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An International Capstone Experience for Pharmacy Students

“Those who have participated in the program attest to the impact the program has had on both their professional and personal lives through increased cultural awareness, heightened understanding of the global issues and challenges faced by health care in general and pharmacy in particular, and a deeper appreciation for how pharmacists around the globe fulfill their professional purpose…They all indicated that they felt the experience improved their abilities as a pharmacist, particularly insofar as it helped them understand how pharmacists in other countries approach problems also faced by pharmacists in the United States (examples cited were drug shortages, rationing issues, compounding/product formulation issues, patient counseling and education, and interaction with physicians and other interprofessional team members). They all felt the experience gave them a deeper sense of professional identity and a broader “worldview” of health care and where pharmacy fits in that landscape.” (p.3-4)

Gourley, D. R., Vaidya, V. A., Hufstader, M. A., Ray, M. D., & Chisholm-Burns, M. A. (2013). An International Capstone Experience for Pharmacy Students. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 77(3), 1-4. doi:10.5688/ajpe77350
