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The City Seminar: Friday, September 29


Dr. Simon Bekker

Emeritus Professor of Sociology at Stellenbosch University in South Africa

Capital Cities in Africa: Power and Powerlessness. (2012) Simon Bekker & Göran Therborn (eds.) –  The production and chief themes of this publication and the main challenges it raises.

With an Introduction by Dr. Abidin Kusno, Director, York Centre for Asian Research

 Dr. Simon Bekker is a South African citizen and academic who acted as a Professor of Development Studies at Rhodes University and Director of the Centre for Social and Development Studies at the (then) University of Natal (Durban).  He has held visiting Fellow appointments at Oxford University, the (then) Centre d’Étude d’Afrique Noire in France, the Swedish Collegium for Advanced Study in Uppsala, Sweden and at the Stellenbosch Institute for Advanced Study.

Dr. Simon Bekker presenting a paper facing a screen