caves at Lascaux


Venus de Milo

Georges La tour
St Sebastien Tended by St Irene 1634-1643


Michelangelo Buonarroti : Pietà (1499)

Cezanne - The Card Players 1890 - 1892

Duchamp's Nude Descending A Staircase (1912)

Malevich Black Square [1913]

Warhol: Campbell's Soup Can

Lumiere Brothers: The Arrival of a Train at the Station (1895)

What is Haiku?
Haiku is a very short poetic form, consisting of three lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables each, and must have a special word which evokes the season. It is probably the shortest poetic form in the world, and its development is native to Japan, with no influence from either the West or China. The poet must be concise because of the brevity, while concentrating deep spiritual understanding into the poem. The haiku poet usually takes up the changes of nature which have impressed him in order to express the intangible world of the spirit. Although it is difficult, haiku is not written only by professionals. Anyone can easily learn to use the form.




(computer artist)

Heat Bunting -- net artist


Alexei Shulgin

Moscow based artist, musician, curator, activist and professor. In his work he explores the boundaries between art, culture and technology in their relation to "real life" effects and vice versa. His favorite methods are mixing contexts and questioning the existing states of things. Shulgin has participated in numerous exhibitions and symposiums on photography, contemporary art and new media.

Cronos devouring one of his children; painting by Goya (Prado, Madrid)