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City Institute Part of a Winning Proposal for a New International Graduate Student Training Program

York University, through the City Institute (CITY) and the Canadian Centre for German and European Studies (CCGES), is part of a winning proposal for a major new international graduate student training program. “The World in the City: Metropolitanism and Globalization from the Nineteenth Century to the Present” is funded for an initial 4.5 year period through the German Research Society (DFG — Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft). City Institute faculty, Ute Lehrer and Roger Keil have worked with University of Toronto scholars, Kanishka Goonewardena and Jennifer Jenkins, and colleagues from Berlin and New York Universities in co-writing the application.

Spearheaded by the Center for Metropolitan Studies (CMS) in Berlin, the program supports the exchange of doctoral students between Berlin, New York and Toronto universities.  CMS Director, Professor Dorothee Brantz is the leader of the consortium, which includes Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt Universität Berlin, TU Berlin, City University of New York, Columbia University, Fordham University, New York University, University of Toronto, and York University. The program establishes long term research training groups for PhD students and enables inernational exchanges among programs.

The City Institute has agreed to host events under the program. The Faculty of Graduate Studies has pledged its support for the exchange of York University students by allowing their institutional funding to be applied during research trips to Berlin and New York.

Seed funding for this program was provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). At York University, this program was secured through exemplary cooperation among various key organizations including the Canadian Centre for German and European Studies (CCGES), the City Institute at York University (CITY), the Faculty of Environmental Studies (FES), the Office of the VPRI, the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS) and York International.

See the program description.

See the call for Berlin based PhD scholarships.