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2014 Archive

City Seminar: Rethinking Suburban Sprawl, by Marcy Burchfield

 An interdisciplinary series of presentations and discussions on urban landscapes, past and present. Marcy Burchfield Neptis Foundation “Rethinking Suburban Sprawl: Is planning policy leading or following the market? Lessons from a 20 year-analysis of urban growth patterns in four Canadian cities.” Marcy Burchfield (MSc) is the Executive Director of the Neptis Foundation, a Canadian independent […]

2014 Toronto Election: Implications for Politics & Social Justice in the Inner Suburbs

The event was a great success. We thank all those who participated! Below are some photos from the event as well as a description with bios of the panelists.     The City Institute at York University (CITY) presents: How has the 2014 Toronto municipal election affected residents of the inner suburbs, such as Etobicoke […]

Audio: Dr. Nazgol Bagheri on Mapping Women’s Space in Tehran

If you weren’t able to attend the CITY Seminar with Dr. Nazgol Bagheri, you can find the audio from the talk here: “Place Matters: Mapping Iranian Women in Tehran’s public spaces using qualitative GIS” Dr. Nazgol Begheri Department of Political Science and Geography, The University of Texas at San Antonio Trained as an architect […]

Next City on North American Suburbs

CITY’s Roger Keil has been quoted in an article by Next City. The article discussed the way North American suburbs have changed and are becoming cities in their own right.   Read the article here

Panel: Planetary Urbanization

Planetary Urbanization: Cities, Heartlands and Home Tuesday, November 4 14:30 to 16:30, Verney Room, South Ross 674 York University Reception to follow. Focusing on feminist theories, methods, and politics, this roundtable examines possibilities and pitfalls of “planetary urbanization” as a presumed reality and analytical lens. Many herald planetary urbanization as a landmark theoretical frame for […]

Roger Keil on Ebola in Maclean’s Magazine

From yFile: Roger Keil, a York University political science professor who co-authored an in-depth study of how SARS affected Toronto as a city, says he sees some parallels with the new threat, most specifically, how it, too, has emerged from a region of the world that North Americans don’t spend much time thinking about…. He […]

Event: Massive Convergence with Jennifer Keesmaat

CITY invites you to attend a talk by Jennifer Keesmaat Friday, 24 October 2014 Vari Lecture Hall C 3:00 p.m. The York Geography Distinguished Alumni Speaker Series, in conjunction with the Canadian Association of Geographers – Ontario Division and the City Institute, present “Massive Convergence,” a talk by City of Toronto Chief Planner Jennifer Keesmaat. […]

Event Series: Celebrating Feminist Interdisciplinary Urban Research

YORK UNIVERSITY SHOWCASES LEADING-EDGE FEMINIST URBAN RESEARCH IN A SERIES OF EVENTS IN EARLY NOVEMBER 2014 Watch for detailed descriptions of these events in forthcoming announcements and on posters around campus. SERIES A: NOVEMBER 3 1. POLS 4404/5504 UNDERGRADUATE-GRADUATE STUDENT ONLY EVENT WITH DR. FARANAK MIRAFTAB. Dr. Faranak Miraftab (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) will make a special visit to […]

Graduate Student Session with Professor Nazgol Bagheri (Nov 5)

The City Institute would like to invite interested graduate students to attend a session with Nazgol Bagheri (University of Texas at San Antonio) Wednesday November 5, 2014 2:00 to 4:00 pm Room 749, Kaneff Tower Crossing disciplinary boundaries, including feminist and transnational studies, Professor Bagheri’s work focuses on Iranian women’s presence and preferences in Tehran public spaces […]