The Bauhaus

(Bauhaus, Dessau)

  Bauhaus Style......That phrase fosters a myth: it is an inadmissible oversimplification and unfairly conceals the many significant forces that worked to create the style of the twenties.

what was the bauhaus? the bauhaus 'style'

relationship to listserv discussion re: artand craft

Bauhaus ideals: equality of fine artist and artisan
social equality
design will improve society, not simply reflect it


student life at the bauhaus
legendary parties and pedagogy
what was radical
what wasn't - example: gender and the wevaing workshop

bauhaus theatre and dance : Oskar Shlemmer' Triadic ballet

some contemporary responses:
caroline Wilkins: Music for Mechanical instruments (dance)
Bauhaus soundscapes: Westerkamp

relationship between the contemporary Bauhaus Foundation in Dessau, in the former East Germany and the historic Bauhaus originated in 1919 by Walter Gropius. Bauhaus since German reunification in 1990 and since the Bauhaus Foundation was inaugurated in 1994.


evidence of Bauhaus in your life? :