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Executive Team

Ali Asgary, PhD

CIFAL York Director

As the CIFAL York Director, Dr. Asgary is responsible for the overall management of the Centre, the execution of its activity plan, relationships with stakeholders, and ensuring compliance with the objectives set out for the Centre. Dr. Asgary is professor of Disaster and Emergency Management at the School of Administrative Studies in LA&PS. Ali has extensive teaching and research records in most focusing areas of CIFAL York including economic development, urban and regional planning, and disaster and emergency management with equity, diversity, sustainability, and resilience lenses.

Francesco del Carpio

CIFAL York Operations Manager

As the CIFAL York Operations Manager, Francesco will work to support the activities and initiatives of the centre in alignment with its vision, mission, and objectives. Francesco is a Masters student completing a degree in Disaster and Emergency Management in York University's School of Administrative Studies.