reuse this work, please attribute BOLD, York University and include a link to
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