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Home » Convocation Program Spring 2024

Convocation Program Spring 2024

June 7, 2024

June 14 – 21, 2024


The mission of York University is the pursuit, preservation, and dissemination of knowledge. We promise excellence in research and teaching in pure, applied and professional fields. We test the boundaries and structures of knowledge. We cultivate the critical intellect.

York University is part of Toronto: we are dynamic, metropolitan and multi-cultural. York University is  part of Canada: we encourage bilingual study, we value diversity. York University is open to the world: we explore global concerns.

A community of faculty, students, staff, alumni and volunteers committed to academic freedom, social justice, accessible education, and collegial self-governance, York University makes innovation its tradition.

Tentanda Via: The way must be tried.


We recognize that many Indigenous Nations have longstanding relationships with the territories upon which York University campuses are located that precede the establishment of York University. York University acknowledges its presence on the traditional territory of many Indigenous Nations. The area known as Tkaronto has been care taken by the Anishinabek Nation, the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, and the Huron-Wendat. It is now home to many First Nation, Inuit and Métis communities. We acknowledge the current treaty holders, the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation. This territory is subject of the Dish with One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement to peaceably share and care for the Great Lakes region.


O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love
In all of us command.
Car ton bras
Sait porter l’épée
Il sait porter
La croix!
Ton histoire
Est une epopée
Des plus brilliants exploits.
God keep our land
Glorious and free!
O Canada,
We stand on guard for thee.
O Canada,
We stand on guard for thee.

O Canada, O maa en-ji-ba-yang
Niin-da-kiim-naang ge-tchi pii-ten-da-gwak
Kiin wind kde-i-naang mash-ka-wen-dan-daa
Gii-we-di-nong zaa-gi-too-daa
Naa-nii-bwi-daa,O Canada
We-we-na ka-na-wen-dan-daa
O Canada, ki-tchi gwa-natch
Naa-nii-bwi-daa mii-gwe-chi-wen-dan-daa
Naa-nii-bwi-daa mii-gwe-chi-wen-dan-daa.
O Canada, here where we're from
Our land that is very valuable
In our hearts be very thankful
North let us love
Let us stand, O Canada
Let us take good care of our home
O Canada, very beautiful
Let us stand and be thankful
Let us stand and be thankful.

O Canada! O maa enjibayang
True patriot love in all of us command
With glowing hearts we see thee rise
Gii-we-di-nong zaa-gi-too-daa
Ton histoire est une épopée Des plus brillants exploits. Et ta valeur, de foi trempée,
Naaniibwidaa miigwechiwendandaa
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

Kathleen Taylor is an experienced international business leader and corporate director in the public and private sectors. Based in Toronto, Canada, she is well recognized for her leadership and governance skills, and for her multifaceted business expertise across various industries and geographies. 

Most recently serving as the Chair of the Board of the Royal Bank of Canada, she was appointed as a director from 2001 and as Chair from 2014 to 2023, helping to oversee a period of significant growth and international expansion for the bank. Prior to this role, Ms. Taylor was the President and CEO of Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, where she was instrumental in building Four Seasons’ global portfolio and international brand over almost 24 years with the company.    

Today, Ms. Taylor is Chair of Altas Partners, a fast growing private equity investment firm, with approximately $10 billion of capital under management and invested with numerous companies across North America. She is also the Vice-Chair of The Adecco Group (Zurich), the world’s leading talent advisory and solutions company, and serves as a director of Air Canada (Montreal), Canada’s largest air carrier, and Mattamy Asset Management (Toronto). In addition, she is the Chair of the Advisory Board of the Cabot Collection, a developer and operator of golf resorts and residential properties.   

A champion of women and children, Ms. Taylor is Chair of the Board of Trustees for the Hospital for Sick Children and the Immediate Past Chair and a member of the Board of Directors of the SickKids Foundation. She is also a Founding Visionary and Co-Chair of the Advocacy Committee of The Prosperity Project, a national not-for-profit devoted to the advancement of women in leadership and the economy. 

Ms. Taylor is a member of the C.D. Howe Institute’s National Council, Co-Chair of their Human Capital Policy Council and a member of the Task Force on the Digital Economy. She is also the Chancellor of York University and serves on the Dean’s Global Advisory Council of the Schulich School of Business.  

Among Ms. Taylor’s many accolades for business achievement are: Member of the Order of Canada; inductee into the Canadian Marketing Hall of Legends; member of WXN’s Most Powerful Women Hall of Fame; recipient of the Schulich School of Business Award for Outstanding Executive Leadership; recipient of the inaugural Medal for Career Achievement from the Hennick Centre for Business and Law; and recipient of the Governance Professionals of Canada Peter Dey Governance Achievement Award. 

Ms. Taylor holds an M.B.A. from the Schulich School of Business, a law degree from Osgoode Hall Law School and a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) from the University of Toronto. She has also received an Honorary Doctorate of Laws from the University of Toronto, McGill University, York University and Trent University; an Honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from Mount Saint Vincent University; and an Honorary Doctorate of Divinity from Huron University College.  

Rhonda L. Lenton became York University’s eighth President and Vice-Chancellor on July 1, 2017.

Dr. Lenton joined York University in 2002 as Dean of the Atkinson Faculty of Liberal & Professional Studies, where she oversaw substantial enrolment and program diversification, as well as expanded experiential education and community-based learning. She went on to serve as York’s inaugural Vice-Provost Academic from 2009 to 2012, and then as the University’s Vice-President Academic & Provost from 2012 until April 2017. As Vice-President Academic and Provost, Dr. Lenton led a number of significant initiatives in the areas of academic planning, institutional change management, the alignment of academic priorities and resources and strategic enrolment and complement planning, including the drafting of the University’s Strategic Mandate Agreement and an Institutional Integrated Resource Plan.

A dedicated champion of community engagement and innovative partnerships, Dr. Lenton played an instrumental role in the creation of the York University-TD Community Engagement Centre and in expanding York’s institutional collaborations with other postsecondary education partners. As chair of the President’s Task Force on Community Engagement, she facilitated discussions with a broad range of constituencies, which culminated in a final report that has ensured the centrality of engagement as a defining feature of the University’s planning.

Before joining York, Dr. Lenton was an associate dean and professor at McMaster University. A sociologist by training, she earned her PhD from the University of Toronto in 1989. Her areas of teaching and research expertise include gender, family conflict, sexual harassment, research methods and, more recently, higher education. She has published peer-reviewed book chapters and articles in a broad array of academic journals.

In addition to her roles at York, Dr. Lenton serves on Universities Canada’s Board of Directors and its Research Committee, the Council of Ontario Universities (COU) Government and Community Relations Committee, and she is Co-Chair of the Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT) Board of Directors. She previously served on the Executive of the Ontario Council of Academic Vice-Presidents and represented that Council on the eCampus Ontario Board and ONCAT. In recognition of her leadership and service as a senior executive in higher education, Dr. Lenton was named one of the top 100 most powerful women in Canada by the Women’s Executive Network (WXN) in 2015, and in 2016 received the Angela Hildyard Recognition Award for the continual demonstration of innovative leadership in advancing the mission of, and achieving outstanding contributions to, her institution and to higher education.

CHANCELLORKathleen Taylor
H. Ian Macdonald
Harry W. Arthurs
Susan Mann
Lorna R. Marsden
Mamdouh Shoukri
GENERAL COUNSEL Christine Silversides


The upper half of the shield contains two lions of the City of York; the lower half contains, on a red background, the white rose of the Royal House of York. The oak sprig in the crest represents the Tree of Learning and recognizes York University’s initial affiliation with the University of Toronto. The York University colours are crimson and white.


The mace, which the University Beadle carries, was a gift to York University from the City of Toronto in 1964. Each part of the mace has symbolic significance for the University. Rendered in brass, the end section is set with stones of cullet, bloodstone, agate and amazonite which represent all ethnic sources of Canada. The shoulder has 10 projections representing Canada’s provinces. The four arms at the head of the mace represent the paths which lead to the ideals that humans strive to achieve. The arms support an orb whose shape reflects the universe and its truths. The orb is executed in the colours of earth and water: brown, ochre, blue and green.



Glendon College

Academic Procession 

The Academic Procession will enter juniores priores. The audience will rise as able as the Procession enters and will remain standing until the Chancellor is seated. 

Land Acknowledgement and Opening Greeting 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary 

National Anthem 

Call to Order 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary 

Chancellor’s Remarks 

Chancellor Kathleen Taylor will address convocation. 

President’s Remarks 

Dr. Rhonda L. Lenton, President and Vice-Chancellor will address convocation. 

Conferring of the Degree Honoris Causa 

The Orator will present to the Chancellor the candidate for the degree of Doctor of Laws honoris causa: 


Convocation Address 

Barbara Neis will address convocation. 

Principal’s Remarks 

Marco Fiola Principal, Glendon College will address convocation.  

Conferring of the Degrees in Course 

Candidates will be presented to the Chancellor in the following order: 

  • Bachelor of Arts with Honours and Bachelor of Arts  
  • Bachelor of Science with Honours and Bachelor of Science  
  • International Bachelor of Arts with Honours  
  • International Bachelor of Science with Honours  
  • Master/Magisteriate of Arts  
  • Master/Magisteriate of Conference Interpreting  
  • Master/Magisteriate of Public and International Affairs  
  • Doctor/Doctorate of Philosophy   

The Chancellor will confer all degrees with the words 

Admitto vos ad gradum. 

Presentation of Candidates 

Alumni Greeter’s Remarks 

Rodayna Abuelwafa, iBA 2018 will now address convocation 

Closing & Dismissal 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary 

Withdrawal of the Procession 

The Platform and Faculty Procession will withdraw seniores priores. The audience will rise when the Chancellor rises and will remain standing until the Academic Procession has withdrawn. 

All participants and guests are asked to remain at their seats until the conclusion of the ceremony. 

Honorary Doctorate Biography - Barbara Neis


Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change and Faculty of Science I

Academic Procession 

The Academic Procession will enter juniores priores. The audience will rise as the Procession enters and will remain standing until the Chancellor is seated. 

Land Acknowledgement and Opening Greeting 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary 

National Anthem 

Call to Order 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary 

Chancellor’s Remarks 

Chancellor Kathleen Taylor will address convocation. 

President’s Remarks 

Dr. Rhonda L. Lenton, President and Vice-Chancellor will address convocation. 

Conferring of the Degree Honoris Causa 

The Orator will present to the Chancellor the candidate for the degree of Doctor of Laws honoris causa: 


Convocation Address 

Mike Wessinger will address convocation. 

Dean’s Remarks 

Philip Kelly, Dean, Environmental and Urban Change will address convocation.  

Celebrating Awards  

Distinguished Research Professor Award – Roger Keil 

Conferring of the Degrees in Course 

The Presentation of the Candidates 

Candidates will be presented to the Chancellor in the following order: 

  • Bachelor of Arts with Honours and Bachelor of Arts 
  • Bachelor in Environmental Studies with Honours and Bachelor in Environmental Studies  
  • Bachelor of Science with Honours and Bachelor of Science 
  • Bachelor of Science (Technology) 
  • International Bachelor of Science with Honours 
  • Master/Magisteriate of Arts 
  • Master/Magisteriate in Environmental Studies 
  • Master/Magisteriate in Science 
  • Doctor/Doctorate of Philosophy 

The Chancellor will confer all degrees with the words 

Admitto vos ad gradum. 

Presentation of Candidates 

Alumni Greeter’s Remarks 

Alia Abbas, BA 2013, MA 2017 will now address convocation 

Closing & Dismissal 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary 

Withdrawal of the Procession 

The Platform and Faculty Procession will withdraw seniores priores. The audience will rise when the Chancellor rises and will remain standing until the Academic Procession has withdrawn. 

All participants and guests are asked to remain at their seats until the conclusion of the ceremony. 

Honorary Doctorate Biography - Mike Wessinger


Lassonde School of Engineering

Academic Procession 

The Academic Procession will enter juniores priores. The audience will rise as the Procession enters and will remain standing until the Chancellor is seated. 

Land Acknowledgement and Opening Greeting 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary 

National Anthem 

Call to Order 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary 

Chancellor’s Remarks 

Chancellor Kathleen Taylor will address convocation. 

Provost & Vice-President Academic Remarks

Lisa Philipps, Provost & Vice-President Academic will address convocation. 

Dean’s Remarks 

Jane Goodyer, Dean, Lassonde School of Engineering will address convocation.  

Celebrating Awards  

President University Wide Teaching Award – Danielle Robinson  

University Professorship Award - Aleksander (Alex) Czekanski 

Conferring of the Degrees in Course 

The Presentation of the Candidates 

Candidates will be presented to the Chancellor in the following order: 

  • Bachelor of Arts with Honours and Bachelor of Arts 
  • Bachelor of Engineering with Honours
  • Bachelor of Science with Honours and Bachelor of Science 
  • International Bachelor of Arts with Honours 
  • International Bachelor of Science with Honours 
  • Master/Magisteriate of Applied Science 
  • Master/Magisteriate of Science 
  • Doctor/Doctorate of Philosophy 

The Chancellor will confer all degrees with the words 

Admitto vos ad gradum. 

Presentation of Candidates 

Alumni Greeter’s Remarks 

Jaspritt Gill, BENG 2017 will now address convocation 

Closing & Dismissal 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary 

Withdrawal of the Procession 

The Platform and Faculty Procession will withdraw seniores priores. The audience will rise when the Chancellor rises and will remain standing until the Academic Procession has withdrawn. 

All participants and guests are asked to remain at their seats until the conclusion of the ceremony. 


Faculty of Education

Academic Procession 

The Academic Procession will enter juniores priores. The audience will rise as the Procession enters and will remain standing until the Chancellor is seated. 

Land Acknowledgement and Opening Greeting 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary 

National Anthem 

Call to Order 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary 

Chancellor’s Remarks 

Chancellor Kathleen Taylor will address convocation. 

President’s Remarks 

Dr. Rhonda L. Lenton, President and Vice-Chancellor will address convocation. 

Conferring of the Degree Honoris Causa  

The Orator will present to the Chancellor the candidate for the degree of Doctor of Laws honoris causa:  


Convocation Address  

Reeta Roy will address convocation.  

Dean’s Remarks 

Robert Savage, Dean, Faculty of Education will address convocation.  

Celebrating Awards  

President University Wide Teaching Award – Vidya Shah 

Conferring of the Degrees in Course 

The Presentation of the Candidates 

Candidates will be presented to the Chancellor in the following order: 

  • Bachelor of Arts with Honours and Bachelor of Arts 
  • Bachelor of Education 
  • Diploma in the Education of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students 
  • Master/Magisteriate of Education 
  • Master/Magisteriate of Leadership and Community Engagement 
  • Doctor/Doctorate of Philosophy 

The Chancellor will confer all degrees with the words 

Admitto vos ad gradum. 

Presentation of Candidates 

Alumni Greeter’s Remarks 

Farkhunda Muhtaj, BSC 2019, BEd 2021 will now address convocation 

Closing & Dismissal 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary 

Withdrawal of the Procession 

The Platform and Faculty Procession will withdraw seniores priores. The audience will rise when the Chancellor rises and will remain standing until the Academic Procession has withdrawn. 

All participants and guests are asked to remain at their seats until the conclusion of the ceremony.

Honorary Doctorate Biography - Reeta Roy


Faculty of Health I

Academic Procession 

The Academic Procession will enter juniores priores. The audience will rise as the Procession enters and will remain standing until the Chancellor is seated. 

Land Acknowledgement and Opening Greeting 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary 

National Anthem 

Call to Order 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary 

Chancellor’s Remarks 

Chancellor Kathleen Taylor will address convocation. 

Provost & Vice-President Academic Remarks

Lisa Philipps, Provost & Vice-President Academic will address convocation. 

Dean’s Remarks 

David Peters, Dean, Faculty of Health will address convocation.  

Conferring of the Degrees in Course 

The Presentation of the Candidates 

Candidates will be presented to the Chancellor in the following order: 

  • Bachelor of Arts with Honours and Bachelor of Arts 
  • Bachelor of Science with Honours and Bachelor of Science 
  • Master/Magisteriate of Arts 
  • Doctor/Doctorate of Philosophy 

The Chancellor will confer all degrees with the words 

Admitto vos ad gradum. 

Presentation of Candidates 

Alumni Greeter’s Remarks 

Iris Yusopov, BA 2016, MA 2018, MBA 2022, PhD 2023 will now address convocation 

Closing & Dismissal 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary 

Withdrawal of the Procession 

The Platform and Faculty Procession will withdraw seniores priores. The audience will rise when the Chancellor rises and will remain standing until the Academic Procession has withdrawn. 

All participants and guests are asked to remain at their seats until the conclusion of the ceremony. 


Faculty of Health II

Academic Procession 

The Academic Procession will enter juniores priores. The audience will rise as the Procession enters and will remain standing until the Chancellor is seated. 

Land Acknowledgement and Opening Greeting 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary  

National Anthem 

Call to Order 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary  

Chancellor’s Remarks 

Chancellor Kathleen Taylor will address convocation. 

Provost & Vice-President Academic Remarks

Lisa Philipps, Provost & Vice-President Academic will address convocation. 

Dean’s Remarks 

David Peters, Dean, Faculty of Health will address convocation.   

Conferring of the Degrees in Course 

The Presentation of the Candidates 

Candidates will be presented to the Chancellor in the following order: 

  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing with Honours 
  • Master/Magisteriate of Science in Nursing 
  • Doctor/Doctorate of Philosophy 

The Chancellor will confer all degrees with the words 

Admitto vos ad gradum. 

Presentation of Candidates 

Alumni Greeter’s Remarks 

Tina Singh, BA 2004 will now address convocation 

Closing & Dismissal 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary  

Withdrawal of the Procession 

The Platform and Faculty Procession will withdraw seniores priores. The audience will rise when the Chancellor rises and will remain standing until the Academic Procession has withdrawn. 

All participants and guests are asked to remain at their seats until the conclusion of the ceremony. 


Faculty of Health III and Faculty of Science II

Academic Procession 

The Academic Procession will enter juniores priores. The audience will rise as the Procession enters and will remain standing until the Chancellor is seated. 

Land Acknowledgement and Opening Greeting 

Lauren Sergio, Vice Chair of Senate 

National Anthem 

Call to Order 

Lauren Sergio, Vice Chair of Senate 

Chancellor’s Remarks 

Chancellor Kathleen Taylor will address convocation. 

Provost & Vice-President Academic Remarks

Lisa Philipps, Provost & Vice-President Academic will address convocation. 

Dean’s Remarks 

David Peters, Dean, Faculty of Health will address convocation.   

Dean’s Remarks  

Rui Wang, Dean, Faculty of Science will address convocation.   

Conferring of the Degrees in Course 

The Presentation of the Candidates 

Candidates will be presented to the Chancellor in the following order: 

  • Bachelor of Arts with Honours and Bachelor of Arts 
  • Bachelor of Health Studies with Honours 
  • Bachelor of Science with Honours and Bachelor of Science 
  • Master/Magisteriate of Arts 
  • Master/Magisteriate of Fitness Science 
  • Master/Magisteriate of Science 
  • Doctor/Doctorate of Philosophy 

The Chancellor will confer all degrees with the words 

Admitto vos ad gradum. 

Presentation of Candidates 

Alumni Greeter’s Remarks 

Brian Serapio, BSC 2018 will now address convocation 

Closing & Dismissal 

Lauren Sergio, Vice Chair of Senate 

Withdrawal of the Procession 

The Platform and Faculty Procession will withdraw seniores priores. The audience will rise when the Chancellor rises and will remain standing until the Academic Procession has withdrawn. 

All participants and guests are asked to remain at their seats until the conclusion of the ceremony. 


Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies I

Academic Procession 

The Academic Procession will enter juniores priores. The audience will rise as the Procession enters and will remain standing until the Chancellor is seated. 

Land Acknowledgement and Opening Greeting 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary  

National Anthem 

Call to Order 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary  

Chancellor’s Remarks 

Chancellor Kathleen Taylor will address convocation. 

President’s Remarks 

Dr. Rhonda L. Lenton, President and Vice-Chancellor will address convocation. 

Conferring of the Degree Honoris Causa  

The Orator will present to the Chancellor the candidate for the degree of Doctor of Laws honoris causa:  


Convocation Address  

Dr. Saul will address convocation.  

Dean’s Remarks 

JJ McMurtry, Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies will address convocation.   

Conferring of the Degrees in Course 

The Presentation of the Candidates 

Candidates will be presented to the Chancellor in the following order: 

  • Bachelor of Arts with Honours and Bachelor of Arts 
  • Bachelor of Commerce  
  • International Bachelor of Arts with Honours 
  • Master/Magisteriate of Arts 
  • Doctor/Doctorate of Philosophy 

The Chancellor will confer all degrees with the words 

Admitto vos ad gradum. 

Presentation of Candidates 

Alumni Greeter’s Remarks 

Stachen Lett-Frederick, BSW 2013 will now address convocation 

Closing & Dismissal 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary  

Withdrawal of the Procession 

The Platform and Faculty Procession will withdraw seniores priores. The audience will rise when the Chancellor rises and will remain standing until the Academic Procession has withdrawn. 

All participants and guests are asked to remain at their seats until the conclusion of the ceremony. 

Honorary Doctorate Biography - John Ralston Saul


Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies II

Academic Procession 

The Academic Procession will enter juniores priores. The audience will rise as the Procession enters and will remain standing until the Chancellor is seated. 

Land Acknowledgement and Opening Greeting 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary  

National Anthem 

Call to Order 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary  

Chancellor’s Remarks 

Chancellor Kathleen Taylor will address convocation. 

Provost & Vice-President Academic Remarks

Lisa Philipps, Provost & Vice-President Academic will address convocation. 

Dean’s Remarks 

JJ McMurtry, Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies will address convocation.   

Conferring of the Degrees in Course 

The Presentation of the Candidates 

Candidates will be presented to the Chancellor in the following order: 

  • Bachelor of Commerce with Honours and Bachelor of Commerce 
  • Bachelor of Disaster and Emergency Management with Honours and Bachelor of Disaster and Emergency Management 
  • Bachelor of Human Resources Management with Honours and Bachelor of Human Resources Management 
  • Master/Magisteriate of Disaster and Emergency Management 
  • Master/Magisteriate of Financial Accountability 
  • Master/Magisteriate of Human Resources Management 
  • Master/Magisteriate of Science 
  • Doctor/Doctorate of Philosophy 

The Chancellor will confer all degrees with the words 

Admitto vos ad gradum. 

Presentation of Candidates 

Alumni Greeter’s Remarks 

Don Levy, BA 1986 will now address convocation 

Closing & Dismissal 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary  

Withdrawal of the Procession 

The Platform and Faculty Procession will withdraw seniores priores. The audience will rise when the Chancellor rises and will remain standing until the Academic Procession has withdrawn. 

All participants and guests are asked to remain at their seats until the conclusion of the ceremony. 


Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies III

Academic Procession 

The Academic Procession will enter juniores priores. The audience will rise as the Procession enters and will remain standing until the Chancellor is seated. 

Land Acknowledgement and Opening Greeting 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary  

National Anthem 

Call to Order 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary  

Chancellor’s Remarks 

Chancellor Kathleen Taylor will address convocation. 

President’s Remarks 

Dr. Rhonda L. Lenton, President and Vice-Chancellor will address convocation. 

Conferring of the Degree Honoris Causa   

The Orator will present to the Chancellor the candidate for the degree of Doctor of Laws honoris causa:   


Convocation Address   

Arnold Auguste will address convocation.   

Dean’s Remarks 

JJ McMurtry, Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies will address convocation.  

Celebrating Awards  

President University Wide Teaching Award – Heather Lynn Garrett 

Distinguished Research Professor Award - Leah Vosko 

Conferring of the Degrees in Course 

The Presentation of the Candidates 

Candidates will be presented to the Chancellor in the following order: 

  • Bachelor of Arts with Honours and Bachelor of Arts 
  • Bachelor of Public Administration 
  • Bachelor of Social Work with Honours 
  • International Bachelor of Arts with Honours 
  • Master/Magisteriate of Arts 
  • Master/Magisteriate of Public Policy, Administration and Law 
  • Master/Magisteriate of Social Work 
  • Doctor/Doctorate of Philosophy 

The Chancellor will confer all degrees with the words 

Admitto vos ad gradum. 

Presentation of Candidates 

Alumni Greeter’s Remarks 

Monika Federau, BA 1986 will now address convocation 

Closing & Dismissal 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary  

Withdrawal of the Procession 

The Platform and Faculty Procession will withdraw seniores priores. The audience will rise when the Chancellor rises and will remain standing until the Academic Procession has withdrawn. 

All participants and guests are asked to remain at their seats until the conclusion of the ceremony. 

Honorary Doctorate Biography - Arnold Auguste


School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design and Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies IV

Academic Procession 

The Academic Procession will enter juniores priores. The audience will rise as the Procession enters and will remain standing until the Chancellor is seated. 

Land Acknowledgement and Opening Greeting 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary  

National Anthem 

Call to Order 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary  

Chancellor’s Remarks 

Chancellor Kathleen Taylor will address convocation. 

President’s Remarks 

Dr. Rhonda L. Lenton, President and Vice-Chancellor will address convocation. 

Conferring of the Degree Honoris Causa   

The Orator will present to the Chancellor the candidate for the degree of Doctor of Letters honoris causa:   


Convocation Address   

Jason "Kardinal Offishal" Harrow will address convocation.   

Dean’s Remarks 

JJ McMurtry, Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies will address convocation.   

Conferring of the Degrees in Course 

The Presentation of the Candidates 

Candidates will be presented to the Chancellor in the following order: 

  • Bachelor of Arts with Honours and Bachelor of Arts 
  • Bachelor of Design with Honours 
  • International Bachelor of Arts with Honours 
  • Master/Magisteriate of Arts 
  • Master/Magisteriate of Design 
  • Master/Magisteriate of Fine Arts 
  • Doctor/Doctorate of Philosophy 

The Chancellor will confer all degrees with the words 

Admitto vos ad gradum. 

Presentation of Candidates 

Alumni Greeter’s Remarks 

Layth Gafoor, BA 2002, LLB 2006 will now address convocation 

Closing & Dismissal 

Pascal Robichaud, University Secretary  

Withdrawal of the Procession 

The Platform and Faculty Procession will withdraw seniores priores. The audience will rise when the Chancellor rises and will remain standing until the Academic Procession has withdrawn. 

All participants and guests are asked to remain at their seats until the conclusion of the ceremony. 

Honorary Doctorate Biography - Jason “Kardinal Offishal” Harrow


Schulich School of Business

Academic Procession 

The Academic Procession will enter juniores priores. The audience will rise as the Procession enters and will remain standing until the Chancellor is seated. 

Land Acknowledgement and Opening Greeting 

Poonam Puri, Chair of the University Senate  

National Anthem 

Call to Order 

Poonam Puri, Chair of the University Senate  

Chancellor’s Remarks 

Chancellor Kathleen Taylor will address convocation. 

President’s Remarks 

Dr. Rhonda L. Lenton, President and Vice-Chancellor will address convocation. 

Conferring of the Degree Honoris Causa  

The Orator will present to the Chancellor the candidate for the degree of Doctor of Laws honoris causa:  


Convocation Address  

Mrs. Hansell will address convocation.  

Dean’s Remarks 

Detlev Zwick, Dean, Schulich School of Business will address convocation.   

Conferring of the Degrees in Course 

The Presentation of the Candidates 

Candidates will be presented to the Chancellor in the following order: 

  • Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours 
  • International Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours 
  • Master of Accounting 
  • Master of Business Administration 
  • International Master of Business Administration 
  • Master of Business Analytics 
  • Master of Finance 
  • Master of Management 
  • Master of Management in Artificial Intelligence 
  • Master of Marketing 
  • Master of Real Estate and Infrastructure 
  • Master of Supply Chain Management 
  • Post-MBA Diploma in Advanced Management 
  • Doctor of Philosophy 

The Chancellor will confer all degrees with the words 

Admitto vos ad gradum. 

Presentation of Candidates 

Alumni Greeter’s Remarks 

Pam Laycock, President of the Schulich Global Alumni Network will now address convocation 

Closing & Dismissal 

Poonam Puri, Chair of the University Senate  

Withdrawal of the Procession 

The Platform and Faculty Procession will withdraw seniores priores. The audience will rise when the Chancellor rises and will remain standing until the Academic Procession has withdrawn. 

All participants and guests are asked to remain at their seats until the conclusion of the ceremony. 

Honorary Doctorate Biography - Carol Hansell


Osgoode Hall Law School

Academic Procession 

The Academic Procession will enter juniores priores. The audience will rise as the Procession enters and will remain standing until the Chancellor is seated. 

Land Acknowledgement and Opening Greeting 

Poonam Puri, Chair of the University Senate  

National Anthem 

Call to Order 

Poonam Puri, Chair of the University Senate  

Chancellor’s Remarks 

Chancellor Kathleen Taylor will address convocation. 

President’s Remarks 

Dr. Rhonda L. Lenton, President and Vice-Chancellor will address convocation. 

Conferring of the Degree Honoris Causa  

The Orator will present to the Chancellor the candidate for the degree of Doctor of Laws honoris causa:  


Convocation Address  

Mr. Lastman will address convocation.  

Dean’s Remarks 

Trevor Farrow, Dean, Osgoode Hall Law School will address convocation.   

Conferring of the Degrees in Course 

The Presentation of the Candidates 

Candidates will be presented to the Chancellor in the following order: 

  • Juris Doctor 
  • Doctor/Doctorate of Philosophy 

The Chancellor will confer all degrees with the words 

Admitto vos ad gradum. 

Presentation of Candidates 

Alumni Greeter’s Remarks 

Justice Mavin Wong will now address convocation 

Closing & Dismissal 

Poonam Puri, Chair of the University Senate  

Withdrawal of the Procession 

The Platform and Faculty Procession will withdraw seniores priores. The audience will rise when the Chancellor rises and will remain standing until the Academic Procession has withdrawn. 

All participants and guests are asked to remain at their seats until the conclusion of the ceremony. 

Honorary Doctorate Biography - Dale Lastman