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Home » Humanitarian & Emergency Response Operations Simulations Microcredit Course Funding Application - August 26 - 30, 2024

Humanitarian & Emergency Response Operations Simulations Microcredit Course Funding Application - August 26 - 30, 2024

This form can be used to apply for funding to cover the registration fee for the "Humanitarian & Emergency Response Operations Simulations Microcredit Course" to be held virtually from August 26 - 30, 2024. 

This opportunity is possible through a sponsorship from SimWell.

Important Dates

Please submit your application as soon as possible to be considered for funding. The deadline to submit this form is August 22, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET.

Application Process

Please fill in the form below. Applicants need to submit a CV, containing basic information such as degrees earned and current affiliations. Full-time students can include relevant coursework, projects, grades, and any other information that the student feels is relevant to support their application. Applications for funding will be approved in the order that they are received and based on qualifications included in the submitted CV. To qualify for funding, applicants must meet one of the following criteria: Reside in a Low or Middle Income Country (LMIC) or be a full-time student.

Application Form Instructions

•    This online application must be filled out completely and submitted. It is not possible to save a partially completed application and return to it later.
•    Once your application is submitted, you will be redirected to a confirmation screen. Success applicants will be contacted via email.

Disclaimer: Unless otherwise noted, all responses are confidential, and will only be viewed by the organizers and administrative staff at York University who are directly involved in the course. 

Humanitarian & Emergency Response Operations Simulations Microcredit Course Funding Application

Honorific Title

Please indicate your current job or program of study if you are a full-time student.
Are you affiliated with a university, institution, government, organization, or company?(Required)
Limited funding is available for participants from Low and Middle Income Countries (LMIC) and participants who are full-time students. As this is a virtual course, those who qualify for funding will have the course fee waived.
Accepted file types: pdf, docx, Max. file size: 20 MB.
Please upload your CV to be considered for funding approval.