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Major Changes: Personality, ability, and congruence in the prediction of academic outcomes

“Students in the arts/humanities majors were high in openness to experience, business students scored lowest in emotionality, science students scored low in extraversion, and helping/child-focused students scored high in honesty– humility, extraversion, and emotionality.” (p.80) “As compared to other students, business students reported lower levels of honesty–humility and emotionality, and higher levels of extraversion. Science majors showed strong interests in analysis and organization, higher levels of conscientiousness, high scores in math ability, and reported the lowest levels of extraversion.” (p.84)

Pozzebon, J. A., Ashton, M. C., & Visser, B. A. (2014). Major Changes: Personality, ability, and congruence in the prediction of academic outcomes. Journal of Career Assessment, 22(1), 75-88. doi:10.1177/1069072713487858
