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Are Our Students Prepared? The Impact of Capstone Design Pedagogical Approaches on Student Skill Development During Industry-Sponsored Fieldwork

“At both institutions, we found, for the most part, that industry expectations were met and students tended to rate themselves highly before the capstone course…Although not reflected in our survey results, informal conversations with industry partners over the past several years have revealed that a few partners hold unattainable expectations of students and others have very low expectations of students.” (p.192)

Konrad, R., Hall-Phillips, A., & Vila-Parrish, A. R. (2018). Are Our Students Prepared? The Impact of Capstone Design Pedagogical Approaches on Student Skill Development During Industry-Sponsored Fieldwork. INFORMS Transactions on Education, 18(3), 183-193. doi:10.1287/ited.2018.0198
