York University's Centre for Research on Latin American and the Caribbean (CERLAC) presents its 2020-2021 Michael Baptista lecture series: Fly Me to the Moon: Imagining a Future Beyond Extraction on November 11, 2020. The lecture will take place from 7 to 9 p.m. via zoom.
Fly Me to the Moon: Imagining a Future Beyond Extraction: Join director Esther Figueroa and a panel of artists, activists and academics to discuss the brilliant Jamaican film Fly Me to the Moon which tells stories of Black and Indigenous peoples across the globe whose lands, forests, and rivers have been taken over and made toxic by the aluminum industry. The film examines the deep geopolitical and racialized connections between the polluted landscapes left by bauxite mining in Jamaica (and other Caribbean countries) and the sleek icons of space travel and modernity. Focusing on aluminum's transnational role in reshaping modern transport, warfare and homes Fly Me to the Moon unravels the toxic realities of past, present, and future and speaks to the dispossession it has unleashed.
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