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Engagement with Key Stakeholders: Transit Fare and Service Integration Analysis, by Prof. Gebresselassie.

The City Institute at York University will be joining Ernst & Young LLP (“EY”) in a one-hour engagement session provided by Professor Mahtot Gebresselassie which will be related to regional transit fare and service integration.

EY has been engaged by the Ministry of Transportation (“MTO”) as the third-party consultant with responsibilities that include analyzing transit governance models, undertaking an independent review of technical analysis of regional fare options, and developing potential implementation approaches for Fare & Service Integration (“FSI”) in the Greater Golden Horseshoe region (the “Project”).

EY is organizing engagement sessions with key stakeholders to gain perspectives on the objectives and impacts of regional fare and service integration, including corresponding governance and funding models as well as implementation considerations for the various options presented. On behalf of the City Institute, professor Gebresselassie will provide input which be used to inform government decision-making to advance regional FSI.

The goal of this session: An integrated, region-wide transit system. Integrating transit fares and services will improve the transit user experience, provide seamless connections across the region and make travel by transit a more convenient and accessible option.

“Connecting the GGH: A Transportation Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe” (Ministry of Transportation, 2022)