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Career Spotlight: Janet Chan, Nurse and Professional Practice Specialist

Are you a Faculty of Health student curious about where your degree can take you? Career Spotlight is an opportunity where you can connect with Faculty of Health alumni and learn about their career. This session’s spotlight speaker is Janet Chan.


Janet is a nurse by background and is currently in a Professional Practice Specialist position at Ontario Home Care Organization. She attended several different educational institutions to pursue her professional journey, ranging from University of Toronto where she graduated in 2008 with an Honors bachelor’s in science, specializing in genes, genetics, and biotechnology. Then she attended York University to pursue a bachelor’s in nursing and graduated in 2010. From there she went to George Brown College to earn a Nurse Educator Certificate in 2015. She then graduated from Toronto Metropolitan University with a master’s in nursing in 2020. Looking back at her journey at York University, she wishes that she attended more alumni events and had the opportunity to speak with role models, that is why she is volunteering now so she can give back to the community. The next steps in her career revolve around identifying gaps in her knowledge and is in the process of consulting with colleagues and mentors to plan the next phase of her career. She is currently looking at trying out a managerial position or going back to school for an MBA or a PhD. In addition, in her free time she loves to garden, cook, and read non-fiction books for self-reflection and improvement.


Date & Time: Thursday, May 26th, 2022 at 6:00pm

Location: Zoom – Meeting ID: 471 093 7094Passcode: 7001750

Facilitator: Mankirat Gujral

Registration Link

Registration Deadline: Thursday May 26th at 5pm (An hour before the start time)

The event is finished.


May 26 2022


6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
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