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Home » Scholarly Association Program Chair Support

Scholarly Association Program Chair Support


York University will be hosting the 2023 Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences. By bringing national and international attention to the university, Congress 2023 will be a unique opportunity for York to showcase its research strengths in the humanities and social sciences, as well as other path-breaking interdisciplinary research. In centering the knowledges, histories and cultures of Indigenous and Black peoples, while linking questions of racial and climate justice, Congress 2023 also allows us, as a university community, to renew our collective commitment to social justice.

As we look to welcome colleagues from across the country and around the world, 

York University scholars are encouraged to take on the role of Program Chair within their scholarly associations for the planning of their 2023 conferences.

To support this role, the university is inviting applications for Congress 2023 Scholarly Association Program Chair Support. This program will support up to 8 selected scholars who are acting as Program Chairs for their scholarly associations at Congress 2023 by providing a half course release. A toolkit to assist scholars looking to attract funding to support their programming and conferences will also be available to the community. York is committed to providing support to those who reflect the diversity of our scholarly community. Indigenous and Black faculty as well as those from other equity deserving groups are strongly encouraged to apply.


  • Applicants must be scholars who will be acting as Program Chairs for their scholarly association’s conference at Congress 2023.
  • Duration of scholarly association’s conference at Congress 2023 must be 3 days at minimum and include a minimum of 75 individual presentations or workshops.
  • Projected number of attendees at scholarly association’s conference must be a minimum of 150.


  • The Congress 2023 Scholarly Planning Committee will review applications and make a recommendation regarding successful applicants to the Provost & Vice-President Academic and Vice-President Research & Innovation.
  • Course release must be taken in Fall 2022 or Winter 2023 and cannot be banked or taken at any other time.


  • Applicants must complete and submit the application form by no later than 11 April 2022.
  • Successful applicants will be notified by no later than 20 April 2022.


  • Please contact Liz McMahan, Director, Congress 2023 with any questions at