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Developing capstone curriculum to enhance student achievement

Rethinking the Value of Choice: A Cultural Perspective on Intrinsic Motivation

“In 2 studies, personal choice generally enhanced motivation more for American independent selves than for Asian interdependent selves. In addition, Anglo American children showed less intrinsic motivation when choices were made for them by others than when they made their own choices, whether the others were authority figures or peers. In contrast, Asian American children […]

Escaping the tyranny of choice: when fewer attributes make choice easier

“Fewer the attributes considered, the fewer non-dominated options appear...Thus, considering fewer attributes has the benefit of making the choice less conflicted and less complicated...Our results suggest that one reason why decision makers find it easier to choose in the presence of fewer as opposed to more attributes (Malhotra, 1982) might lie in the reduced number […]

The choice is yours: The effects of autonomy-supportive instruction on students’ learning and communication

“Results revealed that autonomy-supportive instruction caused students to (a) become more intrinsically motivated which in turn, caused them to (3) put more effort into completing a learning packet, (c) sustain their attention, and report they would (d) participate in future classes with that instructor, and (e) refrain from spreading negative comments.” (p.80) Baker, J. P., […]

The effects of autonomy on motivation and performance in the college classroom

“The college students here who perceived their instructors to be supportive of autonomy by allowing students to participate in course policy-making, reported greater levels of motivation at the end of the semester, even after partialling out the effects of pretest motivation. Perceptions of autonomy had positive effects not only on intrinsic motivation, but also upon […]

Increased performance with increased personal control: A self-presentation interpretation

“It was concluded that providing increased control over a task often results in increased concern for self-presentation that may lead to a better performance on the task.” (p.350) “People in positions of increased control also may experience an increase in their feelings of personal responsibility for the outcomes of the situation and an increase in […]

The effects of instructors’ autonomy support and students’ autonomous motivation on learning organic chemistry: A self-determination theory perspective

“The study revealed that: (1) students’ reports of entering the course for relatively autonomous (vs. controlled) reasons predicted higher perceived competence and interest/enjoyment and lower anxiety and grade-focused performance goals during the course, and were related to whether or not the students dropped the course; and (2) students’ perceptions of their instructors’ autonomy support predicted […]

Perceived autonomy-support, expectancy, value, metacognitive strategies and performance in chemistry: A structural equation model in undergraduates

“However, in the present study, the positive effects from autonomy support to expectancy and value variables were higher for perceived importance and utility, and lower for expectancy and interest.” (p.648) “...Perceived autonomy support positively predicted expectancy, importance, utility, interest, planning, monitoring, evaluation and performance in chemistry; motivational variables positively predicted metacognitive strategies and performance; and […]

Enhancing students’ motivation by increasing teachers’ autonomy support

“We also found that the more teachers used autonomy-supportive instructional behaviours, the more engagement their students showed.” (p.165) Reeve, J., Jang, H., Carrell, D., Jeon, S., & Barch, J. (2004). Enhancing students’ motivation by increasing teachers’ autonomy support. Motivation and Emotion, 28(2), 147–169.

The effectiveness and relative importance of choice in the classroom

“Overall and in line with self-determination theory, results suggested that providing students with choices among homework tasks effectively enhanced motivational and performance outcomes and that choice is an important component to creating a classroom environment supportive of autonomy and intrinsic motivation...Consistent with self-determination theory, we found that students reported feeling more interested in and enjoying […]