CERLAC Special Collections - Solidarity with Latin America
This material comes form the Library of the Latin American Working Group (LAWG). For each of the Latin American countries, LAWG collected solidarity materials from Canada, United States and internationally. There are files on specific solidarity organizations - the events they organized and newspaper articles that report on these initiatives. This material is a rich resource that demonstrates how engaged Canadians were with the struggle for social justice that were taking place in the region. The support of the Churches and the labor movement was critical to the solidarity work in Canada.
- FF #1 - Canada (General) 1972-1986
- Conference schedules from Toronto, Guelph, and Montreal. One newsletter from Winnipeg.
- FF #2 - Canada - Interamerican Network Conference, Toronto, October 6-8, 1978
- Correspondence and materials related to conference co-organized by LAWG. Participants from US and Latin America.
- FF #3 - Canada - Church 1976-1985
- Documents related to organization of conferences in Toronto, Montréal and Vancouver. Text of speech by Bishop Adolphe Proux. Toronto Star article about Frances Arbour’s leadership of ICCHRLA and receiving the Letelier-Moffit medal from the U.S.
- FF #4 - Canada - Church " Canada and Latin America in the 1980s: Alternatives for Development", Toronto, OCtober 5-8, 1980
- Materials from this counter-conference to one from business organization CALA taking place at the same time. Includes ICCHRLA Newsletter (April 1981) with texts of presentations from Latin American guests, and John Foster and Bob Carty from LAWG.
- FF #5 - Canada - Canadian Committee for Justice to Latin American Political Prisoners, 1974-1975 and Latin American Action for Political Prisoners 1983
- Five reports from Justice Committee and one from Action Committee, together with a petition form and letter to Canadian government.
- FF #6 - Canada - Comunidad Solidaridad Latinoamericana 1977
- Exchange of letters about organizing a “Solidarity Week”.
- FF #7 - Canada - Labour
- Three items; Labour Solidarity conference in Calgary (April 19-20, 1980); article on repression of teachers unions (1981), and article on mining industry by Judith Marshall for the Canadian Steelworkers, 2020.
- FF #8 - Canada - Latin America Information Group (LAIG), Halifax
- Formed in 1977. Information on its solidarity activities especially in 1980.
- FF #9 - New Zealand - Latin America Report 1990-1996
- Twenty issues of the Report – 8 pages each, based on variety of sources.
- FF #10 - United Kingdom - Contemporary Archive on Latin America (CALA) and Latin American Magazine
- Two issues each of CALA Bulletin and Fact Sheet and one of Latin America Magazine, of revolutionary organizations.
- FF # 11 - United States (General), 1983
- Three items from: Guardian (U.S.); Council for Inter American Security; and Temple University (conference schedule).
- (See also – U.S. Church Solidarity materials in Resource Centre Section I)
- FF #12 - United States - Church - Chicago Area Group on Latin America (CAGLA), 1970-1972
- Quite a few announcements and publicity about solidarity activities.
- FF #13 - United States - Community Action on Latin America (CALA), 1971-1981
- 42 issues of CALA Newsletter from Madison, Wisconsin. CALA is an independent reseach/action collective of students, clergy and Latinos.
- FF #14 - United States - U.S. Committee for Justice to Latin American Political Prisoners (USLA), 1972-1981
- 16 issues of USLA Reporter, some focused on specific countries (e.g. Argentina and Chile). New York based.
- FF #1 - Solidarity - Canada - Latin America Connexions 1991-1997
- Newspapers from Vancouver
- FF #2 - Canada - Latin America Connexions
- Vol.2, issue 2 1987 - vol. 12, 1998, 2002-2007
- FF #3 - Canada - Latin America Update 1994-1996
- From Vancouver
- FF #4 - Canada - Amigas Update 1993-1994
- From Vancouver. Insert with Latin America Update.
CISO ( Centre Internationale de Solidarite Ouvriere
- Various papers
- La Conference Internationale de Solidarite Ouviere June 1975
- Conference Paper - La Region de Quebec: Sous-developpement, inegalites et exploitation.
- Une Lutte a Finir: Les Travailleurs Quebecois contre les multinationals et leurs allied
- Les Travailleurs D'Amerique Latina et les multinationals
- Le Capitalisme a l'heure des multinationals
- Bilan d'une pratique du Secretariat Quebec-Amerique Latine
- Les Rapports economiques internationaux du capitalisme
- Panorama Nouvelles International 1976-1977
- Solidarite (newspaper) no.1 May 1976 - Vol. 5 # 3 Nov.1981
SUCO (Service Universitaire Canadian Outre-Mer)
- Various paper
- Le SUCO vouse infrome 1974-1978
- Le terrain 1981-1982
- SUCO Media 1974-1978
- Le Nicaragua depuis les elections de Fevrier 1990
- Dossiers - Chili no. 1-5 1974
- Petrole
- Republique Dominicaine
- Lectures sure les enjeux du Nouvel Ordre Economique International
- L'Escargot . Forum des discussions 1974- 1977
- Solidarite Internationale 1976-1978
SQAL (Solidarite Quebec Amerique Latine)
- Various
- Cahiers de formation 1972
- L'Education populaire en Amerique Latine : Une arme dans la lute 1975
- El Secretariado Quebec Amerique Latina y su lugar en el seno del movimiento Obrero Quebequense 1975
- 10 Annees de solidarite avec l'Amerique Latine au Quebec 1983
- Repertoire des ressources sur l' Amerique Latine 1990
- Serie Amerique Latine Aujourd'hui 1977
- Ici l'Amerique Latine 1984-1992
- FF #1 - Solidarity - Canada - 1976,1985
- A few items from various sources including a Committee located in Port Credit, Ontario; a leaflet from Toronto on political prisoners and from the U.A.W.
- FF #2 - Canada - Association of Solidarity with Argentinian People (ASAP) 1983
- Exchange of letters between ASAP in Winnipeg and LAWG.
- FF #3 - Canada - Church 1976-1985
- Three items from Canadian Council of Churches (1976); ICCHRLA Newsletter (1978) and Ecumenical Forum of Canada (1985).
- FF #4 - Canada - Comite d'information de solidarite avec le people argentin 1977-1980
- Two reports in French from the Comité in Montréal, Quebec.
- FF #5 - Canada - Group of Defence of Civil Rights in Argentina (GDCRA) 1975-1989
- Numerous items, mostly reports on all aspects of human rights in English from Port Credit.
- FF #6 - Canada - GDCRA - Canada/Argentina Bulletin 1978-1985
- Nine issues of the Bulletin on the connections between Argentina and Canada, including about labour and nuclear reactors.
- FF #7 - Canada - No CANDU for Argentina Committee 1979-1982, 2009
- Large number of items from broad range of sources including GDCRA, labour and federal parliamentary supporters, mainstream news sources and technical reports.
- FF #8 - Canada - Latin America Working Group (LAWG) 1978
- Two copies of LAWG Letter dedicated to Argentina (vol.V, No. 2/3) including sections on labour and women within a lengthy historical analysis.
- FF #9 - Europe 1976-1981
- Argentina Information and Labour Party statement from UK; issue of Boletin informativo from France plus information from Belgium.
- FF #10 - Latin America 1978
- Three items – one by and for exiles in Mexico; second a set of press releases by various organizations in Peru; third analytical report from Comité de Solidaridad con el pueblo argentino (COSPA) possibly from Nicaragua.
- FF #11 - United States - Solidarity Committee with the Argentine People (SCAP) 1976-77
- Seven issues of Argentina Outreach, an analytical bulletin (approx. 12 pages) and a letter from its editor.
- FF #1 - Solidarity - Canada 1976-1988
- Churches and NGOS lobby the Canadian government to not recognize the military junta.
- FF #2 - Canada - Solidarity Committee with the Bolivian People 1978-1982
- Five issues of Committee’s Bulletin from Montreal in French and English. They reprint articles from various sources especially on labour.
- FF #3 - International
- Labour response to July 1979 coup. Large poster from Comite de Solidaridad por los Derechos Humanos de Bolivia in Lima.
Brazil - Solidarity (Box SOL - 4)
- FF #1 Brazil - Solidarity - Canada, 1969-1988
- Assorted reports, leaflets and pamphlets on repression in Brazil. Two items on Labatt’s boycott. Includes One Sky Report on economic situation.
- FF #2 Brazil - Solidarity - Canada - Church,1965- 1989
- Articles from Canadian Churches including Young Christian Workers in defence of human rights in Brazil.
- FF #3 Brazil - Solidarity - Canada - Grupo Brazil,1983 - 1989
- Grupo Brazil was a Toronto organization formed in 1982 to encourage relations with Portuguese speakers in Toronto. Includes a schedule of meetings, and a bulletin.
- FF #4 Brazil - Solidarity - Canada - LAWG,1971-1983
- Brazil was a major emphasis of LAWG’s corporate research especially on Brascan and this file reflects that. There is a script for a slide tape show on the economic situation and consequences of foreign investment under the military government. There are a number of articles on Brascan written by LAWG and the company’s response.
- FF #5 Brazil - Solidarity - Quebec - Comité Solidarité-Brésil
- 13 issues of Bulletin d’Information from May 1970 to August 1972 contain detailed reports of solidarity activities and investments in Brazil and human rights abuses.
- FF #6 Brazil - Solidarity - United States - Brazilian Information Bulletin
- 16 issues of Brazilian Information Bulletins published by American Friends of Brazil, dating from February 1971 to Spring of 1975. Important source of information on economic and political situation and resistance to the military government.
- FF #7 Brazil - Solidarity - United States - Brazil Labor Information (BLI), 1981-1984
- See binder in CERLAC Labour Thematic Section H. Formed in 1981 following Lula tour to the US to support the struggles of the Brazilian labour unions.
- FF # 8 Brazil - Solidarity - United States Project - Project Abraço, 1985-1990
- Two series of journals (“Who owes Whom?” & “Terra Nossa”) published by Project Abraço, North Americans in Solidarity with the People of Brazil. Focus on debt crisis and agrarian reform.
Central America - Solidarity - Canada & International
- FF #1 – Central America – Solidarity – Canada (General), 1981-1985
- Variety of items from different established organizations (eg. Oxfam, CCIC) and temporary groups (eg. Adelante); announcements; newspaper items from across Canada.
- FF #2 – C.A. – Solidarity – Canada (General), 1986-1989
- Variety of announcements about events organized across Canada (from Vanouver to Halifax); newspaper articles, petitions, interpretations of events (Toronto Star, Globe & Mail etc.); activities sponsored by Jesuit Centre, University of Toronto, Quaker Meeting House.
- FF #3 – C.A. – Solidarity – Canada – Political Parties – Progressive Conservatives, 1981-84
- Letters from PC members of Parliament to enquiries from activist organizations and individuals about Canadian policy to the region. Contains Flora MacDonald’s interventions and speeches.
- FF #4 – C.A. – Solidarity – Canada – Bruce Cockburn, 1983-1993, 2022
- Many articles from the mainstream and alternative press on Cockburn’s multiple solidarity activities with LAWG, OXFAM-Canada and other NGOs.
- FF #5 – C.A. – Solidarity – Canada – Church, 1981-1992
- Variety of materials: ICCHRLA reports and press releases and announcments; articles from Globe & Mail and alternative press; texts of presentations (eg. by Michael Czerny S.J.).
- FF #6 – C.A. – Solidarity – Canada – Church – B.C. Christian Task Force on Central America, 1985-1997 [See also Church Solidarity (Section I, Row 4]
- Reports on activities and reflections on Central America’s conflicts.
- FF #7 – C.A. – Solidarity – Canada – Labour, 1983-1989
- Short publications from labour groups including the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC)
- FF #8 – C.A. – Solidarity – Canada – Latin American Working Group (LAWG)
- Small selection of items prepared by LAWG, including An Anti-Intervention Handbook (1985)
- FF #9 – C.A. – Solidarity – Canada – Central America Monitoring Group, 1991
- Report from the Monitoring Group, composed of various NGOs and human rights organizations.
- FF #10 – C.A. – Solidarity – Canada – NICA – Non-Intervention in Central America [See also NGO section for Missions for Peace material] 1984-1989
- NICA organized tours of influential Canadians to Central America to meet with activists there. On their return, participants held press conferences and met with Members of Parliament to report on what they had learned. File contains four Mission for Peace reports and articles from varied sources.
- FF #11 – C.A. – Solidarity – Canada – TAIC (Toronto Anti-Intervention Coalition)
- Newsletters, Action Ads and coverage from Globe & Mail and Toronto Star.
- FF #12 – C.A. – Solidarity – Canada – OCASN (Ontario Central America Solidarity Network) 1984-1989
- Letters, reports (including from House of Commons debates); newsletters, announcements from organizations in Network, conference organization 1988.
- FF #13 – C.A. – Solidarity – Canada – WISCA (Women in Solidarity with Central America), 1984
- Two items only – a letter and a flyer.
- FF #14 – C.A – Solidarity - Canada – Toronto – CSC (Comite de Solidaridad con Centroamérica) 1980-1981
- Eight issues of News, a few leaflets and one issue of El Unitario.
- FF #15 – C.A. – Solidarity – Canada – Toronto – Bloque de Solidaridad (1980?)
- Bio of Farabundo Marti and a few event flyers
- FF #16 – C.A. – Solidarity – Canada – Toronto – TOCA (Toronto Outreach for Central America) 1983
- Three-page presentation / Letter from TOCA.
- FF #17 – C.A. – Solidarity – Canada – Edmonton Support Committee for El Salvador
- Event flyers, some information. In Spanish and English. [See also Solidarity – El Salvador file in box SOL-10. Put these there]
- FF #18 – C.A. - Solidarity – Canada – Hamilton, ON, 1981-1989
- Event schedules for solidarity/information activities organized by MacMaster University as well as networking meetings regarding Southwestern Ontario Latin America Support Groups.
- FF #19 - C.A. - Solidarity – Canada – Central America Group - London, ON, 1981
- One issue of London Solidarity Bulletin; minutes re: Latin American networking meeting and Brief to Parliamentary Sub-Committee on Latin America [1982?] and some flyers.
- FF #20 – C.A. – Solidarity – Canada – Ottawa – Central America Solidarity Committee
- Two newsletters (1983), letters and event flyer.
- FF #21 – C.A. – Solidarity – Canada – Montreal, Quebec, 1982-1986
- [See also Box – SOL-2 for solidarity materials from CISO, SUCO and SQAL]
- Letter to LAWG; leaflets, 2 issues of Amerique Centrale L’Enjeu (1986).
- FF #22 – C.A. – Solidarity – Canada – Saskatoon Solidarity Committee 1981-1984
- A few information flyers/pamphlets on El Salvador and Central America.
- FF #23 – C.A. – Solidarity – Canada – Vancouver – Central America Support Committee (CASC), 1981-1984
- Eight issues of CASC’s Centro America Libre; newsletters, leaflets/flyers.
- FF #24 – C.A.- Solidarity – Canada – Victoria, BC 1994
- One issue of La Voz from 1994.
- FF #25 – C.A. – Solidarity – Canada – Winnipeg – COSLA (Committee of Solidarity with Latin America) 1979-1980
- Three COSLA Bulletins including a Homenaje de COSLA al pueblo de Nicaragua. September 1990 issue in Spanish with articles on four Latin American countries.
- FF #26 – C.A. – Solidarity – Canada – Urgent Action Network – Montréal 1991
- Urgent Action requests from Social Justice Committee of Montreal on behalf of peasants and activists arrested and persecuted by military in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.
- FF #27 – C.A. – Solidarity – Europe
- Report from Inter Church Action for Central America, UK. Single items from various solidarity groups and churches all in UK.
- FF #28 – C.A. – Solidarity – International – Labour
- Only a few articles. Guardian (US) article about role of AFL-CIO policy in Central America. 1987 speech from leader of National Union of Mineworkers in UK.
- FF #29 – C.A. – Solidarity – International – March for Peace 1985
- Extensive file with information about the Central America Peace March coordinated by a peace group in Norway. The aim was to travel by bus from Panama to Mexico to support Contadora peace efforts. Forty Canadians including the Hon. Dan Heap participated. The marchers were not received positively in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras or Guatemala but were welcomed in Mexico.
- FF #30 – C.A. – Solidarity – Latin America
- Press releases, newspaper articles, pamphlets from Brazil, Mexico and Venezuela, mostly church-linked groups. Includes a letter from Carlos Fuentes to President Reagan.
- FF #31 – C.A. – Solidarity – International – Women 1982-1983 - Frente Continental de Mujeres Contra Intervencion
- A few Frente reports.
- FF #32 - Women’s Coalition to Stop U.S. Intervention in Central America and the Caribbean (New York and then Chicago) 1983-1989
- Statements, announcements and letters about organizing events of this women’s group led by Religious.
Central America - Solidarity - U.S
- US - Labour - Critique - AFL- CIO Convention 1985
- US - Labour - AIFLD (American Institute for Free Labor Development) Critique
- US - Sanctuary Movement
- US Citizens in Mexico
- US - Women's Coalition to Stop US Intervention in Central America
Chile - Solidarity - Box 1 (Box SOL - 7)
Chile – Solidarity – Canada 1973-1990
- FF #1 Chile - Solidarity - Canada Sept. 12, 1973 - Nov. 5, 1979Materials produced by solidarity committees, Church based groups, Chilean Exiles, human rights agencies; Statements of condemnation and concern; Petitions to Canadian government; newspaper clippings; News releases of various organizations. Issue of "Young Socialist", Oct. 1973; event announcements. "Chile Report 1975". Meeting participants and agenda. Noranda mining issues. Issue of "Venceremos" Sept-Oct 1977 (additional issues in Exiles section).
- FF #2 Chile - Solidarity - Canada 1980 - 1990, 2013In addition to the kinds of items listed for FF #1; Report of Canadian Conference for Justice in Chile, Toronto, January 1980; Compilation of documents by QSAC - Queen's Student Action Committee, 1981 specially with references to Noranda; Includes 40th anniversary reflection by LAWG members Bob Carty and John Foster 2013.
- FF #3 Chile - Solidarity - Canada - Church Sept. 12, 1973 - October 1976In addition to File #1 type of materials, includes the Church delegation to Chile in 1973; Brief presented to government of Canada by "concerned organizations" Oct. 9, 1974; Government responses to various church communications from the Inter-Church Committee on Chile (ICCC); Canadian Council of Churches etc ; ICCC submission to Special Joint Committee on Immigration Policy, June 1975; Brief to Canadian Government by the Coalition on Canadian Policy Towards Chile, March 1976; Exchanges about Noranda Mines.
- FF #4 Chile - Solidarity - Canada - Church - Political Prisoners to Canada Program Nov. 6 1974-July 30, 1975Special program created by Canadian Council of Churches to bring 100 “priority” families from Chile in negotiations with the government of Canada and later expanded; Exchanges between the Churches and government representatives; Includes reflection from George Cram about the success of this program written in September 2013; See also Country File Box 20 for Canadian foreign policy re: refugees.
- FF #5 Chile - Solidarity - Canada - Church - Inter-Church Ad Hoc Committee on Refugees from ChileThree issues of "Lucha": Christians' Response to Military Repression in Chile, 1974.
- FF #6 Chile - Solidarity - Canada - Church - Inter-Church Committee on Chile (ICCC)Ten issues of "Canada-Chile Bulletin" May 1975-Dec. 1976.
- FF #7 Chile - Solidarity - Canada - Church - Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America (ICCHRLA) Dec. 1977 to Summer 1993ICCC became ICCHRLA in 1977; Reports on Chile after 10 years of dictatorship and after 20 years. (For additional reports from ICCHRLA see Human Rights Section in Resource Centre, Section D).
- FF #8 Chile - Solidarity - Canada - Church - Taskforce on Churches and Corporate Responsibility (TCCR) 1977-1980TCCR was a Canadian ecumenical coalition that raised awareness of social injustice and corporate behaviour. It lobbied against corporate investments in countries where human rights were ignored; Various reports in English and French on Noranda and Chile’s Economic Miracle; Clippings from newspapers; Analysis by Orlando Letelier 1976; See also Noranda material in Corporations Box 123.
- FF #9 Chile - Solidarity - Canada - Labour 1973-1990Clippings; reports (including two from Oxfam Labour tours); denunciations; letters to the Canadian government and press releases.
- FF #10 Chile - Solidarity - Canada - Casa Canada News 1988-1989Published by Canadians in Santiago.
- FF #11 Chile - Solidarity - Alberta Sept. 1973-1978Three analytical items: "Poundmaker" Sept. 17-23, 1973; "CLASP" – Calgary Latin America Support Project, Dec. 1977; "Reportaje" – Lethbridge Chilean Association, June 1978; Letter from Chilean Community of Edmonton.
- FF #12 Chile - Solidarity - Latin America Information Group (LAIG) HalifaxArticles from information packet on Chile reproduced from various sources; a few items on Canada’s foreign policy and Nova Scotia specifically.
- FF #13 Chile - Solidarity - Ontario (outside of Toronto) 1973-1978Solidarity committees in Ottawa, Hamilton, Sudbury and other locations with participation of Chilean exiles; Includes reports on missing persons, labour conditions and women prisoners.
- FF #14 Chile - Solidarity - Quebec (Various) 1973-1978"Apprendre a Vaincre", Dossier Mobilisation no.2, [1974?]; NDLR: Le Droit, article on L’ACDI complicity, 1974; Petition text to UN and Canadian PM from various Quebec organizations, 1975; Quebec labour organizations statements on Noranda, April 1977; Editorial on Noranda from "Esprit Vivant", 21 March 1978; Metallurgical Union letter to Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau.
- FF #15 Chile - Solidarity - Quebec - Chretiens pour la SolidariteSeven issues of Chretiens pour la Solidarite Avril 1975 – Mai-Juin 1976.
- FF #16 Chile - Solidarity - Quebec - Comunidad Cristiana de MontrealEight issues of journal Solidaridad 1975 – Sept. 1977. Extensive with copies of letters, reflections and analysis, documentation of repression, reports on Christian solidarity in various countries etc.
- FF #17 Chile - Solidarity - Quebec (Quebec City)Comite Solidarite – Quebec Chili; Activities and one report on last days of Allende.
- FF #18 Chile - Solidarity - Quebec (Trois Rivieres)Informations Quebec-Chili 8 issues, 1974-1975.
- FF #19 Chile - Solidarity - Quebec (Montreal)Comite de Solidarite Quebec-Chili; Activities and brief information documents.
- FF #20 Chile - Solidarity - Quebec (Montreal)Comite de Solidarite Quebec-Chili Documents.
- FF #21 Chile - Solidarity - Quebec - Comite de Solidarite Quebec-Chili"Chili-Quebec Informations" Nov. 1973, No. 1 to Jan-Feb 1982, No. 49; Reports on repression, emigration to Canada, Noranda in Chile, political prisoners campaigns. Later issues include reports on other countries of South America (e.g Bolivia) and Central America (e.g Nicaragua).
Chile - Solidarity - Box 2 (Box SOL - 8)
Chile – Solidarity – Canada 1973-1990 (continued)
- FF #1 Canada – Saskatchewan – Chile Documentation Centre, Regina, Sask, 1974-1975
- Noticias de Chile; copies of articles from the Santiago Press “Tabloid” on “One Year After”, 1974; Information on trials of military personnel in Chile, 1975.
- FF #2 Canada – Saskatchewan – Regina Chilean Association
- Chile Noticias – five issues in Spanish, 1976; Letter in English to solidarity activists on national coordination and other issues
- FF #3 Canada – Solidarity Committee with Latin America, Regina 1978-1980
- Fourteen issues of SCLA Report, most issues focused on Chile but also includes Central America and other South American countries; A few items from Saskatoon Solidarity Committee.
- FF #4 Canada – Toronto – Latin American Working Group (LAWG) 1973-1982
- Materials produced by LAWG including extracts from Canadian Ambassador Ross’ cables to the Dept. of External Affairs; testimonials; announcements; brief reports; newspaper clippings.
- FF #5 Canada – Toronto – LAWG Chile Canada Solidarity Newsletter 1973-1974
- Eight issues of Newsletter produced by LAWG.
- FF #6 Canada – Toronto – LAWG Chile Report 1975
- FF #7 Canada – Toronto – LAWG Chile Packet 1979
- (see also Noranda Corporation box #123 for more information about campaign)
- FF #8 Canada – Toronto – LAWG - Project Chile
- Coalition effort of TCCR, Canadian Labour Congress, and LAWG to stop Canadian investment and government aid to the repressive regime in Chile.
- FF #9 Canada – Toronto – LAWG - Chile slides (pre-coup, coup & post-coup)
- FF #10 Canada – Toronto – Chile Ontario Information Centre 1977-1983
- Organization of Chilean exiles in Toronto; Various – report on human rights; activities; letters re: arrests with petitions; speeches; campaigns; urgent actions; reports on political prisoners and “war tribunals” (court martials of Civilians); fundraisers; News 1983-1988; youth commission publications.
- FF #11 Canada – Toronto – Toronto Action for Chile (TACH) 1984-1991
- Chile Today Many issues on a variety of themes, activities and events. (Formerly Toronto Committee for Solidarity with Democratic Chile).
- FF #12 Canada – Toronto – TACH "Basta! Rally for a Free Chile" Sept. 17, 1988
- Posters and program
- FF #13 Canada - Toronto - Toronto Chilean Society 1986-1987
- Information bulletins with news of events including the visit of Carmen Gloria Quintana.
- FF #14 Canada – Toronto – Toronto Committee for Solidarity with Democratic Chile
- (becomes Toronto Action for Chile) 1974-1981; Chile Newsletter, 1979-1981; conference report; urgent actions; letters to government officials. Key organization.
- FF #15 Canada – Toronto – Misc. solidarity publications
- Various publications from Toronto including newspaper reports, 1978 and pamphlet on Noranda.
- FF #16 Canada – Vancouver – Canadians for Democracy in Chile 1974-1985
- Chile News, 19 issues June 1977-March 1985.
- FF #17 Canada – Vancouver – Various 1974-1980
- Solidarity committees in Vancouver and Burnaby; A few bulletins and calls for action.
- FF #18 Canada – Winnipeg – Chile Information Centre
- "Resistencia" newsletter, 7 issues 1980-1983
Four Information Kits:
- IK #1 prepared by the Committee for the Defense of Human Rights in Chile, Vancouver 1976. Extensive coverage of the issue.
- IK #2 "The Gospel, Justice and Liberation in Latin America: A Study/Action Guide with Focus on Chile", 1978. Prepared by three Vancouver based groups.
- IK #3 Produced by OXFAM Committee, St. John's, NFLD with CIDA support, 1988. Includes 1987 issue of New Internationalist dedicated to Chile.
- IK #4 Chilean Election Information Kit produced by OXFAM Canada, TACH, LAWG and ICCHRLA.
Chile - Solidarity - Box 3 (Box SOL - 9)
Chile – Solidarity – International 1973-1990
- FF #1 CubaFour items from Gramma, speech by Armando Hart Davalos; 2 pamphlets - One with "El Pueblo Chileno Resiste al Fascismo", and the second with "La Represion a las Iglesias y La Junta Militar" and "Chilena Contra los no Alineados".
- FF #2 England misc.Three items.
- FF #3 England – Chile Committee for Human Rights Chile Newsletter No. 47 – no. 73 1982-1988 becomes Chile Update April 1985; two reports including "Chile’s Secret Prisoners" 1977.
- FF #4 England – Chile Solidarity CampaignChile Lucha and then Chile Fights no. 4 - no. 63 1973-1989 almost complete.
- FF #5 England – Chile Solidarity CampaignAffiliates' Newsletter plus their Annual Reports from 1978 to 1988.
- FF #6 England – Chile Solidarity CampaignThe Chile Monitor no. 1 - no. 28 1973-1978
- FF #7 France Four misc. items in French and Spanish
- FF #8 Israel – Israeli Committee for Solidarity with Chile 1974 & 1975Includes some documents in Hebrew, a letter to Cardinal Silva Henriquez and translation of a Neruda poem into Hebrew.
- FF #9 Labour - International labour organizationsA few items 1974-1983; See also Labour Boycott files under Chile-Labour in the LAWG country files (Box 21).
- FF #10 Labour - USAA few union and labour federation statements, 1973-1987.
- FF #11 Latin AmericaFive items from Argentina, Colombia and Costa Rica.
- FF #12 Madrid Conference 1978World Solidarity Conference For Chile in Madrid November 1978. Handwritten notes from LAWG attendees.
- FF #13a Mexico - ChurchBoletin Comite Cristiano Mexicano de Apoyo a Perseguidos en Chile no. 1 - no. 14, 1975-1979, 10 issues.
- FF #13b Mexico - Centro Intercultural de Documentacion (CIDOC) 1974Reprints of articles on repression; church statements; Hortencia Allende at United Nations 1974; interviews with Pedro Vuscovic and others. Published in Cuernavaca, 22 issues.
- FF #14 Socialist International Statement 1987.
- FF #15 SwedenChile Bulletin in Swedish; two items from Chileans in Sweden in Spanish; Nov. 26, 1973 New York Times article about assault on Swedish Ambassador in Chile.
- FF #16 U.S.A. Items from various solidarity committees in Berkeley, Chicago, Los Angeles, Wshington, DC, etc. 1973-1985.
- FF #17 U.S.A. - ChurchSlim file from 1972-1985.
- FF #18 U.S.A. - Non-Intervention in Chile (NICH), Berkeley, CANICH was formed in 1971 to inform the American people of the process of social change occurring in Chile under Allende and to oppose the attempts by the US government to subvert the process. Chile Newsletter Vol.1, no. 1 nov. 1973 – Vol. VI, no.3 Fall 1979 monthly. Chile Action Bulletin on Political Prisoners and Human Rights, 3 issues 1979
- FF #19 U.S.A. - Committee for Chilean Inquiry, NY 1982-1987Coalition of professional groups and trade unions. Campaigns for political prisoners.
- FF #20 U.S.A. - Casa Chile, Berkeley, CAFormed in 1981 by Chilean exiles and US citizens to provide information about Chile and to coordinate support for Chilean resistance. Chile Newsletter 1984-1988.
- FF #21 U.S.A. - National Coordinating Center in Solidarity with Chile, NY 1974-1978
- FF #22 World Student Christian Federation Dossier on Chile, 1974
- Dossier on Chile, 1974.
- FF #1 Colombia – Solidarity – Canada – 1988-2021
- Documents produced by various Canadian NGOs such as Amnesty International, RISC (Research and International Support for Colombia) and PBI Colombia which target Canadian profiteers of the war in Colombia. Items monitor human rights abuses in the form of disappearances and political killings.
- FF #2 Colombia – Solidarity – Canada – Church – ICCHRLA 1993-1999
- Documents created by the Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America which report about Colombia’s escalating human rights crisis, violence against trade unions and death threats by paramilitary forces under the command of the Colombian Army.
- FF #3 Colombia – Solidarity - Canada – CUSO 1972
- This document was created by CUSO for their overseas volunteers and contains information about Colombia’s geography, political and historical review, economy, social groups and Canadian perceptions of Colombian society.
- FF #4 Colombia – Solidarity – Canada – Committee for the Defense of Human Rights in Colombia 1982-1984
- Documents which were created in Toronto by the Committee for the Defense of Human rights in Colombia. The documents aimed to raise awareness and money in support of Committee of Solidarity political prisoners and the Colombian Native People’s Organization.
- FF #5 Colombia – Solidarity – Canada – Canadian–Colombian Association 1987-1995
- The Canadian Colombian Association is a non-profit organization that condemned the Colombian states systematic assassination of political leaders, the direct link of members of the state in torture practices, hunger and injustice against Colombians and dismantling the democratization of national life.
- FF #6 Colombia – Solidarity – Canada – Colombia Support Network 1998-2002
- Documents created by the Colombia Support Network raise awareness about paramilitary groups such as FARC’s presence, terror and threats in Urabá, Córdoba, San Pablo, Simiti and Bolivar The documents reveal FARC’s severe human rights violations as they threaten to destroy Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities who refuse to comply with their demands.
- FF #7 Colombia – Solidarity – Canada 1993-1999
- Newsletters from various NGOs such as Oxfam, raise about the War on Drugs, the Coca plant, and Cocaine use in Canada, the failure of democratic Colombian governance to provide minimal standards of equity, stability and justice for Colombian people.
- FF #8 Colombia – Solidarity – U.S. - 1985-2021
- Documents created by various NGOs such as Comité Colombia, Colombia Human Rights Committee, and the Colombia Support Network raise awareness about the Colombian indigenous minorities, the torture of grass-roots educators in Medellín, and President Uribe’s illegal support for paramilitary forces.
Costa Rica - Solidarity - United States
- FF #8 Costa Rican Information Services in Solidarity (CRISIS) 1985-1986
- Published in San Jose the goal of this newsletter is to bring attention to the situation in Costa Rica and make links with activists around the world. Five issues.
- FF #9 Friends Peace Center/ El Centro de los Amigos Para la Paz (CAP) 1985-1990
- Includes U.S. Citizens in Costa Rica for Peace.
- The Friends Peace Center was founded in 1983 by both Costa Ricans and foreigners, Quakers and non-Quakers to work for peace in the region. Newsletters outline their activities and support for Arias peace plan.
El Salvador – Solidarity (SOL Box 10)
- FF #1 - Canada 1980-1985
- A large folder containing government reports, letters, and newspaper articles detailing Canada’s stance on El Salvador and American interference within El Salvador. Also included are the responses from the United States on Canada’s stance.
- FF #2 - FDR Tour to Canada July 1980
- A thin file containing a news release and a few newspaper articles detailing El Salvador’s Revolutionary Democratic Front and their initial visit to Canada in 1980.
- FF #3 FDR Ruben Zamora Tour 1981 & 1983
- Schedules, news articles, and written notes detailing the visit of Ruben Zamora and the second and third visits of the FDR to Canada in 1981 and 1983. Articles also briefly describe the solidarity movements between Canada and El Salvador.
- FF #4 - Canada 1986-1991
- A large comprehensive folder describing solidarity efforts from general, labour, and religious groups in Canada. Actions range from hunger strikes to direct action through phone calls leading to prisoner releases.
- FF #5 Canada - Church 1979-1990
- A large file of documents including government press releases, newspaper clippings and journal articles showing Canadian church solidarity efforts on behalf of El Salvador. This is especially the case in response to the 1980 murders of Archbishop Oscar Romero and of the four American churchwomen who were killed in El Salvador.
- FF #6 - Canada - Church - ICCHRLA 1979-1991
- A large file documenting the work of the Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America. Contains letters from the Committee, newspaper articles and journals lobbying the Canadian government to speak out against human rights violations in El Salvador.
- FF #7 - Canada - Solidarity Groups
- Calls for aid from Canadian Solidarity groups through letters and pamphlets from centralized organizations like COSPES and student organizations. Also included are appeals to the government to supply aid and condemn El Salvadoran military actions.
- FF #8 - Canada - Committee of Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (COSPES)
- A large file containing Pamphlets, letters, posters, and advertisements calling for support from the government and the citizenry in Canada for the Solidarity of El Salvador.
- FF #9 - Canada - Edmonton
- A thin folder of the solidarity activities specifically in Edmonton, communicated through letters and history briefings. Available in Spanish and English.
- FF #10 - Canada - Manitoba El Salvador in Brief 1989-1990
- History briefings from the Central America information Project in Manitoba describing the history of El Salvador’s civil War and the recent events as it continues throughout publication.
- FF #11 - Canada - Ottawa
- A slim folder holds an article on the Ottawa-El Salvador Committee which looked to bring light to the social issues facing Salvadorans under the military Junta. Also enclosed is a letter to the head of the committee from El Salvador’s ambassador explaining the government’s stance.
- FF #12 - Canada - Vancouver
- Another slim folder containing documents from various Salvadoran solidarity groups in Vancouver. Enclosed are letters of appeal to the government from civilians as well as information sheets on the humanitarian crisis and ways to aid El Salvador.
- FF #13 - Friends of AMES (Asociacion de las Mujeres de El Salvador) 1984-1987
- Pamphlets, letters, and newspaper articles describe solidarity with women through AMES. Articles further describe the role of Claudina Calderon, a prominent activist in exposing military abuses and government corruption in El Salvador.
- FF #14 - Canada - Asociacion de Mujeres Salvadoreñas 1989-1990
- A slim file containing various newsletters from the Asociación de Mujeres Salvadoreñas. Documented in the newsletters are the crises in education, women’s rights, and health as well as calls for aid from local organizations.
- FF #15 - Canada - Labour 1980-1988
- A file containing figures and information on labour in El Salvador; detailed are the statistics and situation concerning illiteracy, unemployment, and land ownership. Also included are the various atrocities committed by the government against Labour organizations.
- FF #16 - Canada - Labour - Canadian Labour Congress (CLC)
- A slim folder containing a report and media release from the CLC condemning the arrests of trade unionists and the banning of worker’s unions. Also included is a description of the labour situation in El Salvador.
- FF #17 - Canada - Labour - UNTS Visit Fall 1988
- Newspaper clippings, media releases and statements concerning the National Unity of Salvadoran Workers (UNTS) and their visit to Canada. Detailed are the various arrests of protestors and the dismantling of unions carried out by the Salvadoran government.
- FF #18 - Canada - Latin American Working Group (LAWG)
- A large collection of documents including press releases, newsletters, and newspaper articles describing the suppression of unions, the killing of protestors and details on labour solidarity movements in Canada. [see also LAWG archives]
- FF #19 - Canada - People for PADECOES (refugee repatriation) 1990
- Two newsletters and a pamphlet from the PADECOES organization attempting to repatriate Salvadoran refugees during the war. Details the efforts to bring Salvadorans back to their villages of origin. Describes consequences for organizers who have been arrested, kidnapped and sometimes executed by the government.
- FF #20 - Canada - SalvAide 1986-1997
- Newspaper articles, pamphlets, press releases, and information booklets on SalvAide, an organization focusing on democracy and political strife in El Salvador. Also included are emails between coordinators and Salvaide for events and conferences on El Salvador’s new democracy.
- FF #21 - Canada - Teachers
- Three different Canadian teacher’s publications calling for solidarity with Salvadoran teachers and workers. Publications include the ATA magazine and The Reporter.
- FF #22 - Quebec
- French, English, and Spanish documents detailing various movements, rallies, and solidarity events organized by solidarity groups in Quebec such as CEDAL. Also included is a folder with information on Quebecois-Salvadoran solidarity groups.
- FF #23 - Quebec - Labour
- Multiple issues of the newspaper Unité Ouvriere, press releases, and appeals for solidarity from the CISO and CSN organizations in Montreal. Articles detail conditions for solidarity with El Salvador from Quebec’s labour sector and the state of El Salvador under the military Junta.
- FF #24 - International - Asia
- A very thin file containing a couple of documents detailing solidarity with El Salvador from North Vietnam, specifically Hanoi. Documents are in Spanish.
- FF #25 - International - Church
- Various newspaper articles, speeches, and investigation findings from church organizations globally. Most prominent are speeches from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops and their denouncing of violence in El Salvador along with the investigative report from the Irish Trocaire Delegation.
- FF #26 - International - Europe
- Reports, newspaper articles, and appeals for aid from various European solidarity organizations. Within the documents the situation in El Salvador is outlined as well as the necessary materials needed to meet the demands of humanitarian aid.
- FF #27 - International - Labour
- Articles and interviews in Spanish, French, and English detailing the status of El Salvador and its working class at the 10th World trade Union Congress. Also included are reports covering international solidarity with Salvadoran workers and steps for aid.
- FF #28 - International - Latin America
- A large file containing solidarity reports, newsletters, and articles from across Latin America. Documents originate from Socialist states such as Nicaragua and Cuba while also coming from Leftist organizations within right wing led states like Chile.
- FF #29 - International - Social Democrats
- A thin folder containing a report and a few articles from Social Democratic organizations in the United States, Latin America, and Canada.
- FF #30 - International - World Front for Solidarity with El Salvador
- A report from the World Front for Solidarity with El Salvador in Spanish describing calls to support and aid the Salvadoran people during the humanitarian crisis in El Salvador. Also included is a statement in the article in English issued by the United Secretariat of the Fourth International.
- FF #31 - United States 1979-1990
- A large file containing newspapers, committee reports, and United States governmental releases on the state of El Salvador and the quality of life for Salvadorans. Included are documents both in favour and against the Junta government ruling over El Salvador.
- FF #32 - United States - Church 1980-1990
- A large file containing institutional reports and multiple newspaper articles detailing the protests within the United States against the government's supportive policy for El Salvador’s military Junta. Files also describe aid efforts and civilian life in El Salvador.
- FF # 33 - U.S. - Church - Religious Task Force on Central America 1980-1986
- Multiple newsletters published by the Religious Task Force on El Salvador and a report from the same organizations describing the state of the country and updates on the human rights violations occurring. Also included are suggestions on how to act and aid the Salvadoran people. [See also Church Solidarity at end of Church periodicals section]
- FF #34a - U.S. - Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES) 1980-1991
- Reports from CISPES about the experience of civilians in El Salvador along with the report of various human rights abuses. Also included are various newspaper articles on CISPES and the United States government’s interactions with the organization.
- FF #34b - U.S. - CISPES 2015
- Newsletters and articles from CISPES speaking on the aftermath of the Salvadoran Civil War and the influence of the United States. Topics include humanitarian aid, education, healthcare, and the state of El Salvador’s economic system after the conclusion of the peace accords.
- FF #35 - U.S. - Labour
- A file containing multiple reports and statements from U.S. unions as well as newspaper articles highlighting solidarity movements and protests against the US support of El Salvador’s military Junta.
- FF #36 - U.S. - Labour - National Labor Committee in Support of Democracy and Human Rights in El Salvador
- Newsletters, institutional reports, and senate dossiers that describe how El Salvador’s civil war has impacted refugee populations in the United States. Included are issues the committee has with US foreign policy and ways to correct poor diplomacy measures.
- FF #37 - U.S. - Salvadoran Labor Defense Network 1985-1989
- Newspaper articles, personal letters and statements, along with institutional reports detailing the unification of unions throughout Latin America and the United States in solidarity with El Salvador. Articles detail demands of the network for El Salvador as well as information on US activities.
- FF #38 - U.S. - Medical Aid for El Salvador
- A file that describes the medical aid campaign initiated by Medical Aid for El Salvador during the civil war. Included are reports and press releases about the campaign as well as newspaper articles and an envelope from the campaign’s fundraising.
El Salvador – Solidarity (SOL Box 11) in Solidarity Section
- FF #1 - Ed Broadbent Trip to El Salvador – News Clippings compilation from NDP 1981
- A substantial collection of news clippings about NDP Leader Ed Broadbent’s trip to El Salvador. The articles detail his experiences with the people and plans for collaboration with human rights organizations within the country to aid the Salvadoran population.
- FF #2 - National Network on Solidarity with El Salvador – Correspondence from different groups across the country (Canadian) 1981
- Folder includes a petition to recognize the FMLN as a legitimate political entity, a map for the meeting of the National Network and two booklets containing information on the situation within El Salvador. Articles also detail initiatives to take in order to provide aid and stand with the Salvadoran people against the military regime.
- FF #3 - El Salvador Alert – Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES)
- About 74 issues of the El Salvador Alert! Monthly newspaper from December 14, 1980 to March 1992. Articles detail pivotal events throughout the war, providing a timeline of the El Salvadoran Civil War and the state of resistance against the Military Junta. All issues are at the back of this box. [See also CISPES file in Box SOL – 10]
- FF #4 - El Salvador Bulletin – Berkeley, CA. 1981-1983 (Becomes the Central America Bulletin) (In C.A. Region Section)
- Twenty six issues of El Salvador Bulletin published between 1981-1983. Bulletin describes the ongoing conflict between the FMLN and the Military Junta in El Salvador.
- FF #5 - El Salvador On Line – Center for Democracy in the Americas 1992-1993
- Five issues of an economic and political journal detailing steps on improving the conditions within El Salvador. Outlines proposed next steps after the toppling of the military junta and the reinstatement of the democratic process, offering alternatives to building back as well as describing current events in El Salvador.
- FF# 6 - El Salvador Report – El Salvador Committee for Human Rights, London UK 1981-1982 (Becomes the Central America Report) (In the C.A. Region Section)
- Fifteen issues of the El Salvador Report from 1981 to 1983 detailing the latest news coming from El Salvador in regards to human rights and violations. Also includes news stories on international solidarity campaigns.
- FF #7 - El Salvador Reports – Committee Against Violations of Human Rights in El Salvador (CAVHRES) New York 1978-1979
- Nine issues of El Salvador Reports published between 1978-1979 detailing political and institutional stories from the Church in El Salvador and internationally pertaining to El Salvador. Stories mainly revolve around support from governments and religious institutions for El Salvador’s people during the years just before the civil war.
- FF #8 - El Rescate – A project of the Southern California Ecumenical Council, 1986-1991
- Five newsletters from the El Rescate organization based out of California detailing the aftermath of the Salvadoran civil war. Included are various statistics and figures listing civilian death toll, damage to infrastructure, and the cost of war within El Salvador.
- FF #9 - El Rescate Chronology – El Rescate Human Rights Department, 1990-1991
- A detailed account of politics in El Salvador and external solidarity movements for Salvadorans during the closing of the war from late 1990 and early 1991. Further detailed is the recognition of FMLN and the chronology of events as the war comes to an end. Includes five issues.
Guatemala – Solidarity (SOL Box - 12)
- FF #1 Solidarity – Canada – General, 1980-2000
- Samples of solidarity publications from NGOs, trade unions and the churches from across the country. Includes flyers and reports of events in Canada including films and musical performances. Articles about artist Bill Stapleton whose paintings capture the despair of the Guatemalan refugees in camps in Mexico.
- FF #2 Canada - Assembly of First Nations 1983-1984
- Minutes of September 1983 NGO/Church meeting held at AFN office in Ottawa which focused on NGO programs in Guatemala. Includes Inter Pares, Oxfam, CUSO, Four Arrows, LAWG, Jesuit Centre and ICCHRLA.
- FF #3 Canada – NGO Delegation Reports 1990 & 1991
- Copies of three reports: Project Acompanamiento, April 1990 visit to Guatemalan refugees in Mexico by a cross-Canada group of solidarity activists; Democracy in Guatemala: A Dream Deferred, May 1990 report of Canadian NGO delegation to Guatemala including Christian Groups, LAWG, Oxfam; 3 copies of Breaking the Silence report on April 1991 delegation from the Maritimes.
- FF #4 Canada – Church 1979-1993
- Multiple reports from 1979/1980 from the Taskforce on the Churches and Corporate Responsibility (TCCR); correspondence between Church and INCO, Canadian government; clippings on church delegation findings, repression of religious groups; Anglican Church of Canada advocacy materials including “information-and-action kit” from Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund’, 1993.
- FF #5 Canada – Church – Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America (ICCHRLA), 1980-1991
- Mailings from ICCHRLA containing urgent action requests, situation reports and examples of lobbying Canadian government; 1983 report Why Don’t They Hear Us? from fact-finding mission to Guatemala and Mexico, ICCHRLA and Inter-Church Committee for Refugees; assorted memoranda and press clippings.
- FF #6 Canada – Labour 1979-1988, 1994
- Letters from Comite Nacional de Unidad Sindical to United Steelworkers regarding INCO strike, Ontario Federation of Labour to Gen. Romeo Lucas Garcia, 1979; Canadian Labour Congress communications; union press clippings; documents re: Guatemalan trade union tour of Canada, late 1980s; Report from International Trade Union Commission of Solidarity with Guatemala, 1988, on various labour struggles and incidences of repression, formation of CUC.
- FF #7 Canada – Latin American Working Group (LAWG) 1979-1990
- Assorted LAWG communications including urgent action requests and press releases; materials related to labour solidarity work by LAWG; reports and action requests on attack on Spanish Embassy in Guatemala City, 1980; report on delegation from Democratic Front Against Repression visit to Canada; boycott Coca-Cola campaign pamphlet, press release, 1984; copy of 1990 “Basic Accord for the Search for Peace Through Political Means in Guatemala”, URNG/CNR.
- FF #8 Canada Support Group for the Guatemala Peasant Committee of the Highlands / a Comite Campesino del Altiplano (CCDA) 1991-1992
- Several reports on CCDA activities in English; text of CCDA declaration as part of the continental campaign on 500 years of indigenous and popular resistance. See also: Box 42.
- FF #9 Canada - Guatemala Today/Guatemala Vencera (Vancouver), 1985-1990
- Issues of Guatemala Today, Vancouver-based solidarity publication, 1986-1988; Issues of Guatemala Vencera, 1985-1990, published by Solidarity Committee with the People of Guatemala “Otto Rene Castillo”; Bulletin on Human Rights in Guatemala, published in Vancouver in 1985 (?).
- FF #10 Canada – Quebec, 1982-1984
- Various pamphlets/publications of the Comité de Solidarité Quebec-Guatemala
- FF #11 Canada - Toronto-Guatemala Solidarity Committee (TGSC), 1982-1989
- Issues of Guatemala Konojel Junam (United) newsletter with updates on events and the general situation in the country; various other reports from TGSC; campaign materials including campaign around disappeared trade unionists and students including lists of disappeared and killed.
- FF #12 Canada - Toronto-Guatemala Solidarity Committee (TGSC), 1990-1996
- Issues of TGSC publication Guatemala Update 1990-1996; documentation regarding 1990 event at University of Toronto organised by TGSC, featuring Frank R. LaRue of Guatemala.
- FF #13 Canada - Guatemala Mayan Indian Support Group, 1986
- Pamphlets setting out Indigenous perspective on the armed conflict in Guatemala and activities of the group.
- FF #14 Canada - News from Guatemala, 1979-1982
- English-language translation of in-depth reporting on events from Guatemala sourced from Noticias de Guatemala. Events covered include repression, protests, violence and resistance. Translation of communiques from Guatemalan social movement organisations. Published in co-operation with the Committee of Solidarity with Central America.
- FF #15 Central America, 1980-1982
- Report from 1980 international solidarity conference in San Jose organised by FDCR, Friedrich Ebert Foundation and CEDAL [ENG]; assorted pamphlets from Costa Rica and one from Nicaragua.
- FF #16 Europe, 1984
- Swedish Ecumenical Delegation to Guatemala report, 1984; ‘Bitter and Cruel’, report of British Parliamentary Human Rights Group mission to Guatemala, 1984; clipping/photocopy of letter to Siglo Veintiuno signed by large number of women from politics, arts, churches and other associations in Europe addressed to mothers and wives of Guatemalan generals.
- FF #17 Europe - Guatemala, Collectif Solidaire, France, 1982-1983
- Four issues of publication Guatemala by French solidarity group Collectif Solidaire, 1982-1983 [FR].
- FF #18 Europe - Guatemala Update, UK, 1981
- One issue of Guatemala Update, published by Central America Human Rights Committee (CAHRC), 1981, giving overview of military crimes and repression, resistance and organisations.
- FF #19 Labour International - Files from Miguel Cifuentes, Comite Nacional de Unidad Sindical (CNUS), 1981-1984
- Various documents from Miguel Cifuentes, the bottleworkers union STEGAC Coca Cola campaign and CNUS including personal correspondence, proposals for solidarity campaign actions, union resolutions, CNUS aims and objectives, CNUS-related labour movement publications in multiple languages [ENG, ESP, FR, DE]
- FF #20 Labour International - Miguel Cifuentes tours in US, 1984-1985
- Correspondence, planning documents, press clippings, promotional materials, related to solidarity tours in 1984 and 1985.
- FF #21 Mexico, 1977-1982
- Press clippings, report of 1982 solidarity event in Mexico City, 2 issues of Noticias de Guatemala publication (1980), 2 church-related solidarity documents.
Guatemala – Solidarity Box 2 (SOL Box - 13)
- FF # 1 United States - General, 1979-1991
- Various documents including: Guatemala Between the Lines, publication of Guatemala Information Center, Los Angeles, 1981; various other documents and press clippings, incl. press release from US Catholic Conference; Marxist Humanist Association solidarity event and info document; Peace Brigades publications from 1986; Committee in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala publications, 1986.
- FF #2 United States – Association in Solidarity with Guatemala, 1980
- Information documents from 1980 regarding Spanish embassy massacre and other acts of oppression.
- FF #3 United States - Church, 1977-1992
- Various documents including: 1979 report from Quaker Workers/American Friends Service Committee following 1976 earthquake; Sisters of Notre Dame Guatemala report 1981; Maryknoll Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America correspondence documents; Guatemala Committee for Justice and Peace, US; assorted other Catholic Church documents including resolutions, information sharing.
- FF #4 United States – Church – En Comunion, 1982-1988
- In Communion/En Comunion publication from Fellowship of Evangelicals for Guatemala, 1982-1988. Assorted issues in English and Spanish report on continued repression against Christians and the poor in Guatemala, challenging right-wing evangelicals in US for their support of the military government.
- FF #5 United States – Committee of Solidarity with the People of Guatemala (CSPG), 1979-1981
- Issues of CPSG bulletin Vamonos Patria a Caminar, 1979-1981, bilingual English/Spanish.
- FF #6 United States - Indigenous Rights Four Arrrows Parts 1-4, 1982
- Indigenous solidarity publication outlining the situation in Guatemala.
- FF #7 United States – Labour, 1980
- United Auto Workers letter to Congressional Representatives against military aid, 1980; press clipping on US labour support for Coca Cola bottle workers’ strike; 1997 US Guatemala labour education campaign bulletin, with focus on Starbucks coffee sourcing in Guatemala.
- FF #8 United States – National Lawyers Guild Visit, 1979
- Press clippings on visit and report on human rights violations observed, collection of testimonies from campesinos and activists facing repression.
- FF #9 United States – Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala (NISGUA), 1982-1987
- Assorted correspondence and invitations to events; various press clippings; info documents sent out to members of NISGUA’s network on developments in Guatemala; various issues of Guatemala Network News.
- FF #10 United States - Network in Solidarity with the People of Gatemala (NISGUA), 1987-1996
- Report on Guatemala publication, various issues, 1987-1996, with reportage, analysis of developments in the country, news on various solidarity efforts from US and globally, book reviews.
- FF #11 United States - Network in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala (NISGUA), 2017-
- Various issues of NISGUA bulletin including printouts of email bulletin.
- FF #12 Update on Gatemala - Committee in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala, New York, 1982-1989
- English-language publication (monthly, not all issues present) from the Committee in Solidarity with the People of Guatemala, New York. 1982-1989. Focus on relationship between US and Guatemalan states, updates on military aid to Guatemala, critical reporting of these relationships, repression of social groups, repression of academics, labour disputes, includes press clippings as part of the update.
- FF #13 Guatemala! – Guatemala News and Information Bulletin, Berkeley, CA, 1978-1983
- English and sometimes bilingual Spanish publication (quarterly?) from the Guatemala News and Information Bureau. Translations of communiques from Guatemalan political, social and guerilla movement groups, reportage/analysis of political developments and events in the country.
- FF #14 Guatemala – Guatemala News and Information Bulletin in Spanish, 1979-1980
- Alternate bilingual version of Guatemala! (see FF #13).
- FF #15 Guatemala Report – American Friends of Guatemala, Berkeley, CA, 1972-1976
- Published by American Friends of Guatemala, Berkeley. Bi-annual, issues 1-9. Reporting on developments within Guatemala and elsewhere in Central America from issue 5 onwards.
Honduras -Solidarity (Box SOL - 17)
- FF #11 Honduras - Solidarity - Canada - NGO/Church 1979-2015
- This file folder contains documents from various Canadian NGOs including the Honduras Study Group, the Canadian Council for International Co-operation, and the Latin American Working Group promoting and raising awareness about the defense of Human rights, Military harassment and oppression in Honduras.
- FF #12 Honduras - Solidarity - Canada - Victor Meza's Visit 1981
- This file folder contains information about Dr. Meza’s visit to Toronto. The visit was facilitated and coordinated by organizations such as Oxfam, various Canadian Universities and the Inter-Church Committee for Refugees.
- FF #13 Honduras - Solidarity - Canada - Church - Religious Women's Pilgrimage for Peace 1983
- The Women’s Pilgrimage for Peace was a religious pilgrimage consisting of eleven Canadian women and 150 American Women. The women were denied entry to Honduras because they collectively planned a three-day prayer protest, against maneuvers by U.S. soldiers located in Comayagua and San Lorenzo.
- FF #14 Honduras - Solidarity - Canada - (CHISA) Canada Honduras Information and Support Association 1988-1990
- CHISA was an information and support association based in Canada that promoted and raised awareness about the rise of Honduran Women's movements and protests, the development of social programs, and paramilitary acts of violence.
- FF #15 Honduras - Solidarity - U.S. 1985-1989
- Documents from Casa Honduras, the Central America Exchange and the Philadelphia Labor Committee on Central America and the Caribbean which promote and raise awareness for the defense of human rights in Honduras.
- FF # 16 Honduras – Solidarity – U.S. - Honduras Update 1982-1985
- Thirty-three newsletters from the Honduras Information Center which address Honduras rural politics and Agrarian reform, Trade unions and the politics of poverty, Corporate Rivalry and U.S foreign policy towards Honduras.
- FF #17 Honduras – Solidarity – U.S. - Honduras Update 1986-1989
- Twenty-nine newsletters from the Honduras Information Center which address the burden of Militarization, Honduran Women as a Marginalized Majority, U.S military in Honduran Society, Honduran farmers fight for control of co-ops and Honduran efforts to expel the Contras.
Mexico - Solidarity - Canada
- Only a few articles. See also Section H for Common Frontiers and trade agreements. Links between Mexican and Canadian labour solidarity.
Nicaragua - Solidarity - Canada
- FF #1 – “Canada and the Sandinistas: Case study of determinants of Canadian foreign policy towards Nicaragua, 1979-1984”, Peter Prongos, 1986 (excerpt on NGOs).
- Excerpt from a Master’s thesis written by Peter Prongos for the Department of Political Science at UBC, Chapter 2(b), “Domestic Actors: Non-Governmental Organizations”
- FF #2 – Canada – General – 1979-1981
- A large collection of newspaper articles, reports, newsletters, and other documents describing fundraising and other aid efforts as well as the development of solidarity organizations and networks in Canada. Documentation of campaigns to press the Canadian government to increase financial and food aid to Nicaragua.
- FF #3 – Canada – Nicaragua Solidarity Tour to Canada – Nov 1979
- Documents such as schedules, press releases, minutes, backgrounders, and letters related to the Nicaragua Solidarity Tour, Oct 27-Nov 11, 1979. A delegation of representatives from organizations in Nicaragua met with government officials and NGOs to seek foreign aid for Nicaragua from the Canadian government.
- FF #4 – Canada – National Conference on Nicaragua Solidarity – Saskatoon, April 1980
- Materials related to the National Conference on Solidarity with Nicaragua which took place on April 3-6, 1980 in Saskatoon, SK. These include proposals, planning materials, conference program, invitations, final report, and newspaper articles about the conference.
- FF #5 – Canada – National Network in Support of Nicaragua – 1980-1981
- A large collection of correspondence and meeting minutes related to the National Network in Solidarity with Nicaragua, including the group’s formation and the activities of various branches of the network across Canada.
- FF #6 – Canada – International Conference of Solidarity with Nicaragua – Canadian delegation – Managua – January 31, 1981
- A thin collection of conference documents related to Canadian participation in the International Conference in Solidarity with Nicaragua, Jan 26-31, 1981.[See also: Box SOL-16, FF #1]
- FF #7 – Canada – BC Work Study Tour to Nicaragua – Feb-Mar 1981
- A few newspaper articles and correspondence related to a Canadian delegation’s participation in Work/Study BC – Nicaragua Solidarity Project in February/March 1981.
- FF #8 – Canada – Julia Vargas (CST) tour to BC – November 1981
- A collection of newspaper articles about Julia Vargas from Sandinista Workers’ Central. She toured communities across BC as part of the BC-Nicaragua Solidarity Project.
- FF #9 – Canada – General – 1982
- Organizational and promotional materials related to the NDP’s tour of Nicaragua in December 1982, as well as for the documentary film, “Nicaragua: The Dream of Sandino.” This file also includes various media related to Nicaraguan solidarity in 1982.
- FF #10 – Canada – “Testimonios de Nicaragua” – Crossing Canada for Solidarity: Report – From Deborah Barndt, Nidia Bustos, & Daniel Casseli – 1982
- Promotional materials and copies of a report from the cross-Canada tour of the photo exhibit, “Testimonios de Nicaragua.”
- FF #11 – Canada – General – 1983
- A collection of newspaper articles, letters, bulletins and reports documenting Canadian solidarity with Nicaragua and protests against US support for counterrevolutionary forces in Nicaragua.
- FF #12 – Canada – Cathy Gander Report on Canada and Nicaragua Relations – 1983
- Draft report by Cathy Gander, “Canada and Nicaragua: 3-1/2 years of working toward a new type of relations.”
- FF #13 – Canada – Trips of Borge and D’Escoto to Canada – April 1983
- Correspondence, organizational documents, notes, and newspaper articles related to the visit of Miguel D’Escoto to Montreal on Jan 31-Feb 2, 1983, and a cancelled visit by Tomas Borge in April 1983.
- FF #14 – Canada – Margaret Randall Tour – Sept 1983
- Organizational documents related to Margaret Randall’s cross-Canada tour Sept-Nov 1983.
- FF #15 – Canada – General – 1984
- A large collection of newspaper articles about Canadian solidarity actions against US military aggression in Nicaragua. These also include coverage of Canadians who travelled to Nicaragua as part of a volunteer cotton-picking labour brigade.
- FF #16 – Canada – General – 1985
- A large collection of newspaper articles detailing acts of Canadian solidary with Nicaragua, particular among farmers and tradespeople, and letters to the editor protesting US support for the Contras.
- FF #17 – Canada – General – 1986
- A large collection of newspaper articles detailing Canadian solidarity projects in Nicaragua, including by: Canada Electric Brigade for Nicaragua, Farmers for Peace, Canadian Workers’ Brigade, and Louis Riel Teachers’ Brigade. There are also several letters to the editor encouraging the Canadian government to condemn US funding of the contras.
- FF #18 – Canada – General – 1987
- A large collection of newspaper articles detailing actions to counter US funding of the contras, and Canadian solidarity projects in Nicaragua including by: Farmers for Peace, Canada Electric Brigade, Tools for Peace, Oxfam’s Fisheries Exchange Programme and Farm Brigade. Includes “Nicaragua: A Report by Ten Canadian Jurists.”
- FF #19 – Canada – Ontario – MPPs Trip – March 1987
- A report by David Warner, MPP entitled “Trip to Nicaragua” about a 10-day visit to Nicaragua by a delegation of six Ontario legislators. The folder also includes newspaper articles about the visit and follow-up correspondence by the members.
- FF #20 – Canada – Death of Jenny Green – December 1987
- Newspaper articles about the death of volunteer aid worker Jenny Green caused by a grenade explosion at her hotel in Managua. A transcript of John Foster’s Ryerson University convocation speech given in her honour is also included in the folder.
- FF #21 –Canada – General – 1988-1989
- A large collection of newspaper articles detailing Canadian aid efforts in Nicaragua, including Oxfam projects Fisheries Exchange and Farm Brigade, and Farmers for Peace. Several letters to the editor and articles cover protests against the US for supporting the contras and urging the Canadian government to play a leading role in ensuring a fair election. There are several articles about the death of aid worker Johnathan Fyles in a motorcycle accident near Managua, and coverage of the documentary, The World is Watching, and “Between War and Peace,” an exhibit by photographer Jonathan Leaning.
- FF #22 – Canada – General – 1990-1993
- A collection of pamphlets publicizing benefits and other solidarity events related to the 1990 election and its aftermath following defeat of the Sandinistas, including a movement of mass vigils to pressure the contras to disarm. There is a small collection of newspaper articles related to the election.
- FF #23 – Canada – Canadian Action for Nicaragua (CAN) – Minutes – 1979-1982
- A collection of minutes from meetings of Canadian Action for Nicaragua, from July 20, 1979 to September 30, 1982. Also included are materials related to actions taken by the organization, such as sample letters, informational pamphlets, benefit posters, letters to the editor, and press releases.
- FF #24 – Canada – Canadian Action for Nicaragua (CAN) – Minutes – 1983-1990
- A collection of CAN materials such as the group’s newsletters (including CAN News), and letters to the membership. This collection also includes materials related to actions taken by the organization, such as benefit posters, newspaper articles, rally and event posters, calendars, and fundraising brochures. These actions include, in particular, the tour of Margaret Randall; an emergency rally to stop US aggression against Nicaragua; and volunteer work brigades.
- FF #25 – Canada – Canadian Action for Nicaragua (CAN) – CAN News – 1982-1990
- A collection of the CAN-News newsletter from Nov 25, 1982 - February 1990
Nicaragua – Solidarity – Canada (continued)
- FF #1 – Canada – ASCANICA (Canadians in Nicaragua) & CANACT
- Documentation of the formation of ASCANICA (Association of Canadians in Nicaragua), meeting minutes and letters written on behalf of the organization.
- FF #2 – Canada – Casa Canadiense – 1998-2013
- A collection of Casa Canadiense newsletters from October 1998 to Spring 2013.
- FF #3 – Canada – Canadian Light Brigade
- Promotional and background materials related to the Canadian Light Brigade project.
- FF #4 – Canada – Church – 1979-1990
- A collection of letters, promotional materials, and newspaper articles related to solidarity work in Nicaragua on the part of Canadian churches, inter-church organizations such as Witness for Peace, and Christian activists. These documents include reports from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace, materials for an inter-denominational education program, “10 Days for World Development,” and study materials from Bloor Street United Church Nicaragua Study Group.
- FF #5 – Canada – Church – ICCHRLA
- Materials from the Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America including background documents, letters, policy briefs, newsletters, and a report, “Nicaragua 1984: Democracy, Elections and War.” [See also: Human Rights Section D and Church Solidarity]
- FF #6 – Canada – Church – Jesuit Centre for Social Faith and Justice (Toronto)
- Correspondence and background materials pertaining to activism from the Jesuit Centre, particularly production of the Nicaragua Update newsletter.
- FF #7 – Canada – Latin American Working Group (LAWG)
- Copies of Nicaragua Update newsletter. Correspondence, press releases, newspaper articles and other materials related to the solidarity tours organized by the LAWG in 1982, 1983 and 1987.
- FF #8 – Canada – Labour – 1979-1984
- A large collection of bulletins, newspaper articles, reports, and press releases describing labour movement solidarity with Nicaragua from across Canada, particularly in the form of financial and material contributions. Also included are materials related to Operation Solidarity (1979) and the Solidarity Tours (1981-4).
- FF #9 – Canada – Labour – 1985-1992
- A large collection of newspaper articles, letters to the editor, and reports detailing labour movement solidarity with Nicaragua from across Canada. In particular, this folder covers union delegate visits to Nicaragua, Canada-based solidarity projects such as Tools for Peace, and Nicaragua-based aid projects in the trades (electrical, carpentry), fisheries, and farming sectors.
- FF #10 – Canada – Labour – Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) – General
- A collection of correspondence, newspaper articles, bulletins, newsletters, and backgrounders describing Canadian Labour Congress activism on Nicaragua. Includes a copy of the resolutions from the 13th Constitutional Convention to provide financial and other forms of aid to Nicaragua.
- FF #11 – Canada – Labour – CLC – Operation Solidarity – 1979-1980
- Collection of articles, reports describing the inception of CLC’s Operation Solidarity, an initiative to provide financial and other forms of aid to Nicaragua.
- FF #12 – Canada – Labour – CLC - Canadian Solidarity Tours – 1982
- Transcripts of speeches and notes taken during the CLC’s labour solidarity tour in Nicaragua.
- FF #13 – Canada – Labour – Confederation of Canadian Unions (CCU)
- Small collection of articles and bulletins about the CCU’s Occupational Health and Safety Project (1988).
- FF #14 – Canada – Labour – Centrale de l’enseignement du Quebec (CEQ)
- Educational workbook and other materials produced by the CEQ as part of Semaine de solidarité avec le Nicaragua (1980).
- FF #15 – Canada – Labour – Trade Union Group of the BC Nicaragua Solidarity Committee
- Newsletters produced by the BC Nicaragua Solidarity Committee, the report “Hope Under Siege,” and newspaper articles about the group’s projects.
- FF #16 – Canada – Manitoba Working Group on Nicaragua
- Correspondence and meeting minutes from the Manitoba Working Group on Nicaragua
- FF #17 – Canada – MATN (Medical Aid to Nicaragua) Minutes/Correspondence
- Meeting minutes, trip reports, correspondence, and other materials related to the MATN project 1984-1986.
- FF #18 – Canada – MATN – Newsletters
- Press releases, newsletters, articles, brochures and reports produced by the MATN (1979-1984).
- FF #19 – Canada – New Democratic Party (NDP)
- Reports, news releases, and other materials related to the visits of NDP representatives to Nicaragua, as well a delegation of the Spadina NDP Riding Association, which visited Nicaragua in 1982.
- FF #20 – Canada – Non-Intervention in Central America (NICA)
- Materials related to the solidarity activism of NICA, including petitions, letters, and brochures. [See also boxes on Mission for Peace in the NGO section]
- FF #21 – Canada – Quebec
- Newsletters of the Comité de Coordination et de Solidarité avec le Peuple du Nicaragua. A copy of the report: “Les Relations Canada/Nicaragua” by Monique Dupuis (1981) and of the CEDAL publication, “La revolution sans modèle.”
- FF #22 – Canada – Saskatchewan – Regina Committee
- A thin collection of reports and publications produced by the Regina Nicaragua Reconstruction Support Committee.
- FF #23 – Canada – TECNICA (Technical Support Project) – 1985-1990
- Materials from the Canadian chapter of tecNICA, particularly newsletters and reports (1987-1990).
- FF #24 – Canada – Vancouver Groups – Misc.
- Advertising for events organized by various Vancouver solidarity groups.
- FF #25 – Canada – YMCA – Report on Nicaragua Visit – 1980
- Report from visit to Nicaragua by a team of staff members and volunteers from the YMCA (April, 1980).
Tools for Peace / Boat Campaign
- FF #26 – Boat to Nicaragua / Tools for Peace – History
- “Tools for Peace Early History,” by Janice Acton (July 21, 2014). Transcripts of interviews of
Wes Maultsaid and Claudette Legault conducted by Janice Acton (1989). Note: The Archives for Tools for Peace is located at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario.
- “Tools for Peace Early History,” by Janice Acton (July 21, 2014). Transcripts of interviews of
- FF #27 – Tools for Peace / Outils de Paix Quebec – History
- “The History of Tools for Peace – Quebec,” transcript of an interview of Suzanne Guay conducted by Janice Acton (1989). Copies of photos from this era.
- FF #28 – Boat to Nicaragua – 1981
- Correspondence, newspaper articles, copies of photos, and organizational materials related to the supply boat delivered to Nicaragua in 1981. [See also Julie Vargas file and BC tour to Nica file from box SOL-14].
- FF #29 – Boat to Nicaragua – 1982
- Newspaper articles related to the 1982 supply boat delivered to Nicaragua. Shipping company document detailing contents and value of supplies that were shipped.
- FF #30 – Boat to Nicaragua – 1983
- “Report and Evaluation of the ‘Boat Project – 1983’” by Toronto Coalition for Aid to Nicaragua. Documents related to campaign for the third supply boat (1983), including correspondence, backgrounders, and publicity materials. Newspaper articles about this third shipment.
- FF #31 – Boat to Nicaragua – 1984
- Organizational materials from Tools for Peace such as newsletters, meeting minutes, correspondence, promotional materials, and surveys. Newspaper articles about the 1984 supply boat campaign and substantial document containing information for potential donors.
- FF #32 – Tools for Peace – 1985-1987
- A large file of promotional materials, newsletters, press releases, letters, and newspaper articles related to the activities of Tools for Peace from 1985-7. Materials from the 1987 National Meeting. A photo album from the Tools for Peace supply boat arrival in Nicaragua, July 1987.
- FF #33 – Tools for Peace – 1988-1994
- A large file of promotional materials, newsletters, press releases, newspaper articles, reports, brochures, pamphlets, letters and discussion papers related to the activities of Tools for Peace from 1988-94. Copies of the publication: “The Nicaraguan People at the Crossroads” (1991).
- FF #34 – Tools for Peace – Public Affairs & Education Cttee – 1987
- Minutes and other materials from meetings of the Public Affairs and Education Committee, 1986-1987.
- Minutes and other materials from meetings of the Public Affairs and Education Committee, 1986-1987.
Nicaragua – Solidarity – International
- FF #1 – International
- Publication: “La Direccion Nacional: En El Primer Encuentro Internacional de Solidaridad Con Nicaragua.” Materials related to the International Solidarity Conferences (January, 1981; July, 1983; May, 1984; July, 1989), the World Assembly of Journalists (April, 1981), the First International Meeting of Non-Governmental Organizations (December, 1983). Materials from various solidarity groups in Europe, particularly Nicaragua Comité Amsterdam. Publication: “The Constitution and Other Official Documents of TANA” as well as other materials related to TANA (October, 1983; December, 1984).
- FF #2 – International – Church
- Materials related to solidarity activities of the World Council of Churches, particularly ecumenical visits to Nicaragua (August, 1982; April, 1983). Newsletter, “Dateline Nicaragua” (April – December, 1985). Newsletters, “Panama Update” and “Managua Update” (January – November 1987).
- FF #3 – Europe
- A small collection of newspaper articles, promotional materials, and newsletters related to solidarity activities from European individuals, groups, and organizations, including Conférence européenne de solidarité avec le Nicaragua, les peoples d’Amérique centrale et pour la paix.
- FF #4 – Israel
- A thin file of materials related to the Israeli Committee of Solidarity with Nicaragua.
- FF #5 – Labour
- Newspaper articles and newsletters related to international trade union solidarity with Nicaragua, 1979 – 1989). Materials related to trade union delegation visits to Nicaragua (May, 1981). Copies of newsletter, “Flashes from the Trade Unions,” (1982-1989).
- FF #6 – Latin America
- A thin file of newspaper articles, brochures and letters related to solidarity work in various Latin American countries (1979-1988).
- FF #7 – US – 1989
- A thick file of materials related to solidarity work in the USA on the part of individuals, groups, such as work brigades, and organizations such as the US National Network in Solidarity with the Nicaraguan People (1979-1989). These are mostly newspaper articles, but also include conference materials, letters, newsletters, and promotional materials. Notable in this file are articles about Witness for Peace activists on a supply flotilla who were kidnapped by anti-Communist rebels, and an organization called Veterans Fast for Life who staged a hunger strike on the steps of the Capitol. The file also contains copies of “La Voz de Nicaragua” (1985) and Tidewater Nicaragua Project Foundation Newsletter (1985-7). There is a substantial article from the New Yorker, “A Reporter at Large,” (March 14, 1988).
- FF #8 – US – 1990
- A thin file of newspaper articles and bulletins related to solidarity work in the USA, such as from NICCA (Nicaragua Center for Community Action) and the Nicaragua Solidarity Network of Greater New York (1990-92).
- FF #9 – US – The Nation Debate – 1985
- Letters to the editor and articles from The Nation, in particular related to an article by Michael Massing, “Hard Questions on Nicaragua” (1985).
- FF #10 – US – Death of Ben Linder – 1987
- A file of newspaper articles and newsletters related to the death of Ben Linder, an American volunteer with the Nicaraguan Institute of Energy, at the hand of contra rebels (1987). Long New Yorker article, “In Search of Ben Linder’s Killers” (Sept 23, 1996).
- FF #11 – US – Church
- A thick file of materials related to church solidarity and activism in Nicaragua including letters, newsletters, news releases, newspaper articles (1979-1989). Materials relate, in particular, to visits to Nicaragua on the part of evangelical leaders (1982), Witness for Peace (1983), and the Delegation to Investigate ‘Religious Persecution’ in Nicaragua (1984). A substantial paper by Writers for Peace, “Americans Hold Peace Vigil in Nicaragua” (July, 1983). A collection of the Romero Newsletter (1985-6).
- FF #12 – US – Committee of US Citizens in Nicaragua
- Materials related to activism of the Committee of US Citizens Living in Nicaragua, in particular a letter-writing campaign (1983-1984). Several newsletters from the Ecumenical Committee of US Citizens in Mexico (1985-6).
- FF #13 – US – Tours
- Materials related to solidarity visits to Nicaragua on the part of American unionists (1984, 1988). Substantial report, “Report on Nicaragua,” related to fact-finding trip to Nicaragua (February, 1985).
- FF #14 – US – National Network in Solidarity with the Nicaraguan People – 1979-1983
- A thick file of materials related to the work of the National Network in Solidarity with the Nicaraguan People (1979-1982). These are mostly letters and newsletters, and include in particular a substantial collection of the National Network Newsletter (1979-1983)
- FF #15 – US – National Solidarity with the Nicaraguan People – 1982
- A copy of Nicaragua Update newsletter (1982) and several editions of Nicaragua newspaper (1982). Copy of a lawsuit filed against various American government officials on behalf of Nicaraguans who have been murdered, tortured, etc. by US sponsored paramilitaries.
- FF #16 – US – Oxfam
- A thin file of materials related to Oxfam’s projects in Nicaragua (1980).
- FF #17 – Weekly News Update on Nicaragua and the Americas. Nicaragua Solidarity Network of Greater New York. Issue 105 (1992) – 152 (1992)
- A complete collection of the newsletter produced by the Nicaragua Solidarity Network of Greater New York, Weekly News Update on Nicaragua and the Americas. Issues 105 – 152 (except issue #151), from February 2, 1992 – December 27, 1992.
- FF #18 – Nicaragua Update – Non-Intervention in Central America (NICA)
- A collection of the Nicaragua Update newsletter by Non-Intervention in Central America (NICA). Volume 1(2), October 1979 – Volume 10(4), Sep-Dec 1988.
- FF #19 – Nicaragua Today – 1987-1990
- A collection of Nicaragua Today, bulletin of the Nicaragua Solidarity Campaign. No 28 (Autumn 1987) – No 38 (Spring 1990), London UK
- FF #20 – Nicaraguan Perspectives – 1981-1984
- A collection of Nicaraguan Perspectives, publication from the Nicaragua Information Center. Issue 1 (July 1981) – Issue 9 (Fall 1984).
- FF #21 – Nicaraguan Perspectives – 1985-1991
- A collection of Nicaraguan Perspectives, publication from the Nicaragua Information Center. Issue 10 (Spring-Summer 1985) – Issue 20 (Fall-Winter 1991).
- FF #22 – Miscellaneous Publications – 1982-1988
- Nicaragua: An Introduction to the Sandinista Revolution, by Arnold Weissberg (1982)
- Nicaragua Today, no. 9 (Summer 1982)
- Nicaragua Information Center Bulletin (1983-4)
- Links, Quarterly Publication of Third World First, Issue 24 (June 1986)
- Terra Nuova Forum, Issue 13 (June 1988)
- Briefing Book on Nicaragua, by Committee for Health Rights of the Americas (CHRIA)
Paraguay - Solidarity - Canada
Peru - Solidarity - Canada
- Canada - Peru Support Group (Toronto)
- Canada - Committee for the defense of Human Rights in Peru (Peru Link) (Vancouver) 1982-1987
- International
- Switzerland
Uruguay - Solidarity
- Canada
- Canada - Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners in Uruguay (CDPPU)
- Canada - Grupo de Apoyo a la Resistencia Uruguaya (GARU)
- United States
- United States - "Uruguay News"
- Committee for the defense of Human Rights in Uruguay (CDHRU)
- SERPAJ (Peace and Justic Service) Spanish Version
Solidarity - Caribbean
The 1965 U.S. invasion of the DR was the catalyst for the formation of LAWG in Toronto in 1966. The amount of solidarity material reflects that connection.
- FF #1 - Solidarity - Canada - LAWG
- Items describe the situation in the DR with exchanges of letters between John Foster and other church offices. Includes the Sabanata Christian initiative, 1970-1972.
- FF #2 - Canada - LAWG - Pajarito Project, 1971
- John Foster’s report on a month in the DR where he participated in various meetings and a report on the “Pajarito” project initiated by DR youth with links to churches.
- FF #3 - Canada - LAWG - Expresión Jóven Tour, 1975
- LAWG report on tour of Expresión Jóven, including poster and lyrics of their songs. Articles on the tour in the DR press and in Contrast. [See also CF Box 81 for more articles about the tour]
- FF #4 – Canada – LAWG on Falconbridge, 1989
- Correspondence between LAWG and labour organizations about Falconbridge pollution. Documents of the affected communities, in Spanish and translated into English. Also article from Northern Miner about record profits of Falconbridge. [See also Country File Box 77 and Corporations file boxes 118 & 119]
- FF #5 – Canada – Church 1975-1995
- Various short reports regarding DR unions, telephone and sugar workers, and teachers; related activities in Canada and church missions to the DR.
- FF #6 – Canada – Church – Dominican Republic Experience – Youth Corps and Scarboro Foreign Missions (SFM) 1983-1989
- Brief report on 1983 DR Experience and extensive report on 1987 trip, including budgets and list of participants (in English)
- FF #7 – Canada – Labour 1973-1976
- Letters from DR unions (in Spanish) and newspaper articles in English, French and Spanish on visit to Canada.
- FF #8 – Canada – Quebec Solidarity 1976-1977
- Two reports in French on union history and repression in the DR, prepared by SUCO/CUSO.
- FF #9 – Canada – Quebec Solidarity – Asociación de Dominicanos en Montréal (ADOMO) 1974
- One announcement and one brief report/essay in Spanish.
- FF #10 – Canada – Quebec Solidarity – La Société d’Amitié Dominico Canadienne (SADOCA) 1976-1977
- Two brief reports on repression and resistance in Spanish and French focused on individual resistance leaders.
- FF #11 – United States – Dominican Republic Task Force 1976-1978
- Reports of New York City based Task Force, in English. One article from the Guardian (1984).
- FF #12 – United States – Church - EPICA organizing packet 1971-1972
- Prepared by Ecumenical Program on Central America and the Caribbean Quisqueya Task Force. Includes variety of documents on DR history, U.S. intervention, repression and resistance in English and Spanish.
- FF #13 - Caribbean/West Indian Solidarity 1978-1984
- Selection of articles from Contrast, the black Canadian newspaper published in Toronto. It existed from 1969-1991. LAWG clipped the newspaper for specific articles. These articles are about events in Grenada and Guyana.
Grenada - Solidarity
- FF # 14 – Grenada - Solidarity – Canada – 1975 – 1986
- A rich collection of documents from event poster (1975) to detailed CUSO report, to newspaper articles including Contrast and Canadian Tribune, to news releases.
- FF #15 – Canada – Canada-Grenada Friendship Society (Toronto) 1980-1982
- Four issues of the Friendship Society’s Newsletter1981-1982. Also three newspaper articles from Contrast and Socialist Voice.
- FF #16 – Canada – Ottawa-Grenada Solidarity Committee 1983
- Variety of items including correspondence with government and MPs; announcements of activities; minutes of meetings and brief newspaper articles.
- FF #17 – Caribbean - Grenada Update – June 1984. Jamaica Committee for Defence of Human Rights in Grenada
- A variety of documents in the Update, including issues about prison conditions and statements of Bernard Coard and Ramsey Clark.
- FF #18 – Labour 1983
- Three items, two Canadian and one Swiss protesting the U.S. invasion.
- FF #19 – Solidarity – United States 1983
- Two items of protest against the U.S. invasion.
- FF # 20 – Solidarity – Canada 1978-1984
- A mix of items from various groups and some newspaper articles and flyers.
- FF #21 – Solidarity – Canada – Guyana Human Rights Association Support Group 1981-1986
- A mix of items including a substantial Information Kit prepared by Guyana Resource Support Committee in Montréal.
- FF #22 – International Solidarity
- Two items – one from the U.S. (1981) and the other from the U.K. (1984).
- FF # 23 – Solidarity – Canada 1977 – 1991
- Mix of items including newspaper articles; ads for solidarity events and brief reports, about half of them in French from Montréal.
- FF #24- Canada – Committee Against the Deportation of the Haitians (Montréal) 1974-1975
- Informative campaign materials including support letter from John Rodriguez, NDP MP from Nickel Belt and an article by Rosie Douglas on “Racism …Black Liberation and Socialism” (1975). Toronto based.
- FF #25 – International Solidarity 1982-1983
- Three items in Spanish all possibly from Cuba – one is an informative pamphlet.
- FF #26 – U.S.A. 1973-1987
- Haitian community and support organization campaigns and activities, some in French including brief ‘backgrounders’ and newspaper clippings.
- FF #27 – U.S.A. – Friends of Haiti Publications
- Voice of Haiti (1971-1973); Bulletins (1975) and Haiti Report (1976-1980) publications from New York City in English.
- FF #28 – U.S.A. – Washington Office on Haiti
- Four issues of publication Haiti Beat from 1985-1986.
- Canada
- Canada - Church - Canadian Council of Churches Delegation to Cuba Nov. 1986
- Canada - Church - Canadian Council of Churches Delegation to Cuba Nov. 1986 John Foster's Notes
- Canada - " Amistad" - Newsletter of Canadian-Cuban Friendship Association Toronto
- International
- United States
- U.S - Center for Cuban Studies , New York 1974 -1976
- U.S - Cuba Resource Center, NY
"Newsletter" 1972-1973
"Cuba Review" 1974-1979
"Cuba Times" 1980-1985