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Personality, academic majors and performance: Revealing complex patterns

“Arts/humanities students scored significantly higher on Agreeableness (than law and economics students), neuroticism (than medicine and economics students), and openness (than medicine, law, economics, and science students), and lower on Conscientiousness (than medicine and psychology students)…Economics students scored significantly lower on Agreeableness (than medicine, psychology, science, and arts/humanities students) and Neuroticism (than psychology and arts/humanities students)…Science students scored significantly lower on Extraversion than all others.” (p.71)

Vedel, A., Thomsen, D. K., & Larsen, L. (2015). Personality, academic majors and performance: Revealing complex patterns. Personality and Individual Differences, 85, 69-76. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2015.04.030
