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2010 - 2011 Academic Year

Please click on titles for posters and further information about CERLAC's events in 2010-2011.

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[accordion title="Reading Cuba’s Literary Discourse on Slavery in a Postmodern Mode"]

CERLAC and the Tubman Institute present:

Reading Cuba’s Literary Discourse on Slavery in a Postmodern Mode

Claudette M. Williams
Professor of Hispanic Caribbean Literature
Department of Modern Languages & Literatures
University of the West Indies, Mona Campus

Thursday, July 15, 2010
3:00 - 4:30 pm
901 YRT (York Research Tower)
York University

In this lecture, Dr. Williams will be departing somewhat from the standard view of unremitting conflict between enslaver and enslaved. By using a postmodern optic, she hopes to foreground what some have claimed to be the ambiguity and complexity of some of these relationships. She will be doing this through a reading of a Nancy Morejón poem, showing how she negotiates the tension between two variants of the master-slave interaction: one based on consent and the other on conflict.

Claudette WilliamsDr. Claudette May Williams is a professor in Modern Languages & Literatures in the Faculty of Humanities & Education of the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus. She holds a PhD from Stanford University as well as a Bachelors and a Masters degree of Arts from UWI Mona. She is the author of various titles, including Charcoal and cinnamon: The politics of color in Spanish Caribbean literature.
[accordion title="Graduate Research Conference Planning Meeting"]

<h3>Planning meeting: Graduate Student Research Conference 2011</h3>

CERLAC invites York graduate students with a research focus on Latin America and/or the Caribbean to help us organize the second

CERLAC Graduate Student Research Conference on Latin America and the Caribbean

This conference, tentatively scheduled for March 2011, will highlight York graduate student research with a regional focus across a broad disciplinary range.

Join us in a planning meeting for this event:
Where: 901 YRT (York Research Tower)
When: 10 am – 12 pm, Wednesday, September 15


In November 2008, CERLAC held its first Graduate Student Research Conference on Latin America and the Caribbean.

It was a resounding success: over 100 abstracts were submitted, and the final program featured 74 presenters organized into 20 concurrent panels over a two-day pediod. More than one third of presenters were York students, but the conference also attracted students from throughout Canada, from the US, Sweden and the Netherlands, as well as Mexico and Bolivia.

Panels were organized in fields or thematically with an expert assigned to each. Fellows with expertise in environmental, indigenous and development studies, as well as history, literature, and music offered invaluable feedback to student presenters, many of whom were still thinking through their major research projects.

The event was very well attended, the presentations of high quality, the discussion animated and thoughtful. It was an invigorating and rewarding experience for everyone involved in its realization.

A good part of the original event’s success was attributable to the fact that the organizing committee incorporated a team of enthusiastic graduate students, representing different disclipinary and geographic areas of specialization, who spearheaded the entire endeavour – from the crafting of the call for papers and the vetting of submissions, to the designing of the agenda and assisting with the actual logistics.

We want to do it all again, and we invite you to join us in making it happen.

[accordion title="Producing and Negotiating Precarious Migrant Status in Canada"]
Producing and Negotiating Precarious Migrant Status in Canada
[accordion title="Student Exchange Opportunities in the Caribbean"]
Student Exchange Opportunities in the Caribbean
[accordion title="Brazil and Africa in the 21st Century"]

Brazil and Africa in the Twenty-First Century

a talk by

Ambassador Afonso Cardoso
Consul General of Brazil in Toronto

Before coming to the Consulate General of Brazil in Toronto in July 2010, Afonso Cardoso was Brazil’s Ambassador in Angola for two and a half years. He has been working as a diplomat for more than 40 years and, besides Angola, worked in the United States, Chile, Uruguay and Hungary.

Ambassador Cardoso will informally debate the most salient issues in the relationship between Brazil and Africa in current times.

Wednesday September 29, 2010

at Room 956 York Research Tower

Free. Everyone is welcome. Light refreshments will be served.

[accordion title="Graduate Student Orientation to CERLAC"]

An open invitation to all Graduate students at York with a research focus on Latin America and/or the CaribbeanCome to our

Graduate Student Orientation to CERLAC

The Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean

Tuesday, October 5 2010
3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Conference Centre, 5th Floor YRT (York Research Tower)

Learn more about CERLAC - its graduate diploma program, essay prizes, documentation centre, events, resources for students, etc.

Meet faculty & other grad students working on Latin American & Caribbean issues.
Tell us how we can best support you and what activities you would like to see!
[accordion title="Place, Home & the World in Caribbean Women's Writing"]
Place, Home & the World in Caribbean Women's Writing
[accordion title="Latin American Integration and the EU Model"]

An event co-sponsored by CERLAC

EUCE Seminars in European History, Culture & Society
European Union Centre of Excellence

Latin American Integration and the EU Model

Professor Joaquín Roy Jean
Professor, Director European Union Centre, University of Miami, Department of International Studies

Wednesday, 6 October 2010
4:00 - 5:30 pm
5th floor Conference Centre (519), York Research Tower
York University

Refreshments will be served.
Please rsvp until 4 October to
[accordion title="Health Biotech Innovation in Brazil: Pitfalls and Promises"]

CERLAC & The Brazilian Studies Seminar at York University

Health Biotech Innovation in Brazil: Pitfalls and Promises

a talk by
Rahim Rezaie
PhD Candidate at the University of Toronto’s Institute of Medical Science

The presentation will review efforts by Brazilian domestic entrepreneurs as well as government to enhance the innovative capacity of the country in health biotechnology. It will highlight some of the progress made in this regard as well as barriers that hinder the development of the sector in general. Discussions could also include comparative aspects vis-à-vis China and India.

Rahim Rezaie is a 4th-year PhD Candidate at the University of Toronto’s Institute of Medical Science. He has a Masters Degree in Biotechnology (M.Biotech), a B.Sc. (Hon) in Molecular Biology and a Minor in Social Psychology. Rezaie`s research over the past few years has focused on health technology innovation within domestic enterprises in Brazil, China and India with a focus on innovation strategy within firms and the role of government policy in advancing innovation within domestic enterprises.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010, 12:30-14:00
Room 830 York Research Tower

Everyone is welcome. Free.
[accordion title="Confronting Impunity: Women's Struggles for Justice, Historical Memory and Reparation in Guatemala"]
Confronting Impunity Women's Struggles for Justice, Historical Memory and Reparation in Guatemala
[accordion title="New Approaches to Brazilian Ethnicity"]

Please join us for a Brazilian Studies/Glendon History Department Seminar on

New Approaches to Brazilian Ethnicity

Jeffrey Lesser
Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Latin American History and Director, Tam Institute for Jewish Studies

Negotiating National Identity Welcoming the Undesirables

Thursday, October 7, 1:00 -3:00 p.m.
at York University’s Glendon College,
2275 Bayview Avenue, Fireside Lounge (on the third floor of the main building of York Hall)

Dr. Lesser is the author of A Discontented Diaspora: Japanese-Brazilians and the Meanings of Ethnic Militancy, 1960-1980, as well as Negotiating National Identity: Immigrants, Minorities, and the Struggle for Ethnicity in Brazil, and Welcoming the Undesirables: Brazil and the Jewish Question. He also edited Rethinking Jewish-Latin Americans, Searching for Home Abroad: Japanese-Brazilians and Transnationalism, and Arab and Jewish Immigrants in Latin America: Images and Realities.
Please RSVP to if you will be able to join us
[accordion title="Managed Migration & Has Mexican Democracy Failed?"]

CERLAC presents

Two LASA events featuring CERLAC Fellow Judy Hellman

Managed Migration

A Comparison of Agricultural Contract Work
in Canada, the United States, and Spain

A feature event of the 2010 LASA Congress
taking place in Toronto 6-9 October 2010

Thursday, Oct 7, 2010
4:30 pm - 6:15 pm
Hilton - Lismer

Organizer, Chair & Discussant: Judith Adler Hellman, York University

Can Managed Migration Really be Managed?: Seasonal Agricultural Workers Programs in North America
Arthur Leigh Binford, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla

Para Mis Hijos: Hyperproletarianization, Family, and Managed Migration between Sinaloa and North Carolina
David C. Griffith, East Carolina University

Canada’s Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program: A Model or Amiss?
Janet E. McLaughlin, Wilfrid Laurier University/International Migration Research Centre

Mismanaging Migration? Changes to Canada’s Agriculture Guestworker Programs and Impacts for Workplace Regime
Kerry L. Preibisch, University of Guelph

Trabajadoras invitadas en los campos freseros: Políticas de contratación y gestión de la inmigración en el Sur de España
Alicia Reigada Olaizola, Universidad de Sevilla


Democrats, Billionaires and Drug Lords:

Has Mexican Democracy Failed?

Sergio Aguayo
El Colegio de México
Judith Adler Hellman
York University (discussant)

A Presidential Session of the 2010 LASA Congress
taking place in Toronto 6-9 October 2010

Thursday, Oct 7, 2010
6:30 pm - 8:15 pm
Sheraton - Essex Ballroom

Co-Sponsored by the Local Arrangments Committee and the
Consulate General of Mexico in Toronto

Organizer: John H. Coatsworth, Columbia University

Follow the link for more information on the 2010 LASA Congress:
[accordion title="Regulating Canadian Extractive Industries in the Americas"]

CERLAC presents

Regulating Canadian Extractive Industries in the Americas

A feature event of the 2010 LASA Congress, taking place 6-9 Oct 2010 in Toronto.

Thursday Oct 7, 2010
12:30 pm - 2:15 pm
Sheraton - Essex Ballroom

Organizer: Eduardo Canel, York University

Regulating Canadian Extractive Industries Abroad. Private Member's Bill C-300 on Responsible Canadian Mining
John McKay, Member of Parliament, Scarborough-Guildwood, Canada

Competing Visions of Human Rights in the Transnational Regulation of Canadian Mining Investment in Latin America
David Szablowski, York University

Contesting NAFTA's Marine Zones: The Regulation of the Petroleum Offshore
Anna Zalik, York University

Breaching Indigenous Law: Goldcorp and Hudbay in Guatemala
Shin Imai, York University

Sponsor(s): Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS) and CERLAC

For more information on the 2010 LASA Congress:
[accordion title="Canada Looks South: In Search of an Americas Policy"]

CERLAC presents

Two workshops on the topic

Canada Looks South:

In Search of an Americas Policy

as part of the 2010 LASA Congress
taking place in Toronto 6-9 October 2010
LASA 2010

Canada Looks South: In Search of an Americas Policy I

407 // INT - 6905 - Workshop - Friday 8 October 12:30 pm - 2:15 pm, Sheraton -
Conference Room D

Organizer & Chair: Ricardo S. Grinspun, York University
Lesley M. Burns, Canadian Foundation for the Americas
Roberto Alberto Durán Sepulveda, Catholic University of Chile
John M. Kirk, Dalhousie University
Liisa L. North, York University
Laura Macdonald, Carleton University

Canada Looks South: In Search of an Americas Policy II

444 // INT - 6906 - Workshop - Friday 8 October 2:30 pm - 4:15 pm, Sheraton -
Conference Room D

Organizer: Ricardo S. Grinspun, York University
Chair: Liisa L. North, York University

Ricardo S. Grinspun, York University
Pablo Policzer, University of Calgary
Yasmine H. Shamsie, Wilfrid Laurier University
Jason Tockman, University of British Columbia
Duncan R. Wood, ITAM

Follow the link for more information on the 2010 LASA Congress:
[accordion title="Latin American Immigrants in Canada"]

CERLAC presents
a LASA panel featuring various CERLAC Fellows and associates

Work Trajectories and Pathways to Citizenship:

Latin American Immigrants in Canada

Friday October 8, 2010
4:30 pm - 6:15 pm
Sheraton - Conference Room C

Organizer: Kerry L. Preibisch,
Chairs: Kerry L. Preibisch, University of Guelph and Jenna L. Hennebry, Wilfrid Laurier University/International Migration Research Centre
Discussant: Alan Simmons, York University

Persistent Precarity: Pathways to Precarious Work and Citizenship among Latin American and Caribbean Immigrants in Toronto
Luin Goldring, York University; Patricia Landolt-Marticorena, University of Toronto

“Choice”, Social Inclusion, and Transnational Livelihoods
Luann M. Good Gingrich, York University

Mujeres en lucha: Engendering Resistance Among Mexican Migrant Farm Worker Women in Rural Ontario
Evelyn V. Encalada Grez, University of Toronto

Immobile Workers in a Mobile World: Mediating Mexican Temporary Migration in Canada
Jenna L. Hennebry, Wilfrid Laurier University/International Migration Research Centre; Kerry L. Preibisch, University of Guelph

For more information on the 2010 LASA Congress:
[accordion title="State of Play: Photography, Multimedia and Memory"]

CERLAC & the Centre for Feminist Research present:

State of Play: Photography, Multimedia and Memory
with Roshini Kempadoo

Monday, October 18, 2010
2:30-4:30 p.m.
Nat Taylor Cinema, Ross N102, York University

Roshini Kempadoo introduces her art practice of photography and multimedia artworks including / Amendments / (2007) a re-imaging of Caribbean diasporic history. She explores the way in which photographs and digital art may be considered counter-narratives to the multiple and instant tendencies to digitise and commodify memory.

Roshini Kempadoo is a London based Photographer, Media Artist, and Reader in Media Practice at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of East London. Her research and artwork re-interprets and re-imagines contemporary and historical experiences of the everyday. She explores the link between British and Caribbean culture through the use of photographs, digital media, and networked environments. Roshini has degrees in Visual Communications, Photographic Studies and was awarded her PhD from Goldsmiths College, University of London, 2008.
The generous support of the following is gratefully acknowledged: The Centre for Feminist Research; The Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean; Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, Community Arts Practice, Faculty of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Fine Arts.
[accordion title="Brazilian National Telecommunications Policy"]

The Brazil Studies Seminar at York University

Brazilian National Telecommunications Policy:
evolution and challenges

a talk by
Luiz Claudio Custodio

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Room 830 - York Research Tower
York University

Custodio will present on the development of telecommunications in Brazil from a public operator model (federal and provincial governments) to private operators regulated by the federal government. He will analyze the current outlook and relation with the development of Brazil as an emerging nation. Finally, he will discuss regulatory challenges for the next 10 years; the question of economic, social and regional inequalities; as well as supply and use of telecommunication services throughout Brazil.

Luiz Claudio Custodio is an experienced executive in telecommunications and IT industry. He was born in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) and received his BS in Electrical Engineering in 1984. He came to Canada after nearly twenty-five years of service in the technology industry in Brazil. In the past 8 years, he was a senior executive in a major carrier in Latin America and managed a large number of corporate customers, developing many projects that based in emerging technologies on the communication process. He has received numerous awards for his contributions to the profession and has applied the combination of practical and academic experience to a variety of consultancies for major corporations and political agencies throughout the country.

Everyone is welcome. Free.
[accordion title="Di patwa Baibl: Translating the Bible into Jamaican Creole"]
Translating the Bible into Jamaican Creole
[accordion title="Brazilian Security Policy in the 21st Century"]

The Brazilian Studies Seminar and CERLAC present

Brazilian Security Policy for the 21st Century

a seminar by
Denise L. Galvão

Weds Nov 3 2010
12:30 to 14:00
York Research Tower (Room 830)
York University

This seminar will focus on recent developments in Brazilian security and defense policy, on such topics as participation in peace operations, the non -proliferation of nuclear weapons, the "fight against terrorism" and partnerships with other emerging powers.

Denise Galvão has a BA and a Masters Degree in International Relations (University of Brasilia). She is professor at the Centro Universitário UNIEURO and member of the Group of Analysis and Conflicts Prevention (GAPCON).
Everyone is welcome! Free.

For more information email Marta Silva at
[accordion title="The New Model of the State in Bolivia"]
The New Model of the State in Bolivia
[accordion title="Listening to Paintings: Cultural Mythologies of Gender in the Caribbean"]
Cultural Mythologies of Gender in the Caribbean
[accordion title="Canada's Engagement in Haiti (Cancelled)"]

Canada's Engagement in Haiti
[accordion title="Axé music and musicians in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil"]

The Brazilian Studies Seminar at York University

Axé music and musicians

in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

a talk by Gordon Sheard

Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Room 830 - York Research Tower
York University

This seminar will present the findings of Sheard`s dissertation on axé music, a form of carnival music that emerged in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil in the mid 1980s. This genre, whose performers represent across-section of Bahian youth, incorporates elements of music that originally functioned as vehicles of Afro-Brazilian resistance. In axé music, these features are reconfigured to articulate a Bahian-ness largely free of social tensions.

Toronto native Gordon Sheard has over thirty years of professional experience playing, composing, and producing music. He has performed both locally and internationally with artists such as Chuck Mangione, Alain Caron, Liona Boyd, and Manteca. Gordon received his Ph.D. in ethnomusicology from York University in 2008. He is currently a full-time professor of music and head of composition at Humber College in Toronto.

Everyone is welcome. Free.
[accordion title="Two talks on Mexican Gender History"]
Two talks on Mexican Gender History
[accordion title="Imageries in Contemporary Brazilian Cinema"]
Imageries in Contemporary Brazilian Cinema
[accordion title="Thinking Latin American Politics Today"]
Thinking Latin American Politics Today
[accordion title="Plunder Economy and Farmland Grab in Argentina"]
Plunder Economy and Farmland Grab in Argentina
[accordion title="How to Present a Conference Paper"]
How to Present a Conference Paper
[accordion title="Chantel Dunn Bursary Fundraiser Concert"]
Chantel Dunn Bursary Fund
[accordion title="Workers in Mexico & the US: Divided & Connected by the Crisis?"]
Workers in Mexico & the US Divided & Connected by the Crisi
[accordion title="State Capacity and Gender Inequality"]

The Brazilian Studies Seminar at York University presents

State capacity and gender inequality
Maria da Penha Law and violence against women

a talk by

Wednesday, March 2, 2011, 12:30-14:00
Room 830 - York Research Tower, York University

Simone Bohn is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at York University, in Toronto, Canada. Her interests include the study of political parties, electoral behavior, and political culture in recently democratized countries of Latin America. Her work has appeared in several peer-reviewed journals, such as Government and Opposition, Latin American Research Review, Dados, Brazilian Political Science Review, Revista de Sociologia e Política, and Revista Opinião Pública. She is currently finalizing a book manuscript on the recent left turn in Latin America.
Everyone is welcome! Free
[accordion title="Caribbean Religion and Female Aesthetic Culture "]
Caribbean Religion and Female Aesthetic Culture
[accordion title="International Graduate Student Research Conference on Latin America & the Caribbean:
Creative & Critical Perspectives"]
International Graduate Student Research Conference on Latin America & the Caribbean
[accordion title="Rebellion & Reform in Contemporary Bolivian Politics"]
Rebellion & Reform in Contemporary Bolivian Politics
[accordion title="The Day Diplomacy Died: US-Cuba Relations"]

The Day Diplomacy Died:
Bernie Dwyer on US-Cuba Relations


MARCH 23 2011
2:00 – 4:00 PM
York Lanes, Room #280N

In a new documentary, Irish journalist and filmmaker Bernie Dwyer and co-producer Roberto Ruiz Rebo expose the story behind the lock-up of 75 "independent" journalists, trade unionists, and librarians in Cuba in 2003 through the eyes of four ex-Cuban state agents working undercover.

The mainstream media has never fully investigated the role played by the US diplomats in Cuba in controlling the "dissident" movement. In this film, former Cuban undercover agents speak out for the first time on film about the inner workings of the "dissident groups" they infiltrated and the various plans, supported by the U.S. government, that were being developed to destabilize Cuba.

Interview with Dwyer about her film
Dwyer Interviews Chomsky on Cuba

Co-sponsored by: CERLAC, National Council of Latin American and Caribbean Women of Canada – Latin@s – York University Chapter, Toronto Forum on Cuba

More info:

[accordion title="Blu In You Film Screening"]
Blu In You Film Screening
[accordion title="A Place called Los Pereyra Film Screening"]
A Place called Los Pereyra
[accordion title="Medellín: Globalization's Anticipating Urbanism"]
Globalization's Anticipating Urbanism
[accordion title="Violence & its Affects Through Film in Latin America"]
Violence & its Affects Through Film in Latin America