Here you will find campaign specific assets that can be used to support the York Brand. These will include items such as larger initiatives and assets surrounding holidays and other events. Consistency is key to a successful brand so please use these assets in place of creating your own!
For consideration when using templates that require a photo selection:
- Photos in the template files provided are to serve as samples and are therefore a guide for how to apply this treatment/frame to your own images. All photo selections should reflect the content which will be published on your social channels.
- Practice caution with photo placement within your social posts, particularly with DEDI related campaigns and dialogue themes. Generally, it is recommended to use a diverse group rather than one person so that they are not singled out as a representation of a whole diverse group. In addition, ensure that the text content which is posted along with the image provides context to the photo and vice versa. In the case where the photo corresponds with a profile or story about an individual, you should use a photo of that person (ensure that you have their permission).
- When creating text content to accompany the images, be mindful with wording. For example, it is recommended to state “…the Black community at York University”. Avoid phrasing such as “York University’s Black community…” as it can present as problematic.
To learn more, we recommend engaging with York University's DEDI Strategy and DEDI Toolkit.