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CERLAC is delighted to announce that Kevin Chrisman (CERLAC Research Associate) is the winner of the 2019 CALACS Outstanding Dissertation Prize

CERLAC is delighted to announce that Kevin Chrisman (CERLAC Research Associate) is the winner of the 2019 CALACS Outstanding Dissertation Prize

CERLAC is delighted to announce the CALACS Outstanding Dissertation Prize 2019 Winner:

Kevin Chrisman, Ph.D.

“Meet Me at Sanborns: Labor, Leisure, Gender and Sexuality in Twentieth-Century Mexico”

Dept. of History, York University

Supervisor: Dr. Anne Rubenstein

The Outstanding Dissertation Prize committee commends Dr. Chrisman’s Ph.D. dissertation, a highly original and beautifully written cultural history of the iconic Mexican institution that is the Sanborns retail chain.  “Meet Me at Sanborns” examines questions of nationalism, class, gender and sexuality from the dénouement of the Porfiriato, through the Revolution, to the present day.  The evaluating committee was struck by the breadth and richness of the archival and oral sources that Dr. Chrisman used to look at the experiences of workers, customers, public figures, and the broader Mexican public, as well as the overall excellence of the writing.

To read the whole announcement click here.