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Home » Breastfeeding in Disaster, Emergency & Crisis Resources

Breastfeeding in Disaster, Emergency & Crisis Resources


Infant feeding after major disaster and emergency events is very challenging. Promoting breastfeeding must be a priority in disaster risk mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. Emergency managers at all levels and ranks and related organizations, health professionals and the community need to understand the benefits of breastfeeding for the babies, families, communities and nations. Human milk because of its availability, anti-infective properties ensures infant health and nutrition during disaster situations.

Our Breastfeeding in Disaster resources is created to equip emergency managers, emergency social service providers, humanitarian response personnel, caregivers, healthcare professionals, families, mothers, and communities with essential guidelines, tools, educational materials, and best practices to support breastfeeding during challenging circumstances such as war and conflicts, earthquakes, flooding, industrial accidents, wildfires, hurricanes and cyclones, pandemic, etc. Whether facing disasters, public health emergencies, or crisis and conflict situations, the Breastfeeding in Disaster connects you with comprehensive resources to ensure mothers can continue breastfeeding safely and effectively.

Notice: Please note that we are not in a position to recommend, endorse, or assess any of these resources for their content. We are listing them here for users to look at them and use if appropriate and relevant to the context and situation at hand.


Overarching Codes and Strategies

Breastfeeding Guides During Disasters

Breastfeeding after Earthquakes

Breastfeeding during Wildfire/Bushfire Emergencies

Breastfeeding under Power outage

Breastfeeding during Emergency Evacuation

Emergency Preparedness & Response


Courses & Books & Journal Articles


Innovative Solutions