Honor Ford-Smith is an Associate Professor of Community and Environmental Arts in Faculty of Environmental Studies at York University. In addition, she is a co-founder and artistic director of Sistren (Sisters), a theatre collective of mainly working-class Jamaican women that works in community theatre and popular education. Ford-Smith has also worked as a member of the Groundwork Theatre Company, created in 1980 as the repertory arm of the Jamaica School of Drama.
She researched, edited and contributed to Sistren's book Lionheart Gal: Life Stories of Jamaican Women, published in 1986 and re-issued, with a new afterword by Ford-Smith, in 2005. Among her many theatre projects have been the collectively created Fallen Angel and the Devil Concubine , a dramatic adaptation of My Mother's Last Dance, and Just Jazz, an adaptation of Jean Rhys's Let Them Call It Jazz. Her most recent publication is 3 Jamaican plays: a postcolonial anthology (1977-1987) published by Paul Issa publicatons, Kingston, Jamaica in 2010.
Country(ies) or Region(s) of Specialization: Jamaica
Keywords: arts, performance, community, social movements, race, gender, colonialism and post-colonialism