Collagist practices of knowledge




"This new artist is an architect of the space of events, an engineer of worlds for billions of future histories, a sculptor of the virtual." – Pierre LÈvy

George P. Landow “Hypertext as Collage Writing in P. Lunenfeld (ed)   Digital Dialectic: new essays on new media Boston: MIT Press, 1999
Bill Nichols “The Work of Culture in the Age of Cybernetic Systems” in T. Druckery (ed.) Electronic Culture: technology and Visual representation, NY: Aperture, 1996

A. some definitions
various mateirals attached to a picture surface

2 the original multimedia artwork

3. a client/server group collaboration system on computer (how does this extend the standard definitions, above?)

-- so what would a collagist practice of knowledge be?


-- what characteristics does Landow think hypermedia 'hypertexts' and collage share?

-- what does Landow say about the process he went through to write this paper? Do artists in other disicplines go through similar processes?

-- some people call this Frankenstein art -- what do they mean by this?

-- can you think of any examples of Frankenstein music? dance? design? theatre? film/video? multimedia?

-- how does collage/appropriation/digital sampling/mechanical reproduction/digital reproduction challenge or enhance our notions of
who gets to be an artist?
the boundaries of an artistic work
the place of originality?
the place of technology in/and art
translation from one medium to another

all of these are ideas you're already grappling with on the listserv.

what other ideas do the readings from this week raise for you?


Second half of class -- Alicia Vogel - guest artists from Argentina – ‘making art in the barrios’