PASS stands for Peer Assisted Study Sessions. At Bethune College our PASS program is based on the Supplemental Instruction (SI) model. SI is an academic support program that targets courses instead of students which helps overcome any "remedial" stigma and has been shown to improve student experience, academic success and retention.
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PASS leaders are students who have previously completed the course and earned a high grade. PASS leaders act as model students and facilitate study sessions. Within sessions PASS Leaders encourage students to work in groups to improve their understanding of the course material. Students work together to learn how to integrate course content and develop their study skills.
PASS leaders are provided with intensive training in leadership and facilitation skills as well as regular supervision and ongoing support. As part of SOS at Bethune College, PASS leaders report to the College Academic Life Coordinator. There is also a PASS Coordinator, a senior Peer Leader, who assists with PASS operations (
More Information on the SI Model can be found at the International Center for Supplemental Instruction, University of Missouri, Kansas City. Of particular interest is the SI FAQ. The National Data (USA) show remarkable improvements in course grades and decreased withdrawals among SI participants.
If PASS sessions are being offered for your course you will be notified before the start of the semester and you will be introduced to your PASS leader. PASS works best with committed faculty members. Please let PASS leaders make in-class announcements and respond to communication from PASS leaders. If you have any concerns or questions about your PASS sessions please contact the Academic Life Coordinator.