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CIFAL York Training Events Evaluation

CIFAL York Course Evaluation Form (Emergency & Crisis Communication Course)

Thank you very much for for attending the Emergency & Crisis Communication Course during the past few weeks. We very much hoped that you have enjoyed the course and it has met your expectations. To ensure that the quality of our program meets participants expectations and needs, we conduct a short evaluation after each course to receive participants feedback. It is very much appreciated if you spend a few minutes completing our evaluation form and provide your feedback. Thank you very much. CIFAL York Team.
1. What was your overall impression of the course you attended? (Please rank from 1-5, where 1 is equivalent to “not great” and 5 is “It was awesome”).
2. Was the course instructor well prepared, organized, and efficient during the course sessions? Please rank from 1-5 where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “extremely well”.
3. Was the course material presented effectively explained and illustrated by the instructor? Pleaser rank from 1-5 where 1 is “not at all effectively” and 5 is “very effectively”.
4. Was the course relevant to your current job/studies? Please rank the level of job relevance of the program from 1-5, where 1 is equivalent to “totally irrelevant” and 5 is “extremely relevant”.
5. Did the instructional materials increase your knowledge and skills in the subject matter? Please rank from 1-5, where 1 is “not at all” and 5 is “high level of new information”.
6. Do you believe that this course will help you do more advanced work in this subject area? Please rank from 1-5, where 1 is “won’t help at all” and 5 is “extremely useful”.
7. On a scale of 1-5, how educational did you find the course, where 1 is “not educational” and 5 is “very educational”?
8. How many sessions out of 3 of this course did you participate in?
9. How likely you recommend this course to others (1-very unlikely, 5-highly likely)?
10. How likely you would consider taking another mini course offered by CIFAL York (1-very unlikely, 5-highly likely)?
11. Overall, did the course meet your expectations based on the information available at the time of registration? Please rank from 1-5, where 1 is “did not meet expectations” and 5 is “met all expectations”.
12. How likely are you to recommend this course to others in your network? Please rank from 1-5, where 1 is “will not recommend” and 5 is “very likely to recommend”.